This document summarizes a supplemental retirement program that offers life and premium protection benefits. Key features include being upgradeable, providing a maturity payment at retirement age (60-65 years old), and offering options like a paid-up whole life policy or loans. Contribution periods are 5 years, and annual costs range from PHP2,000-10,000 depending on age and number of units (maximum 20 units). On death or disability during contributions, all premiums are returned and life insurance is paid out. At retirement, PHP50,000 is paid per unit.
2. PREVIEW: A 5 Years to Pay maturing at Retirement Age. - Available up to 20 Units per person (for Voluntary) Acceptance age: 20 to 50 years old (for 60 Y/O Retirement Age) 20 to 55 years old (for 65 Y/O Retirement Age )
3. FEATURES: Supplemental Retirement Program Supplemental to: SSS GSIS Other corporate retirement benefits
4. DISTINCT FEATURES: Upgradeable Life & Premium Protection Maturity on Retirement With Paid-up Whole Life Option With Loan Benefit Affordable rates Short term contribution period; Coverage of up to the Retirement Age.
5. BENEFITS: Life Protect: Payment of Benefits to the Member or to the member’s beneficiary on the following Contingencies*: Death Total & Permanent Disability Terminal Illness * during the contribution or accumulation period and before reaching the retirement age.
6. BENEFITS: 2. Premium Protect: Return of Contributions Paid on the following Contingencies*: Death Total & Permanent Disability Terminal Illness * during the contribution or accumulation period and before reaching the retirement age.
7. BENEFITS: 3. Maturity Value: Upon survival or retirement of the member: Payment of the 50 Thousand maturity value* * on the membership anniversary immediately after reaching the Retirement Age.
8. BENEFITS: 4. Program Discontinuation: Upon the member’s discontinuation of the program: An amount will be paid to the Employer (if Corporate) or to the Member (If Voluntary)* * Based on the Table of Program Discontinuation Values.
9. BENEFITS: 5. Paid-up Whole Life Benefit Option: Member’s option* to use his Maturity Value to buy Whole Life Insurance Cover. * at maturity age 82,000.00 19,687 30,313 65 Years Old 94,000.00 23,521 26,479 60 Years Old Attained Age Insurance Cover Maximum Amount Balance Due Member 50,000.00 Single Premium Amount:
10. BENEFITS: 6. Loan Benefit*: > Loan of up to 90% of the Membership Discontinuation Value. > Available after the member’s 1 st year membership. * during the contribution or accumulation period and before reaching the retirement age.
11. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION PER ATTAINED AGE @ 1 UNIT FOR VOLUNTARY 9,900.00 - 55 8,300.00 9,150.00 50 5,370.00 5,920.00 40 3,340.00 3,790.00 3 0 2,230.00 2,560.00 20 65 Years Old 60 Years Old MATURITY DATE Attained Age
12. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION PER ATTAINED AGE @ 1 UNIT FOR CORPORATE 9, 0 00.00 - 55 7 , 4 00.00 8 , 200 .00 50 4 , 80 0.00 5, 30 0.00 40 3, 00 0.00 3, 40 0.00 3 0 2, 00 0.00 2, 30 0.00 20 65 Years Old 60 Years Old MATURITY DATE Attained Age
13. Sample Illustration of Benefits Assumed Face Amount : Php 1,000,000.00 Assumed Maturity Age : 65 Years Old No. of Units at 50,000 per unit : 20 Units Member’s Age : 25 Years Ol d Member’s Annual Premium per unit : Php 2,400.00 Member’s Annual Premium at 20 Units: Php 48,000.00 Given: (For Corporate )
15. Sample Illustration of Benefits Assumed Face Amount : Php 1,000,000.00 Assumed Maturity Age : 65 Years Old No. of Units at 50,000 per unit : 20 Units Member’s Age : 25 Years Ol d Member’s Annual Premium per unit : Php 2,670.00 Member’s Annual Premium at 20 Units: Php 53,400.00 Given: (For Voluntary )
17. Benefits Payable to the Member: Case 1: If the Member dies after the third (3rd) year of contribution period Amount of Benefits: Php 1 60 , 2 00.00 – Premium Protect benefits at 3rd year of premium contribution 1,000,000.00 - Life Protect benefits _______ ___ ___________ Php 1,160,200.00 - Total Benefits under the Program, payable to the Member’s beneficiary Sample Illustration of Benefits
18. Condition Applicant need only be in good health and actively at work at the time of program effectivity
20. Reminders: Applications with 1 to 10 units - Non-Medical Limit Applications with 11 units & up - Submit evidence of insurability (Medical)
21. 05% 3 rd Year 05% 2 nd Year 15 % 1 st Year Corporate Annual Commission Commission: (This slide is to be showed for Allies and Marketing Associates only)