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Table of Contents
Management Summary 									                                                 2
Reading Summary										                                                    6

Chapter 1: 		      Schiphol Now								                                      7

Chapter 2: 		  Vision Air 2025						                   	                     11
2.1			         Meet The Passengers						                                     12
2.2 			        The Asian Passenger: Focus on China				                       14
Conclusion											                                                        16
Expert Essay		 The Schiphol Effect by John Weich				                       17

Chapter 3: 		     The Macro Trends: Information, Restoration, Destination	   19
3.1 			           Information								                                        21
Expert Vision		   Future Of Technology by Michel Zappa 				                32
3.2 			           Restoration								                                        33
Expert Interview	 Future Of Sustainability by Marc Alt				                 42
3.3 			           Destination								                                        43			
Expert Interview	 Future of Way-Finding by Jiska van Veen 			              47
Expert Interview	 Future Of Luxury by Andria Mitsakos				                  52
Conclusion											                                                        53

Chapter 4:		       Think Tank 								                                       54
4.1 			            The Inner Circle							                                   56
4.2 			            The Second Circle							                                  61
4.3 			            Opportunities Knock							                                63
4.4 			            Next Steps								                                        67
                                    3. The Macro Trends

                                    The Macro Trends:
                                    Information, Restoration, Destination
3.1 Information
Adaptive Solutions
The Rise of the Mega-systems
Expert Vision: Michel Zappa

3.2 Restoration
Off the Grid
Wellness Before Illness
Next Gen Sustainability
Expert Interview: Marc Alt

3.3 Destination
The New Luxury
The Maker Economy
Gained Time
Expert Interview: Andria Mitsakos


                                    Out Of Office is looking at a convergence of three macro trends for the airport
                                    of the future. Information, Restoration, and Destination, capture a range of
                                    lifestyle experiences that move beyond the simple business/economy divide
                                    that exists currently. The future passenger is becoming more fragmented and
                                    specific and can be understood through these super-drivers.

 Page 19

                             404 EXPERT INTERVIEW FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY

                             Q: Youve done a lot of work with water and      greenhouses using waste-heat exchange             encourages the use of re-useable water          Unfortunately, irregularities in the carbon-
                             gardens. How can these natural elements          from HVAC systems. This could provide most        bottles over disposable. Again, this small      offset market have damaged the movement
                             be incorporated into the radically artificial    of the produce required for restaurants and       amenity increases the passengers sense         toward carbon offsetting. It still remains
                             environment of the airport to improve way-       vendors on-site, reducing trucking, spoilage      of control and level of education and leaves    an opportunity to engage the traveller with
                             finding and waiting, and reduce stress of        and improving freshness and nutritional           a lasting favourable impression of both the     a customer-facing amenity, again offering
                             the traveller?                                   density.                                          airline and the destination.                    a sense of control and an opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                for education within the context of the
404 EXPERT                   A: Global architecture firms are already         Q: And within the airport ecosystem, in           By 2025 Id love to see net zero, passive and   airport experience. Im excited to see the
INTERVIEW                    incorporating gardens, interior landscape        relation to the passenger in transit, where       restorative building standards adopted.         continued development of mobile apps to
With Marc Alt on the
                             architecture and living systems into             do you see the major opportunities for            This would involve the construction or          facilitate ride-sharing, P2P connectivity and
future of sustainability
within the airport.          holistic designs aimed at tapping natures       decreasing impacts?                               retrofitting of living buildings that operate   productivity. Down the road, I see a more
                             ability to clean air, provide a biophilic [the                                                     in closed-loop water and energy loops.          effective system such as the pervasive
Marc Alt is a business       instinctive bond between humans and              A: Retail, dining, relaxation, and productivity   The ultimate achievement would be               and seamless integration of multi-modal
consultant and lecturer
                             living systems] atmosphere and improve           are areas of focus and opportunities for          100% food-waste and packaging capture           transportation hubs, connecting travellers
who has worked with MINI
                             relaxation indoors. Vertical gardens and         introducing improved user experience              and composting, and the use of biogas           between airports and the urban core,
USA, Volvo, AECOM and
Ogilvy Earth in the areas    extensive plantings improve indoor air           connected to healthy and sustainable              digesters to convert waste methane, C02       electric vehicle charge points in airport
of sustainability and        quality, filter toxins and improve the energy    lifestyles. Modern terminals are currently        and other gases into energy for on-site use.    parking lots, and EV car sharing networks,
design. He is based in New   efficiency of large air-handling systems.        outlets of smaller gourmet food vendors           And of course 100% clean energy produced        providing numerous options for low-impact,
York City and Southern
                             Plus, the biophilic response of relaxation       who emphasise organic, locally sourced            on site via solar, wind, geothermal, hydro,     low-carbon personal mobility.
California (marcalt.com).
                             in the presence of plants and landscaped         ingredients and airports will continue            fuel cell and waste-gas.
Favourite place:             environments is a design opportunity             to introduce improved recycling and                                                               And, of course, overall reduction in air travel
In nature                    in overall sensory branding of airport           composting of food service items and food         Q: The biggest carbon loads in travel           to improvements in on-line collaboration,
Most like to meet:           environments.                                    waste. This helps establish a sense of place      come from the actual flight. How can the        conferencing and transition to borderless
A beautiful stranger                                                          and gives the passenger a greater sense of        consumer be engaged within the terminal         live/work lifestyles.
Never travels without:       A great example of this is the design of         choice, control and engagement.                   experience to control or offset their
A Zen mind                   the new terminals at Incheon airport,                                                              individual impact?
                             scheduled to open in 2017, that incorporate      A low cost and high impact example of
                             a lot of interior green landscaping. Taking      sustainable design thinking appears as            A: As a mechanism for individual action to
                             it a step further, in the near future it         water refilling stations offered by Virgin        address travel footprint, the carbon offset
                             will be viable to engage in on-site food         America in San Francisco Internationals          sits at the periphery, adopted only by the
                             production via temperature-controlled            LEED certified Terminal Two. This of course       most engaged eco-conscious traveller.

Page 42

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  • 1. Table of Contents Management Summary 2 Reading Summary 6 Chapter 1: Schiphol Now 7 Chapter 2: Vision Air 2025 11 2.1 Meet The Passengers 12 2.2 The Asian Passenger: Focus on China 14 Conclusion 16 Expert Essay The Schiphol Effect by John Weich 17 Chapter 3: The Macro Trends: Information, Restoration, Destination 19 3.1 Information 21 Expert Vision Future Of Technology by Michel Zappa 32 3.2 Restoration 33 Expert Interview Future Of Sustainability by Marc Alt 42 3.3 Destination 43 Expert Interview Future of Way-Finding by Jiska van Veen 47 Expert Interview Future Of Luxury by Andria Mitsakos 52 Conclusion 53 Chapter 4: Think Tank 54 4.1 The Inner Circle 56 4.2 The Second Circle 61 4.3 Opportunities Knock 63 4.4 Next Steps 67
  • 2. 3. 3. The Macro Trends The Macro Trends: Information, Restoration, Destination 3.1 Information Adaptive Solutions The Rise of the Mega-systems Multi-sensory Expert Vision: Michel Zappa 3.2 Restoration Off the Grid Authenticity Wellness Before Illness Next Gen Sustainability Expert Interview: Marc Alt 3.3 Destination The New Luxury The Maker Economy Gained Time Expert Interview: Andria Mitsakos Conclusion Out Of Office is looking at a convergence of three macro trends for the airport of the future. Information, Restoration, and Destination, capture a range of lifestyle experiences that move beyond the simple business/economy divide that exists currently. The future passenger is becoming more fragmented and specific and can be understood through these super-drivers. Page 19
  • 3. EXPERT INTERVIEW 404 EXPERT INTERVIEW FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY Q: Youve done a lot of work with water and greenhouses using waste-heat exchange encourages the use of re-useable water Unfortunately, irregularities in the carbon- gardens. How can these natural elements from HVAC systems. This could provide most bottles over disposable. Again, this small offset market have damaged the movement be incorporated into the radically artificial of the produce required for restaurants and amenity increases the passengers sense toward carbon offsetting. It still remains environment of the airport to improve way- vendors on-site, reducing trucking, spoilage of control and level of education and leaves an opportunity to engage the traveller with finding and waiting, and reduce stress of and improving freshness and nutritional a lasting favourable impression of both the a customer-facing amenity, again offering the traveller? density. airline and the destination. a sense of control and an opportunity for education within the context of the 404 EXPERT A: Global architecture firms are already Q: And within the airport ecosystem, in By 2025 Id love to see net zero, passive and airport experience. Im excited to see the INTERVIEW incorporating gardens, interior landscape relation to the passenger in transit, where restorative building standards adopted. continued development of mobile apps to With Marc Alt on the architecture and living systems into do you see the major opportunities for This would involve the construction or facilitate ride-sharing, P2P connectivity and future of sustainability within the airport. holistic designs aimed at tapping natures decreasing impacts? retrofitting of living buildings that operate productivity. Down the road, I see a more ability to clean air, provide a biophilic [the in closed-loop water and energy loops. effective system such as the pervasive Marc Alt is a business instinctive bond between humans and A: Retail, dining, relaxation, and productivity The ultimate achievement would be and seamless integration of multi-modal consultant and lecturer living systems] atmosphere and improve are areas of focus and opportunities for 100% food-waste and packaging capture transportation hubs, connecting travellers who has worked with MINI relaxation indoors. Vertical gardens and introducing improved user experience and composting, and the use of biogas between airports and the urban core, USA, Volvo, AECOM and Ogilvy Earth in the areas extensive plantings improve indoor air connected to healthy and sustainable digesters to convert waste methane, C02 electric vehicle charge points in airport of sustainability and quality, filter toxins and improve the energy lifestyles. Modern terminals are currently and other gases into energy for on-site use. parking lots, and EV car sharing networks, design. He is based in New efficiency of large air-handling systems. outlets of smaller gourmet food vendors And of course 100% clean energy produced providing numerous options for low-impact, York City and Southern Plus, the biophilic response of relaxation who emphasise organic, locally sourced on site via solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, low-carbon personal mobility. California (marcalt.com). in the presence of plants and landscaped ingredients and airports will continue fuel cell and waste-gas. Favourite place: environments is a design opportunity to introduce improved recycling and And, of course, overall reduction in air travel In nature in overall sensory branding of airport composting of food service items and food Q: The biggest carbon loads in travel to improvements in on-line collaboration, Most like to meet: environments. waste. This helps establish a sense of place come from the actual flight. How can the conferencing and transition to borderless A beautiful stranger and gives the passenger a greater sense of consumer be engaged within the terminal live/work lifestyles. Never travels without: A great example of this is the design of choice, control and engagement. experience to control or offset their A Zen mind the new terminals at Incheon airport, individual impact? scheduled to open in 2017, that incorporate A low cost and high impact example of a lot of interior green landscaping. Taking sustainable design thinking appears as A: As a mechanism for individual action to it a step further, in the near future it water refilling stations offered by Virgin address travel footprint, the carbon offset will be viable to engage in on-site food America in San Francisco Internationals sits at the periphery, adopted only by the production via temperature-controlled LEED certified Terminal Two. This of course most engaged eco-conscious traveller. Page 42