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Worked By:
        Rozalina Sula
Gera Xhani      9 D
Food that
25 Amazing Food Cures
  1.Be more positive
o Dark Chocolate

  Research shows that dark chocolate can improve
  heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce LDL
  cholesterol, and increase the flow of blood to the
  brain. It also boosts serotonin and endorphin levels,
  which are associated with improved mood and
  greater concentration. Look for chocolate that is 60
  percent cocoa or higher.
2.Reduce anxiety
o Garlic
  Tuck a few extra cloves into your next stir-
  fry or pasta sauce: Research has found that
  enzymes in garlic can help increase the
  release of serotonin, a neurochemical that
  makes you feel relaxed.
  Garlic To Cure Asthma And Cold:
  Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-microbial attributes of garlic
  help treat many respiratory infections caused by micro-
  organisms, and also clear the congestion. Allicin, a compound
  in it acts as an anti-biotic and treats asthma well.
   Use garlic in daily cooking or roast a clove of garlic and dip it
  in honey and chew it.
The english project
4. Fire up your
It turns out that capsaicin, the
oFried eggs
                             Go ahead, crack under pressure:
                                  Eating fried eggs may help
                                                  reduce high
                                              blood pressure.

       o In a test-tube study, scientists
         in Canada discovered that the
          breakfast standby produced
            the highest levels of ACE
           inhibitory peptides, amino
         acids that dilate blood vessels
          and allow blood to flow more
The english project
The english project
8. Speed weight loss
                Yogurt found
   The probiotics in yogurt may help you
    drop pounds. British scientists
     that these active organisms boost the
     breakdown of fat molecules in mice,
     preventing the rodents from gaining
       weight. Try the Horizon brand of
      yogurtit contains the probiotic L.
     casei, the same organism used in the
o Grilled Chicken Breast
  The protein in lean meat like chicken, fish, or pork loin isn't just
  good at squashing hunger and boosting metabolismit's also a top
  source of energy. University of Illinois researchers found that people
  who ate higher amounts of protein had higher energy levels and
  didn't feel as tired as people with proportionally higher amounts of
  carbs in their diet.
10. Be more
       oKidney Beans
      These legumes are an
 excellent source of thiamin
and riboflavin. Both vitamins
 help your body use energy
 efficiently, so you won't be
nodding off mid-Powerpoint.
11. Stabilize your
                           blood sugar

Swedish researchers found that if you eat
  barleya key ingredient in whole-grain
  cerealsfor breakfast, the fibrous grain cuts
  blood sugar response by 44 percent at lunch
  and 14 percent at dinner.
12. Improve your
o Clams
Clams stock your body with magnesium,
which is important in metabolism, nerve
function, and muscle function. When
magnesium levels are low, your body
produces more lactic acidthe same
fatigue-inducing substance that you feel at
13. Boost your immunity
             o Rooisbos Tea

  Animal research suggests that this South
African tea, also known as bush or redbush
tea, may provide potent immunity-boosting
 benefits. In addition, Japanese researchers
found that it may help prevent allergies and
 even cancer. Adagio offers a wide range of
          great-tasting rooibos teas.
14. Stop counghing
   Penn State scientists have discovered that honey
 is a powerful cough suppressantso next time
 you孫re hacking up a lung, head for the kitchen.
 When parents of 105 sick children doled out honey
 or dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in
 over-the-counter cough medicines like
 Robitussin), the honey was better at lessening
 cough frequency and severity. Try a drizzle in a
 cup of rooibos tea.
The vitamin C in kiwi won孫t prevent
the onslaught of a cold, but it might
    decrease the duration of your
 symptoms. One kiwifruit provides
      117 percent of your daily
 recommended intake of vitamin C.
The english project
17. Lower your

Not just any margarine, mind youthose containing plant
sterols. In a Tufts University study, people who ate a butter
substitute containing plant sterols with three meals each day
saw their LDL (bad) cholesterol drop by 6 percent. How?
The researchers say that plant sterols prevent cholesterol
18. Repair muscle
        Popeye was onto something, it seems. Rutgers
 researchers discovered that treating human muscle cells
   with a compound found in spinach increased protein
  synthesis by 20 percent. The compound allows muscle
   tissue to repair itself faster, the researchers say. One
      thing to keep in mind, however: Spinach doesn't
       automatically make any salad a healthy option.
The english project
20. Replenish your body post-
o Low-fat chocolate cake
21. Improve focus and
22. Avoid alzheimers disease

 The antioxidants in bananas, apples, and oranges may
 help protect you from Alzheimer's, report Korean
 scientists. The researchers discovered that plant
 chemicals known as polyphenols helped shield brain
 cells from oxidative stress, a key cause of the disease.
23. Protect your
  Vitamin B12, an essential nutrient
 found in meat, milk, and fish, may
help protect you against brain loss,
      say British scientists. The
researchers found that older people
 with the highest blood levels of the
vitamin were six times less likely to
  have brain shrinkage than those
        with the lowest levels.
The english project
The english project
The english project

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The english project

  • 1. Worked By: Rozalina Sula Gera Xhani 9 D
  • 3. 25 Amazing Food Cures 1.Be more positive o Dark Chocolate Research shows that dark chocolate can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol, and increase the flow of blood to the brain. It also boosts serotonin and endorphin levels, which are associated with improved mood and greater concentration. Look for chocolate that is 60 percent cocoa or higher.
  • 4. 2.Reduce anxiety o Garlic Tuck a few extra cloves into your next stir- fry or pasta sauce: Research has found that enzymes in garlic can help increase the release of serotonin, a neurochemical that makes you feel relaxed. Garlic To Cure Asthma And Cold: Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-microbial attributes of garlic help treat many respiratory infections caused by micro- organisms, and also clear the congestion. Allicin, a compound in it acts as an anti-biotic and treats asthma well. Use garlic in daily cooking or roast a clove of garlic and dip it in honey and chew it.
  • 6. 4. Fire up your evening metabolism It turns out that capsaicin, the compound
  • 7. oFried eggs Go ahead, crack under pressure: Eating fried eggs may help reduce high blood pressure. o In a test-tube study, scientists in Canada discovered that the breakfast standby produced the highest levels of ACE inhibitory peptides, amino acids that dilate blood vessels and allow blood to flow more easily.
  • 10. 8. Speed weight loss Yogurt found The probiotics in yogurt may help you drop pounds. British scientists that these active organisms boost the breakdown of fat molecules in mice, preventing the rodents from gaining weight. Try the Horizon brand of yogurtit contains the probiotic L. casei, the same organism used in the study.
  • 11. 9. AMP UP YOUR ENERGY o Grilled Chicken Breast The protein in lean meat like chicken, fish, or pork loin isn't just good at squashing hunger and boosting metabolismit's also a top source of energy. University of Illinois researchers found that people who ate higher amounts of protein had higher energy levels and didn't feel as tired as people with proportionally higher amounts of carbs in their diet.
  • 12. 10. Be more efficient oKidney Beans These legumes are an excellent source of thiamin and riboflavin. Both vitamins help your body use energy efficiently, so you won't be nodding off mid-Powerpoint.
  • 13. 11. Stabilize your blood sugar oBarley Swedish researchers found that if you eat barleya key ingredient in whole-grain cerealsfor breakfast, the fibrous grain cuts blood sugar response by 44 percent at lunch and 14 percent at dinner.
  • 14. 12. Improve your endurance o Clams Clams stock your body with magnesium, which is important in metabolism, nerve function, and muscle function. When magnesium levels are low, your body produces more lactic acidthe same fatigue-inducing substance that you feel at
  • 15. 13. Boost your immunity o Rooisbos Tea Animal research suggests that this South African tea, also known as bush or redbush tea, may provide potent immunity-boosting benefits. In addition, Japanese researchers found that it may help prevent allergies and even cancer. Adagio offers a wide range of great-tasting rooibos teas.
  • 16. 14. Stop counghing oHoney Penn State scientists have discovered that honey is a powerful cough suppressantso next time you孫re hacking up a lung, head for the kitchen. When parents of 105 sick children doled out honey or dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in over-the-counter cough medicines like Robitussin), the honey was better at lessening cough frequency and severity. Try a drizzle in a cup of rooibos tea.
  • 17. Kiwi The vitamin C in kiwi won孫t prevent the onslaught of a cold, but it might decrease the duration of your symptoms. One kiwifruit provides 117 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C.
  • 19. 17. Lower your cholesterol oMargarine Not just any margarine, mind youthose containing plant sterols. In a Tufts University study, people who ate a butter substitute containing plant sterols with three meals each day saw their LDL (bad) cholesterol drop by 6 percent. How? The researchers say that plant sterols prevent cholesterol
  • 20. 18. Repair muscle oSpinach Popeye was onto something, it seems. Rutgers researchers discovered that treating human muscle cells with a compound found in spinach increased protein synthesis by 20 percent. The compound allows muscle tissue to repair itself faster, the researchers say. One thing to keep in mind, however: Spinach doesn't automatically make any salad a healthy option.
  • 22. 20. Replenish your body post- wokout o Low-fat chocolate cake
  • 23. 21. Improve focus and concentration oSardines
  • 24. 22. Avoid alzheimers disease oBananas The antioxidants in bananas, apples, and oranges may help protect you from Alzheimer's, report Korean scientists. The researchers discovered that plant chemicals known as polyphenols helped shield brain cells from oxidative stress, a key cause of the disease.
  • 25. 23. Protect your brain oSteak Vitamin B12, an essential nutrient found in meat, milk, and fish, may help protect you against brain loss, say British scientists. The researchers found that older people with the highest blood levels of the vitamin were six times less likely to have brain shrinkage than those with the lowest levels.