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The EFT Solutions for Clean Air
BUS No: 35
Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel 2.8 km./L
Diesel Fuel
5 Tablets
(1 tablet / 70 L)
300 990 km. 3.3 17.86%
Without EFT With EFT Treatment
Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year
Average fuel consumption 353.57 L/trip 300.0 L/trip
Annual fuel consumption 64,349.74 L/year 54,600.0 L/year
Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L
Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 1,882,229.90 PhP 1,597,050.00
Annual savings on diesel PhP 285,179.90
1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00
2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 780 pills FP4000
3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,220.00
(Wholesale price 30% less SRP)
4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 50,720.00
NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 234,459.90 per year
(Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
FLEET No: 8788
Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel
Consumption (2-month period)
2.18 km./L
No: 2
No: 3
No: 4
50L. 102L. 60L. 93L.
305 833.2 2.73
50ml 102ml 60ml 93ml
40L. 116L. 60L. 89L.
305 838.1 2.74
20ml 58ml 30ml 45ml
40L. 123L. 47L. 89.6L.
299.6 834 2.78
10ml 30ml 12ml 23ml
TOTAL 909.6 2,505.3 2.75 26.15%
Without EFT With EFT Treatment
Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year
Average fuel consumption 383.07 L/trip 303.2 L/trip
Annual fuel consumption 69,718.74 L/year 55,182.4 L/year
Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L
Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 2,039,273.14 PhP 1,614,085.20
Annual savings on diesel PhP 425,187.94
1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00
2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 789 pills FP4000
3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,661.00
(Wholesale price 30% less SRP)
4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 51,161.00
NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 374,026.94 per year
5. (Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
The EFTGlobal Corporation in the Philippines is the partnersubsidiary
of EFT Global Pty. Ltd.  that owns the intellectual property to and
manufactures a range of HYDROCARBONBASED fuel
conditioners and equipment.
The EFT is a Global company committed to
supplying the latest proven concepts in fuel and oil
conditioning technology. From its inception in 1991,
the EFT Group manufactured all its products under
ISO9001 Quality Management standards in various strategic locations in
Germany, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Romania.
Our products have been comprehensively tested and certified by
leading internationally recognized independent laboratories and test
facilities worldwide, such as TV Th端ringen, DEKRA, SGS, Intertek Caleb
Brett, BP New Zealand etc.. It has been used in such applications as
commercial freight vehicles, railways, power stations, industrial machinery,
shipping vessels and public transport in 53 countries. All our products are
proven and certified effective in the harshest operating conditions, thus
enabling our customers to maximize their FUELPOWER benefits, to wit:
1) Saves Fuel Up To 40%
2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90%
3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20%
4) Prolongs Engine Life
5) Reduce Maintenance Costs
6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health
Blk 4 Lot 35 Batino St., Meadow Wood Executive Suites
Bacoor, Cavite. TEL NO. 0917-904-9340 eftglobalcorp@gmail.com
The transport sector is responsible for 80%,
according to DENR-EMB, of the air pollution we
breathe, not to mention its contribution to global
climate change.
Incomplete combustion occurs when the fuel is
not sufficiently atomized prior to ignition and a portion
goes out as poisonous emission that are harmful to
human health and the environment.
This is fuel that you have PAID FOR and NOT USED
Emissions from mobile sources contribute
significantly to total emissions of particulate matter
(PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon
monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Motor
vehicles are the dominant source of air pollutants in
urban areas. According to the DENR-EMB, the share
of mobile sources to the total amount of VOC, CO,
NOx, and PM10 in Metro Manila are 95.6%, 99.4%,
89% and 17% respectively. The table below shows
that UVs such as jeepneys, most of which are old
diesel vehicles, and motorcycles are the major
sources of PM. Jeepneys commonly used second-
hand Japanese diesel engines are responsible for
the growing problem of BLACK CARBON emissions
in the nation. The greater the inefficiency in the
combustion to power the vehicle and in the
exhaust system, the greater the amount of black carbon emitted.
Modern engines are less tolerant
and more susceptible to carbon
buildup, which starts as early as
20,000km from the showroom. Over
time carbon deposits, sludge, gummy
residue or varnish, and gunk are all
produced, as determined by the quality
of fuel along with the combustion
process of an engine. Layer by layer
these deposits build up, and is particularly
severe in the fuel injectors and inlet valves,
disturbing the spray pattern of the injectors
and causing problems with starting and
Excessive idling by diesel engines is
also a main cause of carbon buildup on
pistons, ring, injector and valves. These
carbon deposits, when left to stay in the
engine for a long-time, can cause problems
like lower compression ratios which can
lead to a drop in power. Engine wear and
tear is also highly possible because of
engine parts becoming unbalanced due to
blockage by the deposits. Cold-end
erosion and uneven fuel burning can
also develop as well.
Apart from your driving behaviors,
keeping the engine clean is the single
best thing you can do to preserve the
optimal functioning of your engine. They
are not apparent from the outside,
however, can drastically reduce the
efficiency of the engine system.
Contaminations occur for
various reasons and contaminates
include water, bacteria and
sludge. WATER, while a
contamination itself, is the main
cause of formation of all other forms
of contaminations. The process of diesel fuel
absorbing water is almost inevitable, because
of the fuel's hygroscopic properties, meaning
the ability to absorb water molecules around it.
Water gets into diesel fuel storage and
vehicle tanks in several ways including
condensation during transportation, by
leakage through faulty pipes or vents and by
careless handling.
Fuel tanks partially filled with fuel and subjected to extreme
temperature swings over long time periods may experience significant
contamination from condensation, as water vapor inside the tanks
condenses and trickles down the sides of the tank to mix with the fuel.
Another way water can get into your fuel is when the fuel is pumped
through the diesel engine from the tank to the pump and injection system
where it is heated to about 100属 Celsius then returned to the fuel tank. This
recirculation process brings the hot diesel into the cool tank, causing
condensation. Water can cause injector nozzle and pump corrosion,
bacteria and fungi growth, and fuel filter plugging with materials resulting
from corrosion or microbial growth.
Dirt is another common contaminant of fuel and may cause poor
performance and extreme wear in fuel pumps. Fuel tank caps, dispensing
nozzles and hoses should be kept clean to eliminate potential sources of
Any contamination in fuel leads to damaged injectors and other
precision components, in addition to reduced engine efficiency. A
leading engine manufacturer, CATERPILLAR said that 90% of engine wear is
caused by acid action, not friction, meaning most diesel engine failures
originate from the fuel tank. For every 10,000 miles of usage, engine
performance is reduced by 1%, thus for BEST RESULTS YOU NEED TO TREAT
The EFT SOLUTIONS FOR CLEAN AIR are comprehensively tested, certified
effective, and provide guaranteed maximum FUELPOWER benefits, to wit:
1) Saves Fuel Up To 40%
2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90%
3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20%
4) Prolongs Engine Life
5) Reduce Maintenance Costs
6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health
Being of hydrocarbon
composition, EFT PRODUCTS ARE
These are highly-refined pure
petroleum product of
exceptional quality, with an
atomic structure composed of
long hydrocarbon chains
(H60+C30+). The formulation is
made up only of organic
compounds manufactured
under ISO9001 Quality Management standards from high-vacuum, high-
temperature distillation process, and way beyond the usual refining
Our products have been safely used for more than 20 years in
commercial freight vehicles, railways, power
stations, industrial machinery, shipping vessels and
public transport in 53 countries. The products and
services are complementary, and formulated to
achieve maximum FUELPOWER benefits:
The EFT Purge process is
designed to speed up the clean-up
phase of FP4000 fuel conditioners,
and save on fuel immediately. It
should be noted that over time,
continuous application of FP4000 fuel conditioners will achieve the same
overall result as the EFT Purge process.
With our EFT Purge Machine and
special cleaning FP PURGE, we are in a
position to release the fuel system from
contaminations and to bring it back to
nearly its original state. The EFT Purge
Machine bypasses the tank while the
engine is running, and a diesel  FP PURGE
mixture circulates about 45 minutes
through the fuel system. This process
allows to presoak, soften and dissolve
any baked-on carbon deposits, gums,
lacquers, and varnishes which have been
deposited on piston crowns and rings,
fuel injectors, fuel rail, fuel pump, cylinder
walls, combustion chambers, and valves.
It then cleans and lubricates fuel
injectors, restoring proper spray pattern and atomization of fuel while the
EFT Purge Machine continuously filters out the dissolved contaminants.
The FP PURGE procedure is certified and
approved safe by TV Th端ringen regarding its
fuel gasket compatibility. The procedure
preferably will be executed by our skilled
technicians directly at the customer site.
The specially formulated FP PURGE is the
critical element in the EFT Purge process.
FP PURGE is introduced into the fuel
system of an engine whilst it is running by the
EFT Purge Machine. It removes all traces of
gums lacquers and varnishes that build up over
time. It also removes carbon deposits and frees up moving parts. The
application of the purge fluid in conjunction with the fuel conditioners
provides a quick result for the end user, reducing both fuel consumption
and emissions. Cleaning and removing fuel deposits allows the engines
sophisticated computer and complex set of sensors to respond properly.
The FP PURGE is a safe, and easy to use liquid that clear the engine
of contamination and clean up critical components without the need for
expensive and time consuming engine dismantling.
 Better Performance
 Faster and Smoother Acceleration
 Improved Fuel Economy
 Smoother Idling
 Prolonged Engine Life
 Significantly Reduce Emissions
 Easier Starting
 Increased Power
The EFT Fuel Conditioner, FP4000 is
available both in tablet/pill and liquid
concentrate. It is a revolutionary fuel
conditioner, and hydrocarbon compatible with multiple benefits for all
types of vehicles, petrol and diesel. Burns completely - no residue is left. It
removes carbon sediments in natural way without risk of blocking the fuel
system. It dissolves quickly or completely mixed in petrol, diesel and
ethanol fuels, and improving
the whole combustion
process. Improved combustion
creates a cleaner burn in the
engine and reduces emission,
increase performance, drive
ability and fuel economy while
preventing engine knock,
pinging and valve recession.
 Increase fuel economy
 Clean and maintain the fuel system
 Control corrosion and deposits
 Provide lubrication for the moving parts in the fuel system
 Reduce maintenance costs by up to 50%
 Reduce harmful emissions
 Improve torque & horsepower
 Accelerates fuel burn by up to 25-30%
The EFT Solutions for Clean Air
The EFT Solutions for Clean Air
The EFT Solutions for Clean Air
The EFT Solutions for Clean Air
The EFT Solutions for Clean Air

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Trucking: 15 to 25 Percent in Fuel Savings

The EFT Solutions for Clean Air

  • 2. DIESEL FUEL SAVINGS MODEL FP4000 DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONING TRIAL for RCJ BUS LINE COMPANY BUS MODEL: MAN DIESEL ENGINE BRAND: MAN REGISTRATION No: NYG 353 BUS No: 35 Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel 2.8 km./L DATA ON ACTUAL PERFORMANCE UPON TREATMENT DATE OF TRIP EFT TREATMENT EFT FUEL ENHANCER RATIO TOTAL FUEL (Liters) TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELLED (km.) KM/ LITER (km./L) % FUEL SAVINGS 11/10/2016 PURGED Diesel Fuel System 5 Tablets (1 tablet / 70 L) 300 990 km. 3.3 17.86% COMPUTATIONS: Without EFT With EFT Treatment Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year Average fuel consumption 353.57 L/trip 300.0 L/trip Annual fuel consumption 64,349.74 L/year 54,600.0 L/year Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 1,882,229.90 PhP 1,597,050.00 Annual savings on diesel PhP 285,179.90 COSTS OF EFT SOLUTIONS TREATMENT 1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00 2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 780 pills FP4000 3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,220.00 (Wholesale price 30% less SRP) 4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 50,720.00 NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 234,459.90 per year (Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
  • 3. DIESEL FUEL SAVINGS MODEL FP4000 DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONING TRIAL for PARTAS BUS COMPANY BUS MODEL: UD NISSAN DIESEL ENGINE BRAND: NISSAN REGISTRATION No: PWN 774 FLEET No: 8788 AIRCONDITIONING ENGINE: SIBAHURU (KOREA) Average BASELINE Diesel Fuel Consumption (2-month period) 2.18 km./L DATA ON ACTUAL PERFORMANCE UPON TREATMENT DATE OF TRIP RATIO FILL No:1 FILL No: 2 FILL No: 3 FILL No: 4 TOTAL FUEL (Liters) TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELL ED (km.) KM/ LITER (km./L) % FUEL SAVINGS 10/17/2006 1:1000 FP4000 50L. 102L. 60L. 93L. 305 833.2 2.73 50ml 102ml 60ml 93ml 10/19/2006 1:2000 FP4000 40L. 116L. 60L. 89L. 305 838.1 2.74 20ml 58ml 30ml 45ml 10/21/2006 1:4000 FP4000 40L. 123L. 47L. 89.6L. 299.6 834 2.78 10ml 30ml 12ml 23ml TOTAL 909.6 2,505.3 2.75 26.15% COMPUTATIONS: Without EFT With EFT Treatment Bus round trip per year 182 trips/year Average fuel consumption 383.07 L/trip 303.2 L/trip Annual fuel consumption 69,718.74 L/year 55,182.4 L/year Cost of Diesel at the pump PhP 29.25 per L Annual Diesel Fuel cost PhP 2,039,273.14 PhP 1,614,085.20 Annual savings on diesel PhP 425,187.94 COSTS OF EFT SOLUTIONS TREATMENT 1. EFT Purging of bus fuel system PhP 12,500.00 2. EFT FP4000 fuel enhancer 789 pills FP4000 3. Cost of FP4000 fuel enhancer PhP 38,661.00 (Wholesale price 30% less SRP) 4. EFT Solutions treatment costs PhP 51,161.00 NET SAVINGS ON BUS PWN774 PhP 374,026.94 per year 5. (Annual diesel fuel costs less EFT Solutions treatment costs)
  • 4. The EFTGlobal Corporation in the Philippines is the partnersubsidiary of EFT Global Pty. Ltd. that owns the intellectual property to and manufactures a range of HYDROCARBONBASED fuel conditioners and equipment. The EFT is a Global company committed to supplying the latest proven concepts in fuel and oil conditioning technology. From its inception in 1991, the EFT Group manufactured all its products under ISO9001 Quality Management standards in various strategic locations in Germany, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Romania. Our products have been comprehensively tested and certified by leading internationally recognized independent laboratories and test facilities worldwide, such as TV Th端ringen, DEKRA, SGS, Intertek Caleb Brett, BP New Zealand etc.. It has been used in such applications as commercial freight vehicles, railways, power stations, industrial machinery, shipping vessels and public transport in 53 countries. All our products are proven and certified effective in the harshest operating conditions, thus enabling our customers to maximize their FUELPOWER benefits, to wit: 1) Saves Fuel Up To 40% 2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90% 3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20% 4) Prolongs Engine Life 5) Reduce Maintenance Costs 6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health Blk 4 Lot 35 Batino St., Meadow Wood Executive Suites Bacoor, Cavite. TEL NO. 0917-904-9340 eftglobalcorp@gmail.com
  • 5. AIR POLLUTION AND ENGINE PERFORMANCE The transport sector is responsible for 80%, according to DENR-EMB, of the air pollution we breathe, not to mention its contribution to global climate change. Incomplete combustion occurs when the fuel is not sufficiently atomized prior to ignition and a portion goes out as poisonous emission that are harmful to human health and the environment. This is fuel that you have PAID FOR and NOT USED or WASTED. Emissions from mobile sources contribute significantly to total emissions of particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Motor vehicles are the dominant source of air pollutants in urban areas. According to the DENR-EMB, the share of mobile sources to the total amount of VOC, CO, NOx, and PM10 in Metro Manila are 95.6%, 99.4%, 89% and 17% respectively. The table below shows that UVs such as jeepneys, most of which are old diesel vehicles, and motorcycles are the major sources of PM. Jeepneys commonly used second- hand Japanese diesel engines are responsible for the growing problem of BLACK CARBON emissions in the nation. The greater the inefficiency in the combustion to power the vehicle and in the exhaust system, the greater the amount of black carbon emitted.
  • 6. 1. CARBON BUILD-UP IN ENGINES Modern engines are less tolerant and more susceptible to carbon buildup, which starts as early as 20,000km from the showroom. Over time carbon deposits, sludge, gummy residue or varnish, and gunk are all produced, as determined by the quality of fuel along with the combustion process of an engine. Layer by layer these deposits build up, and is particularly severe in the fuel injectors and inlet valves, disturbing the spray pattern of the injectors and causing problems with starting and running. Excessive idling by diesel engines is also a main cause of carbon buildup on pistons, ring, injector and valves. These carbon deposits, when left to stay in the engine for a long-time, can cause problems like lower compression ratios which can lead to a drop in power. Engine wear and tear is also highly possible because of engine parts becoming unbalanced due to blockage by the deposits. Cold-end erosion and uneven fuel burning can also develop as well. Apart from your driving behaviors, keeping the engine clean is the single best thing you can do to preserve the optimal functioning of your engine. They are not apparent from the outside, however, can drastically reduce the efficiency of the engine system. TRADITIONAL TUNE-UPS AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE CANNOT FIX THESE PROBLEMS.
  • 7. 2. DIESEL FUEL CONTAMINATION Contaminations occur for various reasons and contaminates include water, bacteria and sludge. WATER, while a contamination itself, is the main cause of formation of all other forms of contaminations. The process of diesel fuel absorbing water is almost inevitable, because of the fuel's hygroscopic properties, meaning the ability to absorb water molecules around it. Water gets into diesel fuel storage and vehicle tanks in several ways including condensation during transportation, by leakage through faulty pipes or vents and by careless handling. Fuel tanks partially filled with fuel and subjected to extreme temperature swings over long time periods may experience significant contamination from condensation, as water vapor inside the tanks condenses and trickles down the sides of the tank to mix with the fuel. Another way water can get into your fuel is when the fuel is pumped through the diesel engine from the tank to the pump and injection system where it is heated to about 100属 Celsius then returned to the fuel tank. This recirculation process brings the hot diesel into the cool tank, causing condensation. Water can cause injector nozzle and pump corrosion, bacteria and fungi growth, and fuel filter plugging with materials resulting from corrosion or microbial growth. Dirt is another common contaminant of fuel and may cause poor performance and extreme wear in fuel pumps. Fuel tank caps, dispensing nozzles and hoses should be kept clean to eliminate potential sources of contamination. Any contamination in fuel leads to damaged injectors and other precision components, in addition to reduced engine efficiency. A leading engine manufacturer, CATERPILLAR said that 90% of engine wear is caused by acid action, not friction, meaning most diesel engine failures originate from the fuel tank. For every 10,000 miles of usage, engine performance is reduced by 1%, thus for BEST RESULTS YOU NEED TO TREAT THE FUEL AND OIL SYSTEM IN AN ENGINE.
  • 8. The EFT SOLUTIONS FOR CLEAN AIR are comprehensively tested, certified effective, and provide guaranteed maximum FUELPOWER benefits, to wit: 1) Saves Fuel Up To 40% 2) Significantly Reduce Harmful Emissions By Up To 90% 3) Increases Engine Power Up To 20% 4) Prolongs Engine Life 5) Reduce Maintenance Costs 6) Protects The ENVIRONMENT And Public Health Being of hydrocarbon composition, EFT PRODUCTS ARE FUEL CONDITIONERS NOT ADDITIVES. These are highly-refined pure petroleum product of exceptional quality, with an atomic structure composed of long hydrocarbon chains (H60+C30+). The formulation is made up only of organic compounds manufactured under ISO9001 Quality Management standards from high-vacuum, high- temperature distillation process, and way beyond the usual refining practices. Our products have been safely used for more than 20 years in commercial freight vehicles, railways, power stations, industrial machinery, shipping vessels and public transport in 53 countries. The products and services are complementary, and formulated to achieve maximum FUELPOWER benefits: 1. FUEL SYSTEM PURGING / CLEANING The EFT Purge process is designed to speed up the clean-up phase of FP4000 fuel conditioners, and save on fuel immediately. It should be noted that over time, continuous application of FP4000 fuel conditioners will achieve the same overall result as the EFT Purge process.
  • 9. With our EFT Purge Machine and special cleaning FP PURGE, we are in a position to release the fuel system from contaminations and to bring it back to nearly its original state. The EFT Purge Machine bypasses the tank while the engine is running, and a diesel FP PURGE mixture circulates about 45 minutes through the fuel system. This process allows to presoak, soften and dissolve any baked-on carbon deposits, gums, lacquers, and varnishes which have been deposited on piston crowns and rings, fuel injectors, fuel rail, fuel pump, cylinder walls, combustion chambers, and valves. It then cleans and lubricates fuel injectors, restoring proper spray pattern and atomization of fuel while the EFT Purge Machine continuously filters out the dissolved contaminants. The FP PURGE procedure is certified and approved safe by TV Th端ringen regarding its fuel gasket compatibility. The procedure preferably will be executed by our skilled technicians directly at the customer site. FP PURGE The specially formulated FP PURGE is the critical element in the EFT Purge process. FP PURGE is introduced into the fuel system of an engine whilst it is running by the EFT Purge Machine. It removes all traces of gums lacquers and varnishes that build up over time. It also removes carbon deposits and frees up moving parts. The application of the purge fluid in conjunction with the fuel conditioners provides a quick result for the end user, reducing both fuel consumption and emissions. Cleaning and removing fuel deposits allows the engines sophisticated computer and complex set of sensors to respond properly. The FP PURGE is a safe, and easy to use liquid that clear the engine of contamination and clean up critical components without the need for expensive and time consuming engine dismantling.
  • 10. GUARANTEED BENEFITS Better Performance Faster and Smoother Acceleration Improved Fuel Economy Smoother Idling Prolonged Engine Life Significantly Reduce Emissions Easier Starting Increased Power 2. EFT FUEL CONDITIONER The EFT Fuel Conditioner, FP4000 is available both in tablet/pill and liquid concentrate. It is a revolutionary fuel conditioner, and hydrocarbon compatible with multiple benefits for all types of vehicles, petrol and diesel. Burns completely - no residue is left. It removes carbon sediments in natural way without risk of blocking the fuel system. It dissolves quickly or completely mixed in petrol, diesel and ethanol fuels, and improving the whole combustion process. Improved combustion creates a cleaner burn in the engine and reduces emission, increase performance, drive ability and fuel economy while preventing engine knock, pinging and valve recession. GUARANTEED BENEFITS Increase fuel economy Clean and maintain the fuel system Control corrosion and deposits Provide lubrication for the moving parts in the fuel system Reduce maintenance costs by up to 50% Reduce harmful emissions Improve torque & horsepower Accelerates fuel burn by up to 25-30%