This document presents data from a trial of an EFT diesel fuel conditioning product on two buses. For Bus 1, the treatment resulted in a 17.86% fuel savings and estimated annual savings of 234,459.90 PHP after treatment costs. For Bus 2, the treatment resulted in 26.15% fuel savings and estimated annual savings of 374,026.94 PHP after treatment costs. The EFT product claims to save up to 40% on fuel, significantly reduce emissions, increase engine power, and prolong engine life while protecting the environment.
Firepower is an Australian company that manufactures fuel and oil conditioners to enhance engine performance, reduce emissions, and lower maintenance costs. Their products are tested by independent institutes and major companies. Firepower aims to bridge the gap between complex engines and declining fuel quality with additives that improve combustion and clean fuel systems. Testing shows their conditioners increase fuel economy, reduce emissions and engine wear, and extend equipment life.
Firepower is a company established in 1990 that supplies fuel and oil conditioning technology. Their products are used to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, prevent engine wear, and increase engine life. Firepower leads in developing solid and liquid fuel conditioners that have achieved international credibility through superior performance and efficiency gains.
XSNANO is a fuel additive that claims to provide significant benefits such as reducing fuel costs by 10-20% and maintenance costs while lowering emissions. It works by improving combustion efficiency and cleaning engines to remove deposits. Customers could see increased profits from savings on fuel and engine repairs while gaining a marketing advantage by reducing their environmental impact. The document provides examples of potential savings and lists organizations currently using XSNANO.
Firepower is a company established in 1990 that supplies fuel and oil conditioning technology to industries worldwide. Their products are proven to increase performance and economy while reducing emissions. Firepower's FP4000 product emulsifies water in diesel fuel to prevent bacterial growth and deposits in the fuel system. Testing shows their products reduce emissions by 25-30% and increase combustion efficiency.
Implications Of ULSD Or Low Sulphur RegimeM Hussam Adeni
The document discusses the implications of removing sulphur from diesel and gasoline fuels under the Euro IV fuel regime. Sulphur is removed through hydro-treatment at refineries to reduce emissions, but this removal also eliminates natural lubricity compounds and conductivity properties. As a result, lubricity and static dissipater additives are now required to be dosed. The removal of sulphur also promotes microbial growth, requiring biocides to be added. After-treatment additives are now necessary to provide functions like cleaning, lubrication, and conductivity that were previously inherent in fuels.
IRJET- Production of Biodiesel using Mustard Oil and its Performance Evalu...IRJET Journal
The document discusses the production and performance evaluation of biodiesel made from mustard oil in a compression ignition (CI) engine. Specifically, it details the transesterification process used to produce biodiesel from mustard oil with methanol and sodium hydroxide catalyst. Various blends of mustard oil biodiesel and diesel (B10, B20, B30) were tested in a single cylinder CI engine. Key findings from the engine tests include brake thermal efficiency being highest for B30 compared to other blends and diesel, while brake specific fuel consumption was lowest for B30. Brake power also increased with load for all fuel samples.
The ultimate guide: car engine decarbonization processJohn Edwards
Carbon buildup occurs inside engines over time, reducing efficiency. There are two main methods to remove it: chemical decarbonization, which uses chemicals added to fuel to break up deposits, and physical decarbonization for severe cases, involving dismantling parts of the engine to manually clean them. Benefits of decarbonization include improved power, fuel efficiency, and emissions, as well as reduced noise and engine problems. It is generally recommended after 50,000 km to prevent excessive buildup.
Liquid Fuel Specification for Industrial Gas TurbineMd. Moynul Islam
Liquid Fuel Specification for Industrial Gas Turbine, a Special Article on Liquid Fuel Selection for Industrial Gas Turbine and the Role of Various Fuel Additives in Protecting Turbine Blades from High Temperature Corrosion
How carbon cleaning could increase your car engine healthJohn Edwards
If the engine of your automobile is contaminated and its performance is lacking, then you may need to consider carbon cleaning or decarbonization of your vehicles engine...
The document summarizes a training provided by the Iowa Motor Truck Association on biodiesel for diesel technicians. It covered basics on petrodiesel and biodiesel, ASTM standards for biodiesel quality, engine testing results showing biodiesel's performance and emissions benefits compared to petroleum diesel, and the importance of using biodiesel that meets ASTM specifications to avoid potential engine issues. Industry experts discussed technical details and answered questions from attendees.
Enhancement in viscosity of diesel by adding vegetable oilIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment. And many more.
Emission test mmda toyota van sed 942 updtd aug 2k10 aug.09 2010M Hussam Adeni
The document summarizes the results of an emission test on a Toyota Tamaraw van with plate number SED 942, before and after treatment with a Boron-based engine treatment.
Initially, the van failed its emission test with readings of 9.99k, the highest measurable level. It then received a 400ml dosage of Motor Silk Engine Treatment, containing Boron CLS Bond Technology. Immediately after treatment, emissions remained high at 9.99k.
Two months and an estimated 2,000km later, during which the Boron treatment triggered a scavenging effect, emissions were tested again and had dramatically dropped to an average of 0.74k, below the measurable limit. This
The document provides an acknowledgement expressing gratitude to various individuals who supported a project. It thanks the principal, project director, head of department, project instructor, HR manager, and other lecturers for their advice, support, feedback, and encouragement. It also thanks friends for their inspiration and cooperation and parents for their constant encouragement and support, which were important for the project's success.
W Fuel Saver Private Limited develops an electronic device called Panacea that increases fuel efficiency and mileage in vehicles. Test results showed mileage increases of 22-51% across different vehicle types and terrains. The device improves engine performance while reducing carbon emissions and pollution. It provides economic benefits through reduced fuel costs and environmental benefits by lowering pollution. The company aims to produce 30,000-40,000 units per month and offers the product to distributors at discounted prices starting from Rs. 540 for motorcycles up to Rs. 720 for larger engine vehicles.
Performance & Emissions Characteristics of a Four Stroke Diesel Engine Fuelle...IJERA Editor
Diesel engines are used for automotive application because they have lower specific fuel consumption and superior efficiency compared to S.I engines. However in spite of these advantages NOx and smoke emissions from the diesel engines cause serious environmental problems. In the present work, biodiesel was produced from Palmyra oil. In this present work, investigations were carried out to study the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of Palmyra oil. The results were compared with diesel fuel, and the selected Palmyra oil fuel blends. For this experiment a single cylinder, four stroke, water cooled diesel engine was used. Tests were carried out over entire range of engine operation at varying conditions of load. To increase the engine performance parameters and to decrease the exhaust gas emissions with increase biodiesel concentration. The experimental results provide that the use of biodiesel in compression ignition engine is a viable alternative to diesel. Additive to add the Ethanol. The blending percentage in the steps of 10%, 20% & 30%.
1. The document is a research report submitted to the EPA regarding registration of an additive called AFT for use in gasoline.
2. The report finds that AFT provides various benefits including increasing octane, preventing and stopping valve recession, reducing combustion chamber deposits, and improving emission performance.
3. These benefits are achieved using only 15 ppm of AFT in gasoline, which testing has shown does not significantly increase metal emissions from vehicles.
This document discusses brake fluid, its purpose in vehicle braking systems, and recommendations for brake fluid maintenance. It begins by explaining what brake fluid is and its function of applying hydraulic pressure and protecting against corrosion. It then discusses factors that affect brake fluid quality like moisture absorption and depletion of corrosion inhibitors over time. The document recommends testing brake fluid for contaminating copper levels using test strips as copper indicates depleted corrosion protection. It concludes that flushing the brake fluid can be recommended if it is contaminated or beyond the original equipment manufacturer's service interval to maintain brake system integrity and performance.
Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid used in vehicle braking systems to transfer force and amplify braking pressure. There are two main types: petroleum-based and non-petroleum. Glycol-based fluids like DOT 3, DOT 4, and DOT 5.1 are most common. DOT 3 has advantages like absorbing less moisture and maintaining a higher boiling point longer. Brake fluid must be changed every two years to prevent moisture absorption from decreasing its boiling point and compromising the braking system.
Diesel fuel is more efficient than gasoline, with 50% of its energy going to motion compared to only 25% for gasoline. Modern diesel engines use cleaner diesel fuel, advanced injection technologies like common rail injection, and effective emissions control systems including diesel particulate filters to reduce emissions by over 95%. Renewable diesel produced through hydrogenation is chemically similar to petroleum diesel and can be used in existing engines and infrastructure.
The document discusses lubrication systems in engines. It describes the purposes of lubrication including reducing friction, sealing, cooling, cleaning, absorbing shock, and absorbing contaminants. It discusses viscosity grades and properties of oil. The key components of a lubrication system are described such as oil pumps, pans, filters, galleries, and the positive crankcase ventilation valve. Finally, it covers gear oil ratings by the American Petroleum Institute.
The document provides an overview of biodiesel technical training on understanding diesel fuel presented by the National Biodiesel Board. It discusses the objectives to understand diesel and biodiesel fuel quality standards and their effects on engine performance and emissions. Key points covered include ASTM fuel specifications for diesel including cetane number, distillation temperatures, viscosity, carbon residue and sulfur content which impact engine operation. It also discusses emissions regulations that have made diesel fuel requirements more stringent over time.
This document discusses varnish formation in gas turbine systems and methods for measuring and removing varnish. Varnish is an insoluble deposit that forms from the breakdown of oil additives and contributes to increased operating temperatures, plugged filters, and valve issues. The rate of varnish precursor generation is higher under severe operating conditions and their removal is important to prevent downtime. Methods for measuring varnish potential include FTIR, particle counting, and color patch tests. Varnish can be removed through electrostatic filtration, chemical cleaning, or adsorption filtration which utilizes the affinity of filter media for varnish particles.
03 vice chairman of maspi, nugraha kartasasmitabocah666
Vice Chairman - Indonesian Lube Society discusses key drivers of lubricant quality including technology, environmental, and fuel economy demands. Future lubricants will need to support lower emissions and compatibility with renewable fuels like biodiesel. This will require lubricants with lower viscosity, higher oxidation stability, and compatibility with biofuels to avoid issues like injector fouling, increased wear, and oil degradation from fuel dilution and oxidation.
This document provides an overview of biodiesel, including:
1) Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats that can be used as a substitute for or blended with petroleum diesel.
2) Biodiesel offers benefits like reduced emissions, energy security, and support for domestic jobs and rural economies.
3) For best performance and engine compatibility, biodiesel should meet ASTM quality standards and be from BQ-9000 certified producers. Blends up to B20 are widely supported, with some vehicles approved for higher blends or pure biodiesel.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. The document then provides a legend about "El alma de Tacande", the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth in 1628 and was heard singing to her baby in an enchanted house until a priest spoke with her spirit.
Rangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Dokumen tersebut membahas cara-cara pembuangan sampah, (2) Ada tiga cara utama yaitu membakar, membuang begitu saja, dan menanam, (3) Menanam dianggap pilihan terbaik karena tidak mencemari udara atau menimbulkan bau busuk.
How carbon cleaning could increase your car engine healthJohn Edwards
If the engine of your automobile is contaminated and its performance is lacking, then you may need to consider carbon cleaning or decarbonization of your vehicles engine...
The document summarizes a training provided by the Iowa Motor Truck Association on biodiesel for diesel technicians. It covered basics on petrodiesel and biodiesel, ASTM standards for biodiesel quality, engine testing results showing biodiesel's performance and emissions benefits compared to petroleum diesel, and the importance of using biodiesel that meets ASTM specifications to avoid potential engine issues. Industry experts discussed technical details and answered questions from attendees.
Enhancement in viscosity of diesel by adding vegetable oilIJMER
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment. And many more.
Emission test mmda toyota van sed 942 updtd aug 2k10 aug.09 2010M Hussam Adeni
The document summarizes the results of an emission test on a Toyota Tamaraw van with plate number SED 942, before and after treatment with a Boron-based engine treatment.
Initially, the van failed its emission test with readings of 9.99k, the highest measurable level. It then received a 400ml dosage of Motor Silk Engine Treatment, containing Boron CLS Bond Technology. Immediately after treatment, emissions remained high at 9.99k.
Two months and an estimated 2,000km later, during which the Boron treatment triggered a scavenging effect, emissions were tested again and had dramatically dropped to an average of 0.74k, below the measurable limit. This
The document provides an acknowledgement expressing gratitude to various individuals who supported a project. It thanks the principal, project director, head of department, project instructor, HR manager, and other lecturers for their advice, support, feedback, and encouragement. It also thanks friends for their inspiration and cooperation and parents for their constant encouragement and support, which were important for the project's success.
W Fuel Saver Private Limited develops an electronic device called Panacea that increases fuel efficiency and mileage in vehicles. Test results showed mileage increases of 22-51% across different vehicle types and terrains. The device improves engine performance while reducing carbon emissions and pollution. It provides economic benefits through reduced fuel costs and environmental benefits by lowering pollution. The company aims to produce 30,000-40,000 units per month and offers the product to distributors at discounted prices starting from Rs. 540 for motorcycles up to Rs. 720 for larger engine vehicles.
Performance & Emissions Characteristics of a Four Stroke Diesel Engine Fuelle...IJERA Editor
Diesel engines are used for automotive application because they have lower specific fuel consumption and superior efficiency compared to S.I engines. However in spite of these advantages NOx and smoke emissions from the diesel engines cause serious environmental problems. In the present work, biodiesel was produced from Palmyra oil. In this present work, investigations were carried out to study the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of Palmyra oil. The results were compared with diesel fuel, and the selected Palmyra oil fuel blends. For this experiment a single cylinder, four stroke, water cooled diesel engine was used. Tests were carried out over entire range of engine operation at varying conditions of load. To increase the engine performance parameters and to decrease the exhaust gas emissions with increase biodiesel concentration. The experimental results provide that the use of biodiesel in compression ignition engine is a viable alternative to diesel. Additive to add the Ethanol. The blending percentage in the steps of 10%, 20% & 30%.
1. The document is a research report submitted to the EPA regarding registration of an additive called AFT for use in gasoline.
2. The report finds that AFT provides various benefits including increasing octane, preventing and stopping valve recession, reducing combustion chamber deposits, and improving emission performance.
3. These benefits are achieved using only 15 ppm of AFT in gasoline, which testing has shown does not significantly increase metal emissions from vehicles.
This document discusses brake fluid, its purpose in vehicle braking systems, and recommendations for brake fluid maintenance. It begins by explaining what brake fluid is and its function of applying hydraulic pressure and protecting against corrosion. It then discusses factors that affect brake fluid quality like moisture absorption and depletion of corrosion inhibitors over time. The document recommends testing brake fluid for contaminating copper levels using test strips as copper indicates depleted corrosion protection. It concludes that flushing the brake fluid can be recommended if it is contaminated or beyond the original equipment manufacturer's service interval to maintain brake system integrity and performance.
Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid used in vehicle braking systems to transfer force and amplify braking pressure. There are two main types: petroleum-based and non-petroleum. Glycol-based fluids like DOT 3, DOT 4, and DOT 5.1 are most common. DOT 3 has advantages like absorbing less moisture and maintaining a higher boiling point longer. Brake fluid must be changed every two years to prevent moisture absorption from decreasing its boiling point and compromising the braking system.
Diesel fuel is more efficient than gasoline, with 50% of its energy going to motion compared to only 25% for gasoline. Modern diesel engines use cleaner diesel fuel, advanced injection technologies like common rail injection, and effective emissions control systems including diesel particulate filters to reduce emissions by over 95%. Renewable diesel produced through hydrogenation is chemically similar to petroleum diesel and can be used in existing engines and infrastructure.
The document discusses lubrication systems in engines. It describes the purposes of lubrication including reducing friction, sealing, cooling, cleaning, absorbing shock, and absorbing contaminants. It discusses viscosity grades and properties of oil. The key components of a lubrication system are described such as oil pumps, pans, filters, galleries, and the positive crankcase ventilation valve. Finally, it covers gear oil ratings by the American Petroleum Institute.
The document provides an overview of biodiesel technical training on understanding diesel fuel presented by the National Biodiesel Board. It discusses the objectives to understand diesel and biodiesel fuel quality standards and their effects on engine performance and emissions. Key points covered include ASTM fuel specifications for diesel including cetane number, distillation temperatures, viscosity, carbon residue and sulfur content which impact engine operation. It also discusses emissions regulations that have made diesel fuel requirements more stringent over time.
This document discusses varnish formation in gas turbine systems and methods for measuring and removing varnish. Varnish is an insoluble deposit that forms from the breakdown of oil additives and contributes to increased operating temperatures, plugged filters, and valve issues. The rate of varnish precursor generation is higher under severe operating conditions and their removal is important to prevent downtime. Methods for measuring varnish potential include FTIR, particle counting, and color patch tests. Varnish can be removed through electrostatic filtration, chemical cleaning, or adsorption filtration which utilizes the affinity of filter media for varnish particles.
03 vice chairman of maspi, nugraha kartasasmitabocah666
Vice Chairman - Indonesian Lube Society discusses key drivers of lubricant quality including technology, environmental, and fuel economy demands. Future lubricants will need to support lower emissions and compatibility with renewable fuels like biodiesel. This will require lubricants with lower viscosity, higher oxidation stability, and compatibility with biofuels to avoid issues like injector fouling, increased wear, and oil degradation from fuel dilution and oxidation.
This document provides an overview of biodiesel, including:
1) Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats that can be used as a substitute for or blended with petroleum diesel.
2) Biodiesel offers benefits like reduced emissions, energy security, and support for domestic jobs and rural economies.
3) For best performance and engine compatibility, biodiesel should meet ASTM quality standards and be from BQ-9000 certified producers. Blends up to B20 are widely supported, with some vehicles approved for higher blends or pure biodiesel.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. The document then provides a legend about "El alma de Tacande", the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth in 1628 and was heard singing to her baby in an enchanted house until a priest spoke with her spirit.
Rangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Dokumen tersebut membahas cara-cara pembuangan sampah, (2) Ada tiga cara utama yaitu membakar, membuang begitu saja, dan menanam, (3) Menanam dianggap pilihan terbaik karena tidak mencemari udara atau menimbulkan bau busuk.
This document provides clues to match halves of words to form 15 meaningful words. It lists 15 word halves on the left side and 15 on the right side that can be combined to solve the word puzzle. The goal is to correctly pair the word halves using the clues provided.
Historie og-karakterutvikling-script formatteringOle Goethe
This document provides an overview of script formatting for interactive media, including guidelines for slug lines, character names, dialogue, and transitions. It explains that slug lines include location and time, character names always come before dialogue to indicate who is speaking, and dialogue can include descriptions of a character's actions or how they speak. The document also mentions extra characters that have limited dialogue.
Human Trafficking | Colin Farquhar (COP-Turks & Caicos) | Crime Stoppers Inte...Scott Mills
Human Trafficking Plenary | Colin Farquhar (COP-Turks & Caicos) | Crime Stoppers International 32nd Training Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica October 26, 2011
This graph shows data for 3 different series across 4 categories. Series 1 has the highest values for categories 1 and 3, while Series 2 is highest for category 2. Series 3 is the lowest data set across all categories.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house until a priest helped release her spirit.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its location within the Taburiente National Park. The island has many green spaces and mountains as well as beaches. The weather is always warm, attracting many tourists seeking relaxation. Visitors should bring summer clothes, sunscreen, and hiking boots if wanting to climb the mountains. A famous local legend is that of "El alma de Tacande", the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was said to sing to her baby in her haunted house.
Firepower is a company established in 1990 that supplies fuel and oil conditioning technology products. Their products are used across various industries worldwide to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, prevent engine wear, and increase engine life. Firepower guarantees their products will effectively condition fuels and oils to optimize engine performance.
- Fuel Energy is an all-in-one fuel additive that increases fuel efficiency, reduces emissions, and provides maximum engine protection. It contains components that serve as a fuel catalyst, stabilizer, demulsifier, polymerization retardant, lubricant, detergent, and corrosion inhibitor.
- It works by atomizing fuel particles for easier combustion, lowering combustion temperatures to allow for more complete fuel burning. This increases fuel efficiency while reducing harmful emissions.
- Testing shows it can increase fuel economy by 4.9%, lower emissions, and reduce maintenance costs by extending engine life and preventing sludge buildup in fuel systems.
- Fuel Energy is an all-in-one fuel additive that increases fuel efficiency, reduces emissions, and provides maximum engine protection. It works as a fuel catalyst, stabilizer, demulsifier, polymerization retardant, lubricant, detergent, and corrosion inhibitor.
- By breaking fuel into smaller particles and lowering combustion temperatures, it allows more complete fuel burning for improved performance and reduced emissions. It also extends the life of stored fuel, prevents sludge buildup, and keeps engines clean.
- Test results show reductions in fuel consumption, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbon emissions along with decreased engine deposits when using Fuel Energy.
Firepower manufactures fuel and oil conditioners that improve engine performance, reduce emissions, and lower maintenance costs. Their products are tested by independent institutes and major companies. Their mission is to save customers money while reducing emissions by providing technology that improves fuel efficiency. Common fuel problems like incomplete combustion and contamination are addressed by Firepower's individual and complementary solutions.
The TFS exhaust system is designed to improve engine performance and fuel efficiency while reducing emissions. It has been in development for over 3 years. It works by optimizing exhaust gas flow without any moving parts. Test results show increases in torque and horsepower of 20-30% and fuel savings of 15-25%. For large trucks and machines, the system can save over $50,000 per year in fuel costs.
Bosemulsifiedfuelsystempresentation (1)Wulff Entre
The reference installations include cruise ships, bulk carriers, container ships, tugboats, tankers, Ro-Ro ferries and car carriers. The results have been independently verified by classification societies and engine manufacturer. The system is capable of handling multi-fuels like HFO, IFO, MDO and MGO without use of chemical additives.
Bosemulsifiedfuelsystempresentation (1)Wulff Entre
The reference installations include cruise ships, bulk carriers, container ships, tugboats, tankers, Ro-Ro ferries and car carriers. The results have been independently verified by classification societies and engine manufacturer. The system is capable of handling multi-fuels like HFO, IFO, MDO and MGO without use of chemical additives.
EnviroTabs is a new fuel additive that cleans carbon deposits from combustion engines to reduce emissions, improve fuel efficiency and engine performance. As a catalyst, EnviroTabs allows carbon deposits to burn off at lower temperatures, preventing new deposits. By removing deposits, EnviroTabs eliminates up to 90% of smoke and 35-50% of sulfur oxides from vehicle exhaust. Field tests also found fuel cost savings of up to 20% with EnviroTabs' consistent use.
Carbon deposits cause and effect final edited %2Michael Colburn
Carbon/coking deposits in internal combustion engines have been a problem since their invention. These deposits reduce engine performance, fuel efficiency, and component life while increasing emissions. Modern emission control systems and technologies, along with higher volatility engine oils, contribute to more severe carbon buildup, creating challenges for manufacturers. The primary causes of carbon/coking deposits include emission controls, engine oil volatility, soot loading of oil, fluid aeration, insufficient maintenance, and operating parameters like idling. Proper maintenance and use of low volatility oils can mitigate these issues.
IRJET- Experimental Investigation of Engine Characteristics of Diesel Engine ...IRJET Journal
This document reports on an experimental investigation of engine characteristics when operating a diesel engine using blends of neem biodiesel and methanol at different injection pressures. A single cylinder diesel engine was tested using blends containing 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% neem biodiesel, along with blends containing 20% and 40% neem biodiesel with 5% and 10% methanol. The engine was operated at various loads at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and injection pressures of 180 bars and 200 bars. Test results showed that blends containing 40% neem biodiesel with 5% and 10% methanol (B40M5 and B40M10) had the best performance in terms of brake
ECO-Fuel Saver is a fuel additive that improves engine performance and efficiency in several ways: it reduces harmful emissions like NOx and hydrocarbons; makes lower octane fuels perform like premium fuels; decreases carbon buildup; keeps engines running smoother and cooler; and increases fuel efficiency, saving on maintenance costs over time. By allowing fuel to burn more completely with less residue, it reduces contaminants that cause parts like injectors, oil, and catalytic converters to wear out faster from heat and deposits.
Diesel emissions regulations have become much stricter over time, requiring advanced engine and aftertreatment technologies. Modern diesel engines use precise high-pressure fuel injection, exhaust gas recirculation, and particulate filters or catalysts to meet lower emission limits. Selective catalytic reduction using urea injection is also used to convert nitrogen oxides to harmless gases. Biodiesel can help meet emissions standards when used as intended but special considerations are needed to prevent fuel system and filter issues.
The document discusses diesel emissions regulations and exhaust after-treatment technologies for modern diesel engines. It covers:
1) Changes in US emissions standards over time that have driven new technologies.
2) Key technologies developed to reduce emissions include advanced fuel injection systems, alternative fuels like biodiesel, and exhaust after-treatment devices.
3) Common exhaust after-treatment methods mentioned are diesel particulate filters, NOx adsorber catalysts, selective catalytic reduction using urea injection, and catalyzed diesel particulate filters.
This document reviews blending of biofuels to address issues with rising fuel prices and emissions. Blending involves mixing two fuels to reduce harmful effects while improving efficiency. Specifically discussed are:
1) Blending heavy fuel oil with jatropha and adding water emulsification to reduce viscosity and emissions. Testing showed blending can increase fuel consumption but reduce emissions.
2) Emulsifying jatropha biodiesel and diesel, which improved fuel properties and reduced emissions over diesel alone.
3) Using nano-emulsions of water and diesel to reduce NOx and soot emissions. Testing of emulsified fuels found increased engine torque, power and efficiency.
In conclusion, blending fuels is promising for economic and environmental
Carbon Deposits Cause and effect Final-ColburnMichael Colburn
Carbon/coking deposits in internal combustion engines reduce performance and efficiency, damage parts, and increase emissions. Stricter emission regulations have exacerbated the problem by requiring more from engines. The primary causes of deposits are emission control systems, high volatility oils, soot loading, aeration of fluids, improper maintenance schedules, and operating parameters like idling and hard acceleration. Addressing these issues through quality oils, regular maintenance, and avoiding excessive idling can help minimize deposit formation.
Diesel exhaust is a major source of particulate air pollution that poses health risks. It consists mostly of soot, heavy hydrocarbons, and sulfates. While engine modifications have reduced emissions, additional control technologies are needed. Diesel particulate filters can trap over 90% of particles but require regeneration. Regeneration can be passive using catalyst coatings to lower the ignition temperature, or active through external heating. Catalytic fuel additives also help control particulate by promoting soot oxidation.
Diesel exhaust particulate matter is a major health and environmental concern. It consists mostly of soot, heavy hydrocarbons, and inorganic compounds. Diesel particulate filters can effectively trap particulate matter, but require regeneration to remove trapped soot. Catalytic coatings and fuel additives can lower regeneration temperatures. Oxidation catalytic converters also reduce particulate matter by oxidizing hydrocarbons. Controlling diesel particulate emissions requires improved engine and exhaust treatment technologies along with cleaner fuels and maintenance practices.
We have the worldwide rights to sell a patented exhaust system. In a nutshell here is what it does:
* Creates a fuel savings of 15-25%
* Reduces emissions by up to 35%
* Increases engine torque by 20-30%
* Increases horsepower by 20%
BUS No: 35
Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel 2.8 km./L
Diesel Fuel
5 Tablets
(1 tablet / 70 L)
300 990 km. 3.3 17.86%
Without EFT With EFT Treatment
Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year
Average fuel consumption 353.57 L/trip 300.0 L/trip
Annual fuel consumption 64,349.74 L/year 54,600.0 L/year
Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L
Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 1,882,229.90 PhP 1,597,050.00
Annual savings on diesel PhP 285,179.90
1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00
2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 780 pills FP4000
3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,220.00
(Wholesale price 30% less SRP)
4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 50,720.00
NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 234,459.90 per year
(Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
FLEET No: 8788
Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel
Consumption (2-month period)
2.18 km./L
No: 2
No: 3
No: 4
50L. 102L. 60L. 93L.
305 833.2 2.73
50ml 102ml 60ml 93ml
40L. 116L. 60L. 89L.
305 838.1 2.74
20ml 58ml 30ml 45ml
40L. 123L. 47L. 89.6L.
299.6 834 2.78
10ml 30ml 12ml 23ml
TOTAL 909.6 2,505.3 2.75 26.15%
Without EFT With EFT Treatment
Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year
Average fuel consumption 383.07 L/trip 303.2 L/trip
Annual fuel consumption 69,718.74 L/year 55,182.4 L/year
Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L
Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 2,039,273.14 PhP 1,614,085.20
Annual savings on diesel PhP 425,187.94
1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00
2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 789 pills FP4000
3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,661.00
(Wholesale price 30% less SRP)
4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 51,161.00
NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 374,026.94 per year
5. (Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
4. The EFTGlobal Corporation in the Philippines is the partnersubsidiary
of EFT Global Pty. Ltd. that owns the intellectual property to and
manufactures a range of HYDROCARBONBASED fuel
conditioners and equipment.
The EFT is a Global company committed to
supplying the latest proven concepts in fuel and oil
conditioning technology. From its inception in 1991,
the EFT Group manufactured all its products under
ISO9001 Quality Management standards in various strategic locations in
Germany, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Romania.
Our products have been comprehensively tested and certified by
leading internationally recognized independent laboratories and test
facilities worldwide, such as TV Th端ringen, DEKRA, SGS, Intertek Caleb
Brett, BP New Zealand etc.. It has been used in such applications as
commercial freight vehicles, railways, power stations, industrial machinery,
shipping vessels and public transport in 53 countries. All our products are
proven and certified effective in the harshest operating conditions, thus
enabling our customers to maximize their FUELPOWER benefits, to wit:
1) Saves Fuel Up To 40%
2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90%
3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20%
4) Prolongs Engine Life
5) Reduce Maintenance Costs
6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health
Blk 4 Lot 35 Batino St., Meadow Wood Executive Suites
Bacoor, Cavite. TEL NO. 0917-904-9340
The transport sector is responsible for 80%,
according to DENR-EMB, of the air pollution we
breathe, not to mention its contribution to global
climate change.
Incomplete combustion occurs when the fuel is
not sufficiently atomized prior to ignition and a portion
goes out as poisonous emission that are harmful to
human health and the environment.
This is fuel that you have PAID FOR and NOT USED
Emissions from mobile sources contribute
significantly to total emissions of particulate matter
(PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon
monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Motor
vehicles are the dominant source of air pollutants in
urban areas. According to the DENR-EMB, the share
of mobile sources to the total amount of VOC, CO,
NOx, and PM10 in Metro Manila are 95.6%, 99.4%,
89% and 17% respectively. The table below shows
that UVs such as jeepneys, most of which are old
diesel vehicles, and motorcycles are the major
sources of PM. Jeepneys commonly used second-
hand Japanese diesel engines are responsible for
the growing problem of BLACK CARBON emissions
in the nation. The greater the inefficiency in the
combustion to power the vehicle and in the
exhaust system, the greater the amount of black carbon emitted.
Modern engines are less tolerant
and more susceptible to carbon
buildup, which starts as early as
20,000km from the showroom. Over
time carbon deposits, sludge, gummy
residue or varnish, and gunk are all
produced, as determined by the quality
of fuel along with the combustion
process of an engine. Layer by layer
these deposits build up, and is particularly
severe in the fuel injectors and inlet valves,
disturbing the spray pattern of the injectors
and causing problems with starting and
Excessive idling by diesel engines is
also a main cause of carbon buildup on
pistons, ring, injector and valves. These
carbon deposits, when left to stay in the
engine for a long-time, can cause problems
like lower compression ratios which can
lead to a drop in power. Engine wear and
tear is also highly possible because of
engine parts becoming unbalanced due to
blockage by the deposits. Cold-end
erosion and uneven fuel burning can
also develop as well.
Apart from your driving behaviors,
keeping the engine clean is the single
best thing you can do to preserve the
optimal functioning of your engine. They
are not apparent from the outside,
however, can drastically reduce the
efficiency of the engine system.
Contaminations occur for
various reasons and contaminates
include water, bacteria and
sludge. WATER, while a
contamination itself, is the main
cause of formation of all other forms
of contaminations. The process of diesel fuel
absorbing water is almost inevitable, because
of the fuel's hygroscopic properties, meaning
the ability to absorb water molecules around it.
Water gets into diesel fuel storage and
vehicle tanks in several ways including
condensation during transportation, by
leakage through faulty pipes or vents and by
careless handling.
Fuel tanks partially filled with fuel and subjected to extreme
temperature swings over long time periods may experience significant
contamination from condensation, as water vapor inside the tanks
condenses and trickles down the sides of the tank to mix with the fuel.
Another way water can get into your fuel is when the fuel is pumped
through the diesel engine from the tank to the pump and injection system
where it is heated to about 100属 Celsius then returned to the fuel tank. This
recirculation process brings the hot diesel into the cool tank, causing
condensation. Water can cause injector nozzle and pump corrosion,
bacteria and fungi growth, and fuel filter plugging with materials resulting
from corrosion or microbial growth.
Dirt is another common contaminant of fuel and may cause poor
performance and extreme wear in fuel pumps. Fuel tank caps, dispensing
nozzles and hoses should be kept clean to eliminate potential sources of
Any contamination in fuel leads to damaged injectors and other
precision components, in addition to reduced engine efficiency. A
leading engine manufacturer, CATERPILLAR said that 90% of engine wear is
caused by acid action, not friction, meaning most diesel engine failures
originate from the fuel tank. For every 10,000 miles of usage, engine
performance is reduced by 1%, thus for BEST RESULTS YOU NEED TO TREAT
8. The EFT SOLUTIONS FOR CLEAN AIR are comprehensively tested, certified
effective, and provide guaranteed maximum FUELPOWER benefits, to wit:
1) Saves Fuel Up To 40%
2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90%
3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20%
4) Prolongs Engine Life
5) Reduce Maintenance Costs
6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health
Being of hydrocarbon
composition, EFT PRODUCTS ARE
These are highly-refined pure
petroleum product of
exceptional quality, with an
atomic structure composed of
long hydrocarbon chains
(H60+C30+). The formulation is
made up only of organic
compounds manufactured
under ISO9001 Quality Management standards from high-vacuum, high-
temperature distillation process, and way beyond the usual refining
Our products have been safely used for more than 20 years in
commercial freight vehicles, railways, power
stations, industrial machinery, shipping vessels and
public transport in 53 countries. The products and
services are complementary, and formulated to
achieve maximum FUELPOWER benefits:
The EFT Purge process is
designed to speed up the clean-up
phase of FP4000 fuel conditioners,
and save on fuel immediately. It
should be noted that over time,
continuous application of FP4000 fuel conditioners will achieve the same
overall result as the EFT Purge process.
9. With our EFT Purge Machine and
special cleaning FP PURGE, we are in a
position to release the fuel system from
contaminations and to bring it back to
nearly its original state. The EFT Purge
Machine bypasses the tank while the
engine is running, and a diesel FP PURGE
mixture circulates about 45 minutes
through the fuel system. This process
allows to presoak, soften and dissolve
any baked-on carbon deposits, gums,
lacquers, and varnishes which have been
deposited on piston crowns and rings,
fuel injectors, fuel rail, fuel pump, cylinder
walls, combustion chambers, and valves.
It then cleans and lubricates fuel
injectors, restoring proper spray pattern and atomization of fuel while the
EFT Purge Machine continuously filters out the dissolved contaminants.
The FP PURGE procedure is certified and
approved safe by TV Th端ringen regarding its
fuel gasket compatibility. The procedure
preferably will be executed by our skilled
technicians directly at the customer site.
The specially formulated FP PURGE is the
critical element in the EFT Purge process.
FP PURGE is introduced into the fuel
system of an engine whilst it is running by the
EFT Purge Machine. It removes all traces of
gums lacquers and varnishes that build up over
time. It also removes carbon deposits and frees up moving parts. The
application of the purge fluid in conjunction with the fuel conditioners
provides a quick result for the end user, reducing both fuel consumption
and emissions. Cleaning and removing fuel deposits allows the engines
sophisticated computer and complex set of sensors to respond properly.
The FP PURGE is a safe, and easy to use liquid that clear the engine
of contamination and clean up critical components without the need for
expensive and time consuming engine dismantling.
Better Performance
Faster and Smoother Acceleration
Improved Fuel Economy
Smoother Idling
Prolonged Engine Life
Significantly Reduce Emissions
Easier Starting
Increased Power
The EFT Fuel Conditioner, FP4000 is
available both in tablet/pill and liquid
concentrate. It is a revolutionary fuel
conditioner, and hydrocarbon compatible with multiple benefits for all
types of vehicles, petrol and diesel. Burns completely - no residue is left. It
removes carbon sediments in natural way without risk of blocking the fuel
system. It dissolves quickly or completely mixed in petrol, diesel and
ethanol fuels, and improving
the whole combustion
process. Improved combustion
creates a cleaner burn in the
engine and reduces emission,
increase performance, drive
ability and fuel economy while
preventing engine knock,
pinging and valve recession.
Increase fuel economy
Clean and maintain the fuel system
Control corrosion and deposits
Provide lubrication for the moving parts in the fuel system
Reduce maintenance costs by up to 50%
Reduce harmful emissions
Improve torque & horsepower
Accelerates fuel burn by up to 25-30%