The document summarizes the political and economic issues faced by farmers in the late 19th century that led to the rise of the Grange Movement and Populist party. Farmers struggled with falling crop prices, debt, railroad monopolies, and corruption in government which kept the gold standard and favored big business. They organized through the Grange Movement and formed the Populist Party to demand regulations of railroads, coinage of silver to raise prices, and government ownership of key industries.
2. Learning Targets I understand the political and economic issues of the Populist party I can explain the plight of the farmers in the late 19 th century. I can evaluate how corruption at the economic and political levels affected farmers.
3. Grange Movement Many farmers in the 1880s began dry farming Great Plains-bread basket Grange Movement: Organize and unify farmers Political and social aspects Women played key roles on farms Social events to end isolation Education
4. Trouble! The Industrial Revolution Increased production Lower prices Improved technology Debt Many farmers lost farms/homes Became tennents Railroad rates high Government Corruption Gold Standard Kept crop prices low Monopolies
5. Demands! Called for regulation of the railroads Interstate Commerce Act Formation of ICC Populist Party Formed around Grange Movement Called for coinage of silver to inflate prices Sherman Silver Purchase Act Supported government ownership of railroads, coinage of silver, labor regulations, and communications regulations