This study tested the effectiveness of old newspapers and mango tree bark as alternative mulches on the growth of eggplants compared to a commercial mulch and a no-mulch control. Seedlings were planted in plots with different mulch treatments and their height and leaf growth was measured over time. Results showed that after 5 weeks, the alternative mulch of newspapers and bark led to the tallest plants and most leaves, performing better than the commercial mulch or no mulch control. A second trial also found the alternative mulch promoted more growth than the other treatments after 2 weeks. Therefore, the alternative mulch of newspapers and bark was as effective as commercial mulch for aiding eggplant growth.
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The effectiveness of old newspapers and mango
1. The Effectiveness of Old Newspapers and Mango (Mangifera indica) Tree Barks as an Alternative
Mulch on the Growth of Eggplants
Source: Donna Anne I. Bagasin
Mulch is any material that is spread over the soil so that the air can get through and also help in
the conservation of water in the soil. Mulching has been a technique in improving the quality of
crops. Eggplant is a versatile dish that is available in the market throughout the year. This study
determines the effectiveness of old newspaper and mango tree barks as alternative mulch on the
growth of eggs.
Twenty-four seeds of eggplant were germinated in the tray. The planted seeds were observed
everyday and watered every 2 days. When 2 to 5 leaves sprouted, these were ready to be
transferred in the plot. Height of the plants and number of leaves were recorded for the initial
observation and after 4 weeks, the final height of the plants and number of leaves were
recorded. Set-up A utilized the gray commercial mulch, set-up B 4000 grams of old newspapers
and 4000 grams of mango tree barks-alternative mulch and set-up C which has no mulch-the
control set-up.
Data analysis revealed significant differences among set-ups. Results showed that set-up B
(alternative mulch) had the highest average number of leaves- 8 and set-up A (commercial
mulch)-8 while set-up C had the least average number of leaves-4. Set-up B had tallest plants
with an average height (cm)-25.5 cm. While Set-up C had the smallest plants with an average
height -14.75 cm. alternative mulch is effective mulch on eggplants in Trial 1 after 5 weeks.
Results showed that Set-up B (alternative mulch) had the highest average number of leaves- 8
while Set-up A (Commercial mulch) and the set-up C (no mulch) had the least average number
of leaves. Set-up C had the tallest plants with an average height (cm)-14.75 cm while Set-up A
(commercial mulch) had the smallest average height-14 cm in Trial 2 after 2 weeks.
Alternative mulch made of old newspapers and mango tree barks was effective mulch on the
growth of eggplants.