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Ms. Eunice G. Parco
The French Language
 French (Fran巽ais), {f s } is a Romance language 
spoken as a first language by around 136 million
people worldwide.
 A total of 500 million speak it as either a first,
second, or foreign language.
 It is an official language in 29 countries, plus the
Vatican City, which from what is called, in French,
La Francophonie, the community of French-
speaking countries.
Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
1.Salut- Hi
2.Bonjour- Good day
3.Bonsoir- Good evening
4.Bonne nuit-Good night
5.Bonne journ辿e-Good day (farewell)
6.Bonne soir辿e-Good evening (farewell)
7.Merci-Thank you
8.Merci Beaucoup-Thank you very much
9.Bienvenue(Welcome) De rien-Youre welcome
10.Comment allez-vous?-How are you? (f.)
11. Comment vas-tu?-How are you? (inf.)
12. (tres) bien- (very) good
Basic Greetings and Phrases
Basic Greetings and Phrases
13. Oui-Yes
14. Non-No
15. Bien-Good
16. Pas mal-Not bad
17. (Comment) a va? Hows it going? (inf.)
18. Oui, a va- its going good
19. a va pas- its not going well
20. Au revoir- Good Bye
21. Abient担t- See you soon
22. A plus tard- See you later
23. A tout alheure- See you later
24. Bonne Anniversaire-Happy
25. Joyeaux Noel-Merry Christmas
26.sil vous plait(f)sil te plait (inf.)-Please
27. Excusez-moi- Excuse me
28. Pardonnez-moi
29. Pardon/D辿sol辿-Im Sorry
31.Je ne parle pas Fran巽ais-I dont speak French
32. Je ne comprends pas-I dont understand
33. Sil te plait parle lentemant-Pls. speak slowly
34. Je viends de Philippines-I am from Philippines
35. Je suis Philippin(e)- I am a Filipino
36. Je mappelle-My name is
37.a va bien,merci-Im fine,thank you
38.Enchant辿/Enchant辿e-Nice to meet you
40.Je taime-I love you
41.Voila-There you are
46.Cest (tres) bon-This is (very) good.
47.Cest (vraiment) mauvais.This is (very) bad
48. Parlez-vous Fran巽ais-Do you speak French?
49. Je ne sais pas-I dont know
50. Je ne pas comprends-I dont understand
51. Jai compri-I understand
and gentlemen
53. Pourquoi(why),Combien (how much), Ou
54. Etes-vous etudiante?-Are you a student?
55.Quelle heure est-il?-What time is it?
56. Dis-le francais- Say it in French
57. Avec plasir- with pleasure
58.Bon apetit-Have a good meal
59. Sante!-Cheers
60. Quelle age avez-vous? How old are you
 Il/elle/ on
 Il = masculin
 Elle = f辿minin
 You non formal
 He/ She/one
 You formal
 Ils = masculin pluriel
 Elles = feminin pluriel
 Lundi Monday
 Mardi Tuesday
 Mercredi Wednesday
 Jeudi Thursday
 Vendredi Friday
 Samedi Saturday
 Dimanche Sunday
The French Language
Les Couleurs
beigebeige bb beigebeige
blanc, blancheblanc, blanche bl , bl  bl , bl   whitewhite
bbleuleu bl淡bl淡 blueblue
MarronMarron ma oma o brownbrown
brun, brunebrun, brune b 脱, b yn b 脱, b yn  brownbrown ((hair)hair)
ch但tain, ch但tainech但tain, ch但taine at脱, at n  at脱, at n   brown, chestnut-brown (brown, chestnut-brown (hair)hair)
gris, grisegris, grise g i, g iz g i, g iz  greygrey
jaunejaune jonjon yellowyellow
mauvemauve movmov mauve, light purplemauve, light purple
violet, violetteviolet, violette vj le, vj l t  vj le, vj l t   violet, purpleviolet, purple
noirnoir nwanwa blackblack
orangeorange o o  orangeorange
roserose ozoz pinkpink
rougerouge u u  redred
vert, vertevert, verte v , v t v , v t  greengreen
The French Language
1. Un 16. Seize
2. Deux 17. Dix-sept
3. Trois 18. Dix-huit
4. Quatre 19. Dix-neuf
5. Cinq 20. Vangt
6. Six 30. Trente
7. Sept 40. Quarante
8. Huit 50. Cinquante
9. Neuf 60. Soixante
10. Dix 70. Soixante-dix
11. Onze 80.Quatre-vingts
12. Douze 90. Quatre-vingt-dix
13. Treize 100. Cent
14. Quatorze 200. Deux cent
15. Quinze 1000. Mille
 Agents like citrus fruits are pressed to extract the
essential oils.
 This method is also used when the flavoring agents
are seeds, barks etc.
 The fruit is crushed and steeped in hot water until
the water absorbs the flavour.
 The liquid is then drawn off and allowed to settle.
 It is then filtered.
 The crushed fruit is steeped in cold spirit.
 It is a high proof alcohol to extract flavours.
Nourriture / Food
1. La nourriture (f) / food
2. Le pain / bread
3. La salade/ salad
4. La viande / meat
5. Le poulet / chicken
6. Le poisson / fish
7. L'hamburger / hamburger
8. Les l辿gumes (m) /
9. Les frites (f) / Chips or
French fried potatoes
10. Le riz / rice
11. Le caf辿 / coffee
12. Le th辿 / tea
13. Le lait / milk
14. L'eau (f) / water
15. Le vin / wine
16. Le fruit / fruit
17. Le jus de fruit / fruit
18. L'orange (f) / Orange
19. La banane / banana
20. La pomme / apple
21. La glace  la vanille /
vanilla ice cream
22. Le chocolat / chocolate
Le menu (m) menu
L'entr辿e (f) starter
Le plat principal main course
Le fromage cheese
Le dessert dessert
Une table pour 4, s'il vous pla樽t! A table for 4 people, please!
Je voudrais une salade I would like a salad
Je voudrais un poulet-frites I would like a Chicken Chips
Un hamburger avec des frites A hamburger with chips
La sauce tomate Tomato sauce
Je voudrais du pain I would like some bread
Je voudrais de l'eau I would like some water
Je voudrais un gateau au chocolat I would like a chocolate cake
A table for one person/two people, please.
Une table pour une personne/deux personnes,
je vous prie.
Can I look at the menu, please?
Puis-je avoir le menu?
Is there a house speciality?
Quelle est la sp辿cialit辿 de la maison ?
Is there a local speciality?
Y a-t-il une sp辿cialit辿 locale?
I'm a vegetarian.
Je suis v辿g辿tarien.
I don't eat pork.
Je ne mange pas de porc.
I only eat kosher food.
Je ne mange que de la viande cach竪re.
I want _____.
Je voudrais _____.
I want a dish containing _____.
Je voudrais un plat avec _____.
beans des haricots (dez ah-ree-KOH)
beef du boeuf (duu BUFF)
bread du pain (duu pang)
chicken du poulet (duu poo-LEH)
clams des palourdes (deh pah-LOORD)
cheese du fromage (duu froh-MAHZH)
cod de la morue (duh lah moh-RUU)
eggs / one egg des oeufs (dehz UH) / un oeuf (un UF)
ham du jambon (duu zhahng-BONG)
lobster du homard (duu oh-MAR)
mussels des moules (deh MOOL)
noodles des p但tes (deh PAHT), des nouilles (deh NOOEY)
oysters des hu樽tres (dez WEETR)
pork du porc (duu POHR/)
rice du riz (duu REE)
salad une salade (uun sah-LAHD)
salmon du saumon (duu saw-MONG)
sausage des saucisses (deh saw-SEESS)
seafood des fruits de mer (deh frwee duh MEHR)
snails des escargots (dez es-car-GOH)
toast toast (said the same as English!)
tuna du thon (duu TONG)
The French Language
The French Language
The French Language
 It is one of the worlds most famous liqueurs.
 A French Curacao invented in 1880, it is a blend of
the finest cognacs with wild bitter oranges from
the tropics.
 The bottle has a red ribbon, traditional seal and a
unique shape.
 There are two versions - Cordon Jaune and Cordon
 It is a popular liqueur with definite digestive
properties.Made in Holland since 1575.
 It has in its base some highly distilled / almost
neutral spirit.
 It is flavored with caraway seeds.
 Varieties- Kummel Allash, Kummel Riga and Gilka
Kummel from Berlin.
 Always water white and served over ice.
 White Italian liqueur.
 Produced from distillation of sour marasca cherries
including the crushed kernels.
 Originally the cherries came from Italian Dalmatia,
now in former Yugoslavia.
Thank you

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The French Language

  • 1. Ms. Eunice G. Parco -HOSPITALITY-
  • 3. French (Fran巽ais), {f s } is a Romance language spoken as a first language by around 136 million people worldwide. A total of 500 million speak it as either a first, second, or foreign language. It is an official language in 29 countries, plus the Vatican City, which from what is called, in French, La Francophonie, the community of French- speaking countries.
  • 4. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz LAlphabet
  • 5. 1.Salut- Hi 2.Bonjour- Good day 3.Bonsoir- Good evening 4.Bonne nuit-Good night 5.Bonne journ辿e-Good day (farewell) 6.Bonne soir辿e-Good evening (farewell) 7.Merci-Thank you 8.Merci Beaucoup-Thank you very much 9.Bienvenue(Welcome) De rien-Youre welcome 10.Comment allez-vous?-How are you? (f.) 11. Comment vas-tu?-How are you? (inf.) 12. (tres) bien- (very) good Basic Greetings and Phrases
  • 6. Basic Greetings and Phrases 13. Oui-Yes 14. Non-No 15. Bien-Good 16. Pas mal-Not bad 17. (Comment) a va? Hows it going? (inf.) 18. Oui, a va- its going good 19. a va pas- its not going well 20. Au revoir- Good Bye 21. Abient担t- See you soon 22. A plus tard- See you later 23. A tout alheure- See you later 24. Bonne Anniversaire-Happy Birthday/Anniversary 25. Joyeaux Noel-Merry Christmas
  • 7. 26.sil vous plait(f)sil te plait (inf.)-Please 27. Excusez-moi- Excuse me 28. Pardonnez-moi 29. Pardon/D辿sol辿-Im Sorry 30.Felicitations!-Congratulations 31.Je ne parle pas Fran巽ais-I dont speak French 32. Je ne comprends pas-I dont understand 33. Sil te plait parle lentemant-Pls. speak slowly 34. Je viends de Philippines-I am from Philippines 35. Je suis Philippin(e)- I am a Filipino 36. Je mappelle-My name is
  • 8. 37.a va bien,merci-Im fine,thank you 38.Enchant辿/Enchant辿e-Nice to meet you 39.Daccord-Alright 40.Je taime-I love you 41.Voila-There you are 42.Bon,Bonne(MS,FS)-Good 43.Bons,Bonnes(MP,FP)-Good 44.Mauvais(MS,FS)-Bad 45.Mauvais,Mauvaises(MP,FP)-Bad 46.Cest (tres) bon-This is (very) good. 47.Cest (vraiment) mauvais.This is (very) bad 48. Parlez-vous Fran巽ais-Do you speak French? 49. Je ne sais pas-I dont know
  • 9. 50. Je ne pas comprends-I dont understand 51. Jai compri-I understand 52.Mesdames,Medemoiselles,Messieurs-Ladies and gentlemen 53. Pourquoi(why),Combien (how much), Ou (where) 54. Etes-vous etudiante?-Are you a student? 55.Quelle heure est-il?-What time is it? 56. Dis-le francais- Say it in French 57. Avec plasir- with pleasure 58.Bon apetit-Have a good meal 59. Sante!-Cheers 60. Quelle age avez-vous? How old are you
  • 10. Je Tu Il/elle/ on Nous Vous Ils/elles Il = masculin singulier Elle = f辿minin I You non formal He/ She/one We You formal They Ils = masculin pluriel Elles = feminin pluriel
  • 11. Lundi Monday Mardi Tuesday Mercredi Wednesday Jeudi Thursday Vendredi Friday Samedi Saturday Dimanche Sunday
  • 13. Les Couleurs beigebeige bb beigebeige blanc, blancheblanc, blanche bl , bl bl , bl whitewhite bbleuleu bl淡bl淡 blueblue MarronMarron ma oma o brownbrown brun, brunebrun, brune b 脱, b yn b 脱, b yn brownbrown ((hair)hair) ch但tain, ch但tainech但tain, ch但taine at脱, at n at脱, at n brown, chestnut-brown (brown, chestnut-brown (hair)hair) gris, grisegris, grise g i, g iz g i, g iz greygrey jaunejaune jonjon yellowyellow mauvemauve movmov mauve, light purplemauve, light purple violet, violetteviolet, violette vj le, vj l t vj le, vj l t violet, purpleviolet, purple noirnoir nwanwa blackblack orangeorange o o orangeorange roserose ozoz pinkpink rougerouge u u redred vert, vertevert, verte v , v t v , v t greengreen
  • 15. 1. Un 16. Seize 2. Deux 17. Dix-sept 3. Trois 18. Dix-huit 4. Quatre 19. Dix-neuf 5. Cinq 20. Vangt 6. Six 30. Trente 7. Sept 40. Quarante 8. Huit 50. Cinquante 9. Neuf 60. Soixante 10. Dix 70. Soixante-dix 11. Onze 80.Quatre-vingts 12. Douze 90. Quatre-vingt-dix 13. Treize 100. Cent 14. Quatorze 200. Deux cent 15. Quinze 1000. Mille NOMBRES
  • 16. Agents like citrus fruits are pressed to extract the essential oils. This method is also used when the flavoring agents are seeds, barks etc. PRESSURE
  • 17. The fruit is crushed and steeped in hot water until the water absorbs the flavour. The liquid is then drawn off and allowed to settle. It is then filtered. INFUSION
  • 18. The crushed fruit is steeped in cold spirit. It is a high proof alcohol to extract flavours. MACERATION
  • 19. Nourriture / Food 1. La nourriture (f) / food 2. Le pain / bread 3. La salade/ salad 4. La viande / meat 5. Le poulet / chicken 6. Le poisson / fish 7. L'hamburger / hamburger 8. Les l辿gumes (m) / vegetables 9. Les frites (f) / Chips or French fried potatoes 10. Le riz / rice 11. Le caf辿 / coffee 12. Le th辿 / tea 13. Le lait / milk 14. L'eau (f) / water 15. Le vin / wine 16. Le fruit / fruit 17. Le jus de fruit / fruit juice 18. L'orange (f) / Orange 19. La banane / banana 20. La pomme / apple 21. La glace la vanille / vanilla ice cream 22. Le chocolat / chocolate
  • 20. Le menu (m) menu L'entr辿e (f) starter Le plat principal main course Le fromage cheese Le dessert dessert Une table pour 4, s'il vous pla樽t! A table for 4 people, please! Je voudrais une salade I would like a salad Je voudrais un poulet-frites I would like a Chicken Chips Un hamburger avec des frites A hamburger with chips La sauce tomate Tomato sauce Je voudrais du pain I would like some bread Je voudrais de l'eau I would like some water Je voudrais un gateau au chocolat I would like a chocolate cake Restaurant
  • 21. . A table for one person/two people, please. Une table pour une personne/deux personnes, je vous prie. Can I look at the menu, please? Puis-je avoir le menu? Is there a house speciality? Quelle est la sp辿cialit辿 de la maison ? Is there a local speciality? Y a-t-il une sp辿cialit辿 locale? I'm a vegetarian. Je suis v辿g辿tarien.
  • 22. I don't eat pork. Je ne mange pas de porc. I only eat kosher food. Je ne mange que de la viande cach竪re. Breakfast-petit-d辿jeuner Lunch-d辿jeuner Dinner-d樽ner I want _____. Je voudrais _____. I want a dish containing _____. Je voudrais un plat avec _____.
  • 23. beans des haricots (dez ah-ree-KOH) beef du boeuf (duu BUFF) bread du pain (duu pang) chicken du poulet (duu poo-LEH) clams des palourdes (deh pah-LOORD) cheese du fromage (duu froh-MAHZH) cod de la morue (duh lah moh-RUU) eggs / one egg des oeufs (dehz UH) / un oeuf (un UF)
  • 24. ham du jambon (duu zhahng-BONG) lobster du homard (duu oh-MAR) mussels des moules (deh MOOL) noodles des p但tes (deh PAHT), des nouilles (deh NOOEY) oysters des hu樽tres (dez WEETR) pork du porc (duu POHR/) rice du riz (duu REE) salad une salade (uun sah-LAHD) salmon du saumon (duu saw-MONG) sausage des saucisses (deh saw-SEESS) seafood des fruits de mer (deh frwee duh MEHR) snails des escargots (dez es-car-GOH) toast toast (said the same as English!) tuna du thon (duu TONG)
  • 29. It is one of the worlds most famous liqueurs. A French Curacao invented in 1880, it is a blend of the finest cognacs with wild bitter oranges from the tropics. The bottle has a red ribbon, traditional seal and a unique shape. There are two versions - Cordon Jaune and Cordon Rouge. GRAND MARNIER
  • 30. It is a popular liqueur with definite digestive properties.Made in Holland since 1575. It has in its base some highly distilled / almost neutral spirit. It is flavored with caraway seeds. Varieties- Kummel Allash, Kummel Riga and Gilka Kummel from Berlin. Always water white and served over ice. KUMMEL
  • 31. White Italian liqueur. Produced from distillation of sour marasca cherries including the crushed kernels. Originally the cherries came from Italian Dalmatia, now in former Yugoslavia. MARASCHINO