This documentary episode from The Family: Teen Stories focuses on the three teenagers in the Hughes family, showing the ups and downs of their daily lives over a period of time. It depicts some of the problems faced by British youth, such as family conflicts and rebellious behavior. The representation of youth in the episode draws comparisons to how teenagers are portrayed in other media texts while also differing in its realistic portrayal through documentary style.
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The family, teen stories screening notes
1. The Family: Teen Stories (2009)
Programme: Series 1, Episode 5
Release Date: 9 October 2009
Genre: Documentary
Plot: This series accompanied the landmark series The Family - which documented the ups and downs of life in the Hughes
home for 100 days and nights. Teen Stories focuses on the three teenagers in the family.
Answer the following questions using detailed examples from the show.
1. What problems are there with the youth in this episode? 2. What is the overall representation of British youth in this episode?
a. How does this compare to the youth in other texts we have a. How does this differ from other texts we have studied?
3. Whattheories can you apply to this episode?