This document discusses the effects of hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions on animal and plant cells. In an isotonic solution, water diffuses into and out of the cell at equal rates, maintaining the cell's normal shape. In a hypotonic solution, water enters the cell by osmosis, causing it to swell and potentially burst. In a hypertonic solution, water leaves the cell by osmosis, causing it to shrink or become plasmolyzed. Food preservation uses hypertonic solutions of salt or vinegar to dehydrate tissues and prevent microbial growth.
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The effects of hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic
1. The effects of hypotonic,
hypertonic and isotonic
solution on animal and plant
2. • Hypertonic
- Concentration with higher solute concentration
and less water concentration
• Hypotonic
- lower solute concentration and more water
• Isotonic
- Solution in which water molecule and solute
molecule are equal in concentration.
3. Animal and plant cell In an
isotonic solution
• Isotonic solution is a solution in which the
concentration of solutes is equal, so:
- Water diffuses into and out of the cell at
equal rates.
- There’s no net movement of water across
the plasma membrane
- The cells retain their normal shape
5. Animal and plant cells in a
hypotonic solution
• Solution which contain higher concentration of
water and lower concentration of solutes is
called as hypotonic solution.
• Since the concentration of water is higher
outside the cell, there is a net movement of
water from outside into the cell.
• Cell gains water, swells and the internal
pressure increases. Eventually burst
8. The effects of hypertonic solution
in animal and plant cell
• Contain higher concentration of solutes and less
of water than a cell.
• Since the concentration of water is higher
within the cell, there is a net movement of water
from inside to outside of the cell. (water leaves
the cell by osmosis)
• Causes the cell to shrink as its internal pressure
11. Hypertonic solution on plant cell
• Water diffuses out of the large central vacuole
by osmosis. Water lose from both vacuole and
cytoplasm cause to shrink.
• Plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall.
• Become flaccid and less turgid.
• Cell wall doesn’t shrink because it is strong and
12. • If plasmolysis continues, death may result.
• If we placed the plasmolysed plant cell in a
hypotonic solution (pure water), water
moves into the cell by osmosis and
become turgid again. (deplasmolysis)
14. Food preservation
• The concept of osmosis and diffusion are applied
in the preservation of food, such as fruits, fish
and vegetables by using preservatives (salt,
sugar/ vinegar)
• Salt solution of hypertonic to tissue of fish. So
water leaves the fish tissue and enter the salt
solution by osmosis.
• Fish become dehydrated and cell crenate.
Therefore, bacteria can’t grow in fish tissue and
bacteria cell will crenate.
• Preserved fish don’t decay so soon and last
15. • Preservation with vinegar
• Mangoes are soaked in vinegar which has low
pH, vinegar diffuses into the tissues of the
mangoes and become acidic.
• Low pH prevents the growth of microorganism
in mangoes and preserved mangoes can last