Talk given at a Joint CDG West Midlands division and UC&R Group West Midlands section event
Librarians as Teachers: the New Professionals?
The Teaching Grid, University of Warwick Library
Wednesday 26th May 201
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The HEA advantage: professional recognition in learning and teaching
1. The HEA advantage:
professional recognition in
learning and teaching
Jo Webb, Head of Academic Services and National Teaching
Fellow, Department of Library Services,
2. The Higher Education
Founded in 2004
merger of
Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher
Education (ILTHE)
Learning and Teaching Support Network
TQEF National Co-ordination Team
ILTHE founded in 2000 post Dearing
3. HEA mission
We support the sector in providing the best possible learning experience for all
We do this by working with individual academics to give them access to professional
recognition, advice and support, as well as networking and development opportunities
to enhance their teaching. Our network of 24 discipline-based subject centres
provides a range of services to subject departments including resources, events and
workshops and we also liaise directly with UK institutions, providing national
leadership in developing and disseminating evidence-informed practice about
enhancing the student learning experience.
We work across the four nations of the UK, recognising the distinctive policy contexts
and priorities in England and each of the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland, but also providing opportunities to share expertise among them.
We are an independent organisation funded by grants from the four UK higher
education funding bodies, subscriptions from higher education institutions, and grant
and contract income for specific initiatives.
4. Professional recognition
Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow of the
Associate and Fellow
2 membership routes
Completion of a recognized qualification
Application based on experience
National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (in
England and NI)
5. Accessibility to LIS
professionals - policy shift?
This is likely to be appropriate if you:
support students in practice based settings (eg. clinical or
social work), or in work based learning, or
provide significant support to student learning eg. learning
technologists and learning support staff, or
are in the very early stages of teaching eg. graduate
teaching assistants
This is appropriate if you have an academic role with
a substantial teaching commitment in higher
6. Criteria for Associate and Fellow
1. Design and planning of learning activities and/or
programmes of study
2. Teaching and/or supporting student learning
3. Assessment and giving feedback to learners
4. Developing effective environments and student support
and guidance
5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional
activities with teaching and supporting learning
6. Evaluation of practice and continuing professional
Associates need to demonstrate meeting1 of 1-4, plus 5.
Fellows all 6.
7. Professional standards
Core knowledge Professional values
The subject material Respect for individual learners
Appropriate methods for teaching Commitment to incorporating the
and learning in the subject area process and outcomes of relevant
and at the level of the academic research, scholarship and/or
programme professional practice
How students learn, both Commitment to the development
generally and in the subject of learning communities
The use of appropriate learning Commitment to encouraging
technologies participation in higher education,
Methods for evaluating the acknowledging diversity and
effectiveness of teaching promoting equality of opportunity
The implications for quality Commitment to continuing
assurance and enhancement for professional development and
professional practice evaluation
8. CILIP or HEA?
Organizational contexts for library services
Stakeholders in L&T
But perception of HEA and teaching roles?
Dual identity?
9. Excellence in teaching
students voices
Subject Pedagogy Student
J Clarke and M Watson (2009) Do student expectations of excellent teaching coincide with teachers
understanding of delivery of excellence in teaching? Paper presented at SRHE annual conference 8-10
10. Excellence in teaching
lecturers voices Citizen
J Clarke and M Watson (2009) Do student expectations of
excellent teaching coincide with teachers understanding of Professional
delivery of excellence in teaching? Paper presented at SRHE
annual conference 8-10 December Autonomous
Emotional, rational and
creative engagement
Socratic Learner
Didactic Student
Emotional, rational and
Emotional, rational and
creative engagement Subject Profession creative engagement
11. Conclusion
Professional recognition of role in learning
and teaching must be based on:
Knowledge and application of pedagogy
Discipline knowledge
Professional ethics and values as a practitioner
Professional recognition via HEA is valuable
and provides a development framework but is
not a replacement for professional
engagement in LIS