3. Middle ear (Tympanic cavity)
Location- petrous part of temporal bone
Filled with air
Lined by mucous membrane
Full adult size at birth
Communications- in front with lateral wall of
nasopharynx auditory tube
Behind with mastoid antrum through aditus to
6. Subdivisions of middle ear
Epitympanum (head of malleus, body & short
process of incus)
Mesotympanum (handle of malleus, long
process of incus and stapes)
8. Boundaries of tympanic cavity (cuboidal- 6
Roof tegmen tympani , greater & lesser petrosal nerves
Floor- jugular fossa IJV , tympanic branch of IX N
Anterior wall- lower part- ICA & sympathetic plexus- carotico
tympanic nerves; upper part- canal for tensor tympani &
auditory tube
Posterior wall- aditus to mastoid antrum, fossa incudis ,
vertical bony canal for facial nerve , pyramid- stapedius tendon
Medial wall- promontory, fenestra vestibuli( oval window)-
stapes, fenestra cochleae (round window) -scala tympani, sinus
tympani- ampulla of P semicircular canal, oblique part of facial
nerve canal, processus trochleariformis
Lateral wall tympanic membrane umbo, pars tensa, pars
flaccida anterior canaliculus for chorda tympani N