2. A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away..
there was Luke the Guide that
wanted to find out the reason
for his existance so he asked all
great Guides he knew.
3. First he asked C-3PO the chat
What is a great Guide:
Every Guide should know what
tool to use in which use case so
they can support the others.
4. After that he asked R2D2 the best
technical support he knew.
Peep boop pep peeppep
(You need to know every button
in every tool. )
5. He also asked the smuggler
Han Solo why he is a guide.
He said:
Look, I aint in this for your
revolution. I am in it for you.
I will allways find a way.
6. After that he went to Obi
Wan. The greatest ConNext
Coach he knew and asked
But he had no answer. He
just said: What do you want
to achive?
7. After that he went to the
greatest Guide hardware
expert of them all, Chewbacca
The best guide is the one that
can fix every problem that
someone has with his
8. He also met Yoda the oldes Guide he knew.
The goal of the Guides is the search for
New Work Style. Do or not do there is no
9. He asked the great Connext
Community manager Mace
The Guide needs to be
master in the use of ConNext
Communities like I am.
10. Poe Dameron the fastest
Worklow user in the galaxy
You need to know how you
tools work together and get
perfection in the workflows.
11. Then he met the young
Anakin Skywalker.
The best Guide is the one
that knows the dark side of
the tools and what you
should not do with them
12. Finally Luke comes back
to the management to
They asked him how
they could use the
guides to attack the
biggest death star in
the galaxy.
13. But Luke and the other Guides
convinced them that it would
be much better to cooperate
with them and build
something together instead of
fighting against them
14. After the meeting his boss
Jabba the Hut asks him.
Luke ma boo-kee, Keelee Ka-Lya
dooka. Wadja bo New Work
Style ray Moy.
(Han why havent you showed
me new work style first)