The document describes the main parts of the eye and their functions. It includes a diagram labeling the iris, pupil, cornea, optic nerve, retina, and lens. The cornea protects the eye, the iris controls the pupil to regulate light, the lens focuses light, the retina detects light and sends messages to the brain via the optic nerve.
7. Controls the amount of light Sends messages
let in by the pupil to the brain.
Lets in the correct
Detects the light amount of light
Protects the Focuses the light
sensitive parts to give a sharp
of the eye. image
8. Protects the
sensitive parts
CORNEA of the eye. RETINA
Detects the light
Lets in the correct
amount of light
Focuses the light OPTIC NERVE
to give a sharp
image Sends messages
IRIS to the brain.
Controls the amount of light
let in by the pupil