This is a speech I gave at MIT Sloans MediaTech and MoMIT Executive Lunch Series on November 9th, 2008.
It covers the convergence of digital and social media on mobile platforms, gives an overview of popular social media platforms and their move onto mobile, highlights three app stores- Apple, Android, and BlackBerry, and highlights four companies doing innovative things in social media and mobile- WiseWindow (Orange County, CA), Localytics (Cambridge, MA), Hancock Energy Software (Framingham, MA), and TrustedOnes (Boston, MA).
It wraps with advice on seeking funding since many in the MIT Sloan audience are interested in entrepreneurial activities going forward.
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The Emergence of Digital and Social Media on Mobile Platforms
1. The Emergence of Digital & Social Media On Mobile PlatformsRandy GiustoPresented at MIT Sloan MoMITNovember 9, 2009息 2009 NewDigitalCaf辿 and Randy Giusto
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27. Mobile A Strategic PlatformA proliferation of connected CE and more capable mobile devices is occurringThe telecom space is over $1 trillion revenues $460 billion touches Consumer Electronics today - Accenture2009 is the year of the smart phone and theyll be 40% of T-Mobile Q4 sales, with the majority Android and BlackBerry. T-Mobile USA CTO Cole Brodman100k apps in 15 mos./2b downloads125k developers50m devices soldRetain 30% of revenue10k apps in 2.5 mos.Devices launching all yearRetain 30% of revenue3k apps in 8 mos./31m consumer downloads65m devices soldRetain 20% of revenue息 2009 NewDigitalCaf辿 and Randy Giusto
28. Mobile A Strategic Platform20m+ active users access via mobileBlackBerry, iPhone, Android and 10 operators Mobile uploads up 400% first 6 days after iPhone 3GS launchMobile uploads up 1700% in 1H 0965m active users access via mobile180 operators in 60 countries deploying Facebook MobileMobile apps starting to explode across platformsBlackBerry, iPhone, Android, etc. 息 2009 NewDigitalCaf辿 and Randy Giusto
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35. Todays Funding EnvironmentThe New RequirementsBusiness plan and PPT deckCustomers, which means revenue!Cash flow analysis and what-if scenarios beyond R1 & R2 How will you conserve cash?Then you may get the meeting with the VCExpect to be told to go build a distribution channelIf you need $5m youll get $2.5mMust show value, solution, disruptionPrepare to share Carriers, ad networks, publishers, and the VCAngels can help you figure it out, VCs provide the thrust息 2009 NewDigitalCaf辿 and Randy Giusto