Longtime musician, Buddhist teacher and practitioner, David Nichtern, gives some very wise and practical advice on how to reduce the thoughts and behaviors that contribute, often unwittingly, to the suffering in each of our lives.
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3. Thread 1:
Sometimes tropical fish leave a tiny trail of
poop behind them as they swim around the
tank. Once they have completed one cycle
around, all of a
sudden the poop
is right in front
of them.
This is how
karma works.
(pg. 6)
4. Thread 2:
The Law of Karma
describes the precise
relationship between
actions and their
what we think, say
and do. The Karma
exists whether we
know it or not.
(pg. 9)
5. Thread 3:
Passion (grasping)
is the desire to
include, aggression
(aggressing) is the
desire to exclude,
and ignorance
(ignoring) happens
when we dont care
one way or the other.
(pg. 15)
6. Thread 4:
Our relationship to pleasure and pain deter-
mines which of 6 realms
we spend our time in:
1. The God Realm
2. The Jealous God
3. The Human Realm
4. The Animal Realm
5. The Hell Realm
6. The Hungry Ghost
(pg. 18)
7. Thread 5:
Dharma means seeing things as they are.
We are fundamentally good and whole
human beings.
We may have
layers and layers
of doubt and
insecurity, but
at the core, we
are basically
(pg. 78)
8. Thread 6:
Karma can be the engine of imprisonment
or liberation. It refers to the evolution of
patterns of thought, emotions and behavior.
It is truly a
by our
(pg. 89)
9. Thread 7:
Two things are crucial
to the development
of positive karma:
discernment clearly
seeing the lay of the
land in any given
situation; and skillful
means -knowing what
action will be truly
(pg. 103)
10. Thread 8:
4 strategies shape a positive intention into
skillful action: pacifying aggressive situations
enriching impoverished situations; magnetiz-
ing isolated
(pg. 104)
11. Thread 9:
Gentleness and compassion have little to do
with having things conform to our agenda
or timetable.
12. Thread 10:
Our confusion, anxiety and discomfort
are a significant part of the ground and
fuel of our
journey. We
cannot simply
repress them
and hope
wisdom will
(pg. 125)