This presentation shows which product is required in retail in future. A growing E-tailing effects Retail business so what is future of retail.
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The future of retail - A innovative product
2. Future of retailing:
With increase in E-tailing what will be the
future of Retailing .???
People are more influenced to buy product
what kind of product does Retail requires
in near future to retain customers moving
over to E-tailing..??
3. Taking over few Advantages of E-
No need of personally visiting store.
Compare prices of products.
Easy transactions.
Fast process.
Time Saving
4. What we miss while E-tailing??
Real Customer Experience.
Look and feel of store, Products etc.
5. If marketing says ..Identify
Opportunity..find Unsatisfied
needs.and make product which satisfy
that needthen guess which type of
product does Retailers have to make to
satisfy customers and get an edge over e-
6. Aim of retailers in such a product:
Provide Real customer Experience
through Internet and Mobile Devices.
Provide Look and feel of store Virtually.
8. A person can view profile and chat on
Google maps provide location of place.
Counter strike provides virtual gaming.
9. Have you though of application which
provides features of google maps with add in
features like chat on go, direct communication
with entity you are searching .for example
see next slide and think over it..
11. Have you though of application which
provides features of facebook with add in
features like chat on go, direct communication
with friends which are around your
location..for example see next slide and
think over it..
13. An application which gives ability to track your
friends location on google maps.
An application which gives ability to chat with
your friends based upon their current
A application which provides details of
hotels, restaurants etc on just click.
14. For Retailers..
An application by which retailers can track
your current location, and send advertisement
messages directly on your mobile .
16. How its useful to retailers..??
Direct communication with people around
A opportunity to attract customers depending
on location and time.
A easy market research to know where
customers prefer to hang out.
A good competitor analysis
A transparent system.