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The Family
 of Jesus
*Alfonso *Amper *Bobadilla *Fajardo *Glo *Gonzales
Jesus Family Tree based on references from the New Testament and the ancient
                       historians Josephus and Eusebius.
According to Matthew 1:18-25, Mary
     became pregnant with Jesus while she was
     engaged (but still unmarried) to Joseph.
     After Joseph found out about the
     pregnancy, he wanted to break off the
     engagement. But then an angel came to
     him in a dream, told him about Jesus, and
     persuaded him to go through with the

Mary was still a virgin when she gave birth to
Jesus, and he was her first child. But she
apparently had some other children later.
Evidence for this is found at Matthew 13:55-
56 and Mark 6:3, which indicate that Jesus
eventually had four brothers and at least
two sisters. The names of his brothers are
given as James, Joses, Simon, and Jude.
Unfortunately, his sisters aren't named, and
we don't even know how many there were.
The Family of Jesus

Mary: Mother of Jesus

                            Mary is involved in the only event in Jesus'
                            adolescent life that is recorded in the New
                            Testament. At the age of twelve Jesus, having
                            become separated from his parents on their
                            return journey from the Passover celebration
                            in Jerusalem, was found among the teachers in
                            the temple. After Jesus' baptism by John the
                            Baptist and his temptations by the devil in the
                            desert, Mary was present when, at her
                            suggestion, Jesus worked his first Cana miracle
                            during a marriage they attended, by turning
                            water into wine . Subsequently there are events
                            when        Mary       is   present       along
                            with James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas, called
                            Jesus' brothers, and unnamed "sisters".
James the Less

                 Mary is also later mentioned as the mother of a
                 James, both in the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel
                 of Matthew. Catholic interpretation generally holds
                 that this James is to be identified with James, the son
                 of Alphaeus and James, the brother of Jesus. Some
                 women were watching from a distance. Among them
                 were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the
                 younger and of Joseph, and Salome. When
                 the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the
                 mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that
                 they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Among them
                 were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James
                 and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.

                       Simon was the brother of Jesus in the New Testament. Consistent with
                       its doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, the Catholic Encyclopedia
                       rejects the idea that Simon was a biological son of Mary, suggesting that
                       the so-called Desposyni were either sons of Joseph from a previous
                       marriage (i.e. step--brothers) or else were cousins of Jesus.The Catholic
                       Encyclopedia suggests that Simon may be the same person as Simeon of
                       Jerusalem or Simon the Zealot. Protestant interpreters usually take Simon
                       to have been a half-brother of Jesus.In The Jesus Dynasty, James Tabor
                       suggests that Simon was the son of Mary and Clophas.

  Joseph Jr./Joses

Joses is only mentioned twice in the New Testament, in parallel passages in Matthew 13:5 and
Mark 6:3, which record the people of Nazareth's rejection of Jesus:Is not this the carpenter, the
son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here
with us?" And they took offense at him. Mark 6:3 ESV A minority of (Alexandrian, Western)
Greek manuscripts in Matthew 13:55 read "Joseph" (畆枯流) the standard spelling of the
Judas Thaddeus/Lebbaeus

                               Jude (alternatively Judas or Judah) was
                                one of the four brothers of Jesus(Mark
                                  6:3 andMatthew 13:55) according to
                                the New Testament. He is traditionally
                               identified as the author of the Epistle of
                                Jude, a short epistle which is reckoned
                                among the seven general epistles of the
                                  New Testament - placed after Paul's
                                    epistles and before the Book of
                               Revelation - and considered canonical by

 And also Mary had at least three daughters, of whom one was
 probably named Joanna and one Susanna and one possibly named
 Anna after Mary's mother. For a total of atleast 8 children.
Questions & Answers about Jesus and his family
    Sundown, Sept 10, 3BC, new moon of Elul, 1st day of 6th month on Hebrew calendar.
    No. He was a teenager and probably a mosaic artist.
    No. Mary was a wealthy Princess of David's line and had at least 8 children: Jesus, Jacob or James the Less, Joseph Jr or Joses,
     Simeon, Judas Thaddeus or Lebbaeus, and at least three daughters, of whom one was probably named Joanna and one Susanna
     and one possibly named Anna after Mary's mother.
    Yes. He was Jesus' mother Mary's twin brother, but born second. Any other sequence would result in Jesus being disqualified
     from the throne of David through her. He could not be her uncle, for example, or the line would have diverted away from her
     line through his line.
    Several Ephraimite wise men serving at Babylon & the King of Petra who came to the feasts every year. This time they expected
     to see the Child about whom Simeon had prophesied the previous year.
    Jupiter was the Messiah's "star" and its position was followed all the time for signs, but the special "sign" was a conjunction of
     Jupiter & Venus on June 17, 2 BC. They merged into the brightest of all possible planetary or stellar conjunctions on the western
     horizon just above Jerusalem as seen from Babylon at sunset. They then rose on the day they went to Bethlehem so that Jupiter
     was vertically over Venus above the house as viewed from the road the Magi were on. I verified this personally when the
     conjunctions repeated in 1991. The pointing down at a specific house phenomenon could be seen from my location in Maine,
     and it would be true anywhere, seen just before sunrise.
    Yes. By His uncle, as the law required. The adoption papers are the genealogy of Luke. See the Greek text of Luke where the
     phrase "as was supposed" actually means "by custom" or "by law" hence, by adoption.
    No. He is espoused to the Church. She was Jesus' step-mother and married to Joseph of Arimathea, the maternal uncle of Jesus.
    Jesus had not studied as a Rabbi, John 8 says. He was a "small-r" rabbi, with no marriage prospects because no one knew who
     Jesus' father was, and He was not adopted until He was about 30 years old. So there was no one to negotiate a marriage contract
     for Jesus until Joseph adopted Him.
     Possibly. Joseph of Arimathea probably took Jesus on some of his merchant journeys. India was a prime source of brassware,
      just as it is today.
     Jesus seems closer to the family of Lazarus than the family in Nazareth. If John's Gosepl is any indication, Jesus hung out at
      Bethany, His step-aunt Mary Magdalene's house, where her younger brother and Jesus used to work on the gardens facing the
      Temple Mount on the upper flank of Olivet. Martha had married, but was widowed and returned to Bethany.
     Jesus had at least one maternal aunt & uncle, four half-brothers, three half-sisters, a step-uncle, a step-aunt, a step-sister, an
      adoptive grandfather, and many cousins--most of whom are named in the New Testament.
     Jesus' aunt Salome was mother of Peter's wife. So Jesus was related to Peter, Andrew, and their father Jonah by marriage. One of
      Jesus' sisters was wed at Cana to Simon Zealotes. Jesus' step-first-cousin Anna, daughter of Mary Magdalene, wed Stephen, the
      first martyr, and tradition says she remarried into a British royal line of the time.
     Jesus was related by marriage and by blood to Stephen and Anna's children Mary and Joseph Barnabus, and Mary's husband
      Judas Iscariot, and their son John Mark. Also, by marriage to Stephen's father's family, which was quite extensive on Cyprus,
      where they were Levites in the copper trade.
     Jesus' grandmother Hannah ("St. Anne"), widowed in her 30's(1 BC), went to Britain and married a Silurian prince, who is said
      to have been ancestor of "Pope" Linus and his sister Claudia, wife of Paul's brother Rufus, father of four saints who were
      martyred in Rome.
     Yes. The house of David's royal claims (Jesus' Family) were opposed by two Hasmonean lines, two Zadokite (Sadducean)
      priestly lines, Roman royal families, and the Edomites of Herod's line. This free-for-all declined as various lines died out. Today,
      Jesus Himself is the only generally-known surviving Claimant to the throne whose genealogy is documented, but He would
      have to physically return to prove He is still alive.
     Hardly. Jesus was occupied working for his uncle and John was legally exiled across the Jordan from the Essenes. It is difficult
      to see why either would join them, based upon the first-person accounts of the Essene factions given by Josephus.
  Thursday, April 26, 31 AD, according to historical and astronomical evidence. Most peopel and most
   scholars have overlooked this date because of the false assumption that the eve of a sabbath is always
   Friday. In 31 AD, Friday April 27 was the High Sabbath day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Once this is
   understood, as this article shows, all the known biblical and historical and astronomical data align. There is
   more evidence than we can include in this one article.

    On the same fig tree as two revolutionaries atop Mt. Olivet. Each had his own "cross-piece" to which his
     wrists were nailed from the back side after his arms were bent over the top. They were naked. It was
     deliberately designed to be as repulsive as possible to inhibit others from committing crimes.
    No. He appeared in the midst of the Apostles, apparently in an inter-dimensional manner, as a solid
     being, not as a ghost or apparition that passed through doors.
    The Law required Jesus' closest male relatives to bury him. Nicodemus was the grandfather of Jesus by
     adoption, being the father of Jesus' adoptive mother, Mary of Bethany, the Magdalene. So Nicodemus was
     the eldest male relative of Jesus.
    Absolutely. The pagans questioned who & what Jesus was, not whether He had really lived. Doubt about
     the historical reality of Jesus is a modern idea, not an ancient one.

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The family of jesus

  • 1. The Family of Jesus *Alfonso *Amper *Bobadilla *Fajardo *Glo *Gonzales
  • 2. Jesus Family Tree based on references from the New Testament and the ancient historians Josephus and Eusebius.
  • 3. According to Matthew 1:18-25, Mary became pregnant with Jesus while she was engaged (but still unmarried) to Joseph. After Joseph found out about the pregnancy, he wanted to break off the engagement. But then an angel came to him in a dream, told him about Jesus, and persuaded him to go through with the marriage. Mary was still a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus, and he was her first child. But she apparently had some other children later. Evidence for this is found at Matthew 13:55- 56 and Mark 6:3, which indicate that Jesus eventually had four brothers and at least two sisters. The names of his brothers are given as James, Joses, Simon, and Jude. Unfortunately, his sisters aren't named, and we don't even know how many there were.
  • 4. The Family of Jesus Mary: Mother of Jesus Mary is involved in the only event in Jesus' adolescent life that is recorded in the New Testament. At the age of twelve Jesus, having become separated from his parents on their return journey from the Passover celebration in Jerusalem, was found among the teachers in the temple. After Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist and his temptations by the devil in the desert, Mary was present when, at her suggestion, Jesus worked his first Cana miracle during a marriage they attended, by turning water into wine . Subsequently there are events when Mary is present along with James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas, called Jesus' brothers, and unnamed "sisters".
  • 5. James the Less Mary is also later mentioned as the mother of a James, both in the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Matthew. Catholic interpretation generally holds that this James is to be identified with James, the son of Alphaeus and James, the brother of Jesus. Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joseph, and Salome. When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
  • 6. Simon/Simeon Simon was the brother of Jesus in the New Testament. Consistent with its doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, the Catholic Encyclopedia rejects the idea that Simon was a biological son of Mary, suggesting that the so-called Desposyni were either sons of Joseph from a previous marriage (i.e. step--brothers) or else were cousins of Jesus.The Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that Simon may be the same person as Simeon of Jerusalem or Simon the Zealot. Protestant interpreters usually take Simon to have been a half-brother of Jesus.In The Jesus Dynasty, James Tabor suggests that Simon was the son of Mary and Clophas. Joseph Jr./Joses Joses is only mentioned twice in the New Testament, in parallel passages in Matthew 13:5 and Mark 6:3, which record the people of Nazareth's rejection of Jesus:Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him. Mark 6:3 ESV A minority of (Alexandrian, Western) Greek manuscripts in Matthew 13:55 read "Joseph" (畆枯流) the standard spelling of the name.
  • 7. Judas Thaddeus/Lebbaeus Jude (alternatively Judas or Judah) was one of the four brothers of Jesus(Mark 6:3 andMatthew 13:55) according to the New Testament. He is traditionally identified as the author of the Epistle of Jude, a short epistle which is reckoned among the seven general epistles of the New Testament - placed after Paul's epistles and before the Book of Revelation - and considered canonical by Christians. And also Mary had at least three daughters, of whom one was probably named Joanna and one Susanna and one possibly named Anna after Mary's mother. For a total of atleast 8 children.
  • 8. Questions & Answers about Jesus and his family WHEN EXACTLY WAS JESUS BORN? Sundown, Sept 10, 3BC, new moon of Elul, 1st day of 6th month on Hebrew calendar. WAS JOSEPH A WIDOWED CARPENTER? No. He was a teenager and probably a mosaic artist. WAS JESUS' MOTHER A POOR GIRL WHO HAD NO OTHER CHILDREN? No. Mary was a wealthy Princess of David's line and had at least 8 children: Jesus, Jacob or James the Less, Joseph Jr or Joses, Simeon, Judas Thaddeus or Lebbaeus, and at least three daughters, of whom one was probably named Joanna and one Susanna and one possibly named Anna after Mary's mother. WAS JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA JESUS' UNCLE? Yes. He was Jesus' mother Mary's twin brother, but born second. Any other sequence would result in Jesus being disqualified from the throne of David through her. He could not be her uncle, for example, or the line would have diverted away from her line through his line. WHO WERE THE MAGI? Several Ephraimite wise men serving at Babylon & the King of Petra who came to the feasts every year. This time they expected to see the Child about whom Simeon had prophesied the previous year. WHAT WAS THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM? Jupiter was the Messiah's "star" and its position was followed all the time for signs, but the special "sign" was a conjunction of Jupiter & Venus on June 17, 2 BC. They merged into the brightest of all possible planetary or stellar conjunctions on the western horizon just above Jerusalem as seen from Babylon at sunset. They then rose on the day they went to Bethlehem so that Jupiter was vertically over Venus above the house as viewed from the road the Magi were on. I verified this personally when the conjunctions repeated in 1991. The pointing down at a specific house phenomenon could be seen from my location in Maine, and it would be true anywhere, seen just before sunrise. WAS JESUS ADOPTED? Yes. By His uncle, as the law required. The adoption papers are the genealogy of Luke. See the Greek text of Luke where the phrase "as was supposed" actually means "by custom" or "by law" hence, by adoption. WAS JESUS MARRIED TO MARY MAGDELENE? No. He is espoused to the Church. She was Jesus' step-mother and married to Joseph of Arimathea, the maternal uncle of Jesus. WASN'T JESUS REQUIRED TO MARRY TO BE A RABBI? Jesus had not studied as a Rabbi, John 8 says. He was a "small-r" rabbi, with no marriage prospects because no one knew who Jesus' father was, and He was not adopted until He was about 30 years old. So there was no one to negotiate a marriage contract for Jesus until Joseph adopted Him.
  • 9. DID JESUS GO TO INDIA? Possibly. Joseph of Arimathea probably took Jesus on some of his merchant journeys. India was a prime source of brassware, just as it is today. WHO WERE JESUS' CHILDHOOD FRIENDS? Jesus seems closer to the family of Lazarus than the family in Nazareth. If John's Gosepl is any indication, Jesus hung out at Bethany, His step-aunt Mary Magdalene's house, where her younger brother and Jesus used to work on the gardens facing the Temple Mount on the upper flank of Olivet. Martha had married, but was widowed and returned to Bethany. WHO WERE JESUS' CLOSEST RELATIVES? Jesus had at least one maternal aunt & uncle, four half-brothers, three half-sisters, a step-uncle, a step-aunt, a step-sister, an adoptive grandfather, and many cousins--most of whom are named in the New Testament. WHO WAS RELATED TO JESUS BY MARRIAGE, BUT NOT BLOOD? Jesus' aunt Salome was mother of Peter's wife. So Jesus was related to Peter, Andrew, and their father Jonah by marriage. One of Jesus' sisters was wed at Cana to Simon Zealotes. Jesus' step-first-cousin Anna, daughter of Mary Magdalene, wed Stephen, the first martyr, and tradition says she remarried into a British royal line of the time. WHO ELSE WAS RELATED TO JESUS? Jesus was related by marriage and by blood to Stephen and Anna's children Mary and Joseph Barnabus, and Mary's husband Judas Iscariot, and their son John Mark. Also, by marriage to Stephen's father's family, which was quite extensive on Cyprus, where they were Levites in the copper trade. ARE THERE ANY OTHER MORE DISTANT RELATIVES OF JESUS IN THE NT? Jesus' grandmother Hannah ("St. Anne"), widowed in her 30's(1 BC), went to Britain and married a Silurian prince, who is said to have been ancestor of "Pope" Linus and his sister Claudia, wife of Paul's brother Rufus, father of four saints who were martyred in Rome. WAS THE NEW TESTAMENT ABOUT A FAMILY FEUD? Yes. The house of David's royal claims (Jesus' Family) were opposed by two Hasmonean lines, two Zadokite (Sadducean) priestly lines, Roman royal families, and the Edomites of Herod's line. This free-for-all declined as various lines died out. Today, Jesus Himself is the only generally-known surviving Claimant to the throne whose genealogy is documented, but He would have to physically return to prove He is still alive. WERE JESUS & JOHN THE BAPTIST ESSENES? Hardly. Jesus was occupied working for his uncle and John was legally exiled across the Jordan from the Essenes. It is difficult to see why either would join them, based upon the first-person accounts of the Essene factions given by Josephus.
  • 10. WHEN WAS JESUS CRUCIFIED? Thursday, April 26, 31 AD, according to historical and astronomical evidence. Most peopel and most scholars have overlooked this date because of the false assumption that the eve of a sabbath is always Friday. In 31 AD, Friday April 27 was the High Sabbath day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Once this is understood, as this article shows, all the known biblical and historical and astronomical data align. There is more evidence than we can include in this one article. HOW WAS JESUS CRUCIFIED? On the same fig tree as two revolutionaries atop Mt. Olivet. Each had his own "cross-piece" to which his wrists were nailed from the back side after his arms were bent over the top. They were naked. It was deliberately designed to be as repulsive as possible to inhibit others from committing crimes. DID THE RESURRECTED JESUS PASS THROUGH LOCKED DOORS? No. He appeared in the midst of the Apostles, apparently in an inter-dimensional manner, as a solid being, not as a ghost or apparition that passed through doors. WHY DOES NICODEMUS HANDLE JESUS' DEAD BODY ON THE PASSOVER? The Law required Jesus' closest male relatives to bury him. Nicodemus was the grandfather of Jesus by adoption, being the father of Jesus' adoptive mother, Mary of Bethany, the Magdalene. So Nicodemus was the eldest male relative of Jesus. WAS JESUS CONSIDERED BY PAGANS TO BE A REAL HISTORICAL FIGURE? Absolutely. The pagans questioned who & what Jesus was, not whether He had really lived. Doubt about the historical reality of Jesus is a modern idea, not an ancient one.