Halbery Health Technology Allows quantifying the efficiency of a light filter to stimulate a non-visual physiological effect which is responsive to light entering a wearer's eyes. The efficiency factor is based on a spectral light transmittance of the filter over the wavelength visible range, on the spectral physiological sensitivity profile and on a spectral distribution of the light which enters the wearer's eyes. Such natural spectral element is useful for an optical device designed for stimulating a physiological effect which is based on melanopsin, (the substance for secretion of melatonin).
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2. Medicine of the Future challenges the modern myth that
the sun is dangerous to our well-being and claims that
technological advancements, such as most fluorescent
lighting, sunglasses, tanning lotions, and our indoor
lifestyles, may be more harmful than helpful.
"In ancient times... people . . . understood Tao (and)
patterned themselves upon the Yin and the Yang and they
lived in harmony with the arts of divination. There was
temperance in eating and drinking. their hours of rising
and retiring were regular and not disorderly and wild. By
these means the ancients kept their bodies united with
their souls, so as to fulfill their allotted span completely,
measuring unto a hundred years before they passed
This, briefly, summarizes much of the medical Chinese
philosophy expounded throughout the Nei Ching 5000
years ago, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal
Medicine. This is the basis of Chinese medicine as it has
been practiced through the ages to the present time.
Chronobiology attempts to understand the cycles in
nature, and what purpose they serve, in order to better
understand ourselves and our world. Look at this list of a
few things that have a rhythmic nature:
Melatonin levels rise sharply as you begin to feel less
alert, and drop when you awake
Athletic performance can vary over the course of the
day by up to 26%, depending on the athletes
circadian rhythm.
Jet lag is a physiological condition caused by
disturbance to the body's natural circadian rhythm
or internal
Environmental factors are largely comprised of the
light/dark cycle, and the effect of eating on the
The light/dark cycle is associated with sleeping and
awake states, and is used to orchestrate a plethora of
bodily functions that benefit from alignment with
light/dark symphony.
Michel Audry
Director DArassus Trust
P r e a m b l e C y c l e o f N a t u r e
3. P re a m b l e C i rc a rd i a n R h y t h m s
2017 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, was awarded to Jeffrey C. Hall,
Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young, in recognition of their discovery of a mechanism to
control the circadian rhythm, The core of the study of time biology is the rhythm of biological
clock. The core of the study of biological time sociology is the influence of external changes on
the rhythm of biological clock and the countermeasures, which is an applied science. But today,
its importance to public health, disease prevention, and slow disease treatment is no less
important than physiology or medicine.
Franz Halberg (1919 2013) studied the adrenal as a physician scientist in post-World
War II Innsbruck, Austria. His work continued at Harvard Medical School, where he
held a World Health Organization fellowship in clinical endocrinology in 1948. In
1949, he moved to the University of Minnesota, which saw his breakthrough
experiments that led to the important discovery that circadian rhythms are partly
endogenous and can be manipulated by environmental synchronizers, notably the
lighting and feeding schedules.
4. dArassus Pty Ltd established in 2007 by the founder of EYRES Optics now Shamir
Safety, as the Developer of d'Arassus Quality Management System (QMS), a unique
software suite utility that assists in coordinating testing and eliminating human
error from the necessary calculations and test result evaluations.
d'Arassus sourced an Anti-Blue filter protection of 45% formulated within 380 NM
to 540 NM (BL:60%/ 440-460 NM) of the wavelength light spectrum . We was able
to endeavour the development of a filter lens which regulate and optimise the
secretion of melatonin to demonstrates health benefits as a non invasive therapy
for sleep insomniac, jet lag, shift work and mood disorders.
From 2015 d'Arassus focused on the development of Blue Light spectrum
protection. Furthermore we tested a number of Blue Light Lenses and Blue Blockers
currently on the market.
d'Arassus investigation found that the levels of blue light emitted by those anti blue
lenses specs only reduced exposure by around 20 per cent offering little protection
against blue-violet light emitted by led, smartphones, tablets and TVs. Blue blockers
tested did provide a good amount of protection but did not comply to the
colouring factors of the ISO standards.
Scientific research progressively accumulated during this period provided d'Arassus
with new understanding of the wave light spectrum, d'Arassus extended this
knowledge base to the sensitive light waves from 460 nm, 510 nm and 540 nm.
5. T H E P A R T N E R
In 2015, Mr. Wei Liejiang one of the founders of Biological Time Company,
Health Technology CO, Ltd (Good Health Technology Co, Ltd.), registered
Halbery Overall Health specializes in the Research and development of
chronobiology technologies and the impact of social and environmental
changes on human circadian rhythm and related countermeasures.
The core of the of biological time sociology is the influence of external
changes on the rhythm of biological clock and the countermeasures, which is
an applied science. But today, its importance to public health, disease
prevention, and slow disease treatment is no less important than physiology
or medicine.
In 2016, Good Health Technology Co discover the mechanism of the spectral
wavelength and the interaction of these wavelengths in the visible light,
consequently Halbery developed a unique optical filter lenses. Halbery
Health Technology Allows quantifying the efficiency of a light filter to
stimulate a non-visual physiological effect which is responsive to light
entering a wearer's eye.
6. Our aim is to improve health and safety in the workplaces. We
Research about the health challenges of those humans who must
continually work against their internal clock.
We know that there is evidence that chronic circadian misalignment
increases the risk for various diseases, and our Development in
Therapeutic Visual Optics help to work towards reducing mortality
and morbidity related to insufficient sleep.
Halbery Health Filter Lenses go a long way toward helping light
sensitive patients to leave and see better. The lenses have been
tested and proven particularly beneficial for patients with sleep
disorder, blue light sensitivity and other sight impairing medical
7. Halbery Overall Hearth
through evidence-based tests,
found that the amount of
melatonin secreted by people
in the body would increase
when they were working or
looking at their mobile
phones and computers, these
people are more likely to fall
asleep, sleep during sleep,
and REM sleep better than
usual. Due to the limitation of
production technology, the
first and second-generation
Halbery Therapeutic Eyewear
have not reached the target
value of scientific research
and test, but it has been very
effective. The third generation
of glasses is being introduced,
and the third generation of
glasses has basically reached
the target test value.
8. HALBERY Therapeutic Eyewear is worn while you are
awake either in the evening or before going to bed,
depending on how you wish to influence your sleep. A
recommended schedule of use is typically 7 days for 30 to
40 minutes each day.
Such natural spectral element is useful for an optical
device designed for stimulating a non-visual physiological
effect which is based on melanopsin, (the substance for
secretion of melatonin). The light-absorption through the
Optical Lens, to provide energetic and pleasant mood
during the day, as well as more quality sleep at night and
therefore improving your overall health.
86%For Small Medium Face Size
High Density Ultra Light Alloy Wrap Frame
Ergonomic Flexible Nose Pad
Therapeutic Halbery 8 base Curve Filter
Independent variable Anti-Blue Prevention is
86% (400-460nm)
H B R H G E 9 R
9. Halbery Health optical filter use vacum vapour deposition
coated patented technology, filter out the high energy
shortwave blue spectrum by affecting photo-receptors in
biological cells in the eye. Simultaneously Halbery found
that green light also plays a role in influencing these non-
visual responses through absortion (distortion) . Halbery
Therapy filter lenses reduce 72% within 440nm and 460nm
and 55% within 400nm and 540nm Halbury filter lenses are
non-invasive, easy to handle and produce little distortion
of color perception.
Halbery Health Technology Allows quantifying the
efficiency of a light filter to stimulate a non-visual
physiological effect which is responsive to light entering a
wearer's eyes. The efficiency factor is based on a spectral
light transmittance of the filter over the wavelength
visible range, on the spectral physiological sensitivity
profile and on a spectral distribution of the light which
enters the wearer's eyes. Such natural spectral element is
useful for an optical device designed for stimulating a
physiological effect which is based on melanopsin, (the
substance for secretion of melatonin).
High Density Ultra Light Alloy Wrap Frame;
Ergonomic Flexible Nose Pads
Therapeutic Halbery 8 base Curve Filter
Independent variable Anti-Blue Prevention is 86%
For Medium to Large face size
10. Occupational Health & Safety Compliance
Safety Eyewear is a broad category that includes everything
from spectacles to performance eye protectors. As a Specific
Purpose eyewear with different quality standards as Sunglasses
and Safety Glasses, Halbery Therapeutic Eyewear do Comply to
EN166, AS/NZS1337.1 and ANSI Z87.1. Workmanship and
product safety remain important considerations across the
Halbery eyewear device inhibit melatonin suppression,
by blocking more than 50 percent of incident
wavelengths of light having a wavelength range less
than, at or about 540 nm, while transmitting more than
50% of non-blocked wavelengths of light. In this way,
light-induced suppression of melatonin production can
be inhibited.
Workplace Alertness, Safety
and Productivity at Work
8 Base Curve Grylamid Wild Vision Frame
Therapeutic Halbery Filter Lenses. Independent
Variable Anti-Blue Prevention is 86% (400-460nm)
Ergonomic Flexible Nose Pads
Reduce Spectrum by 72% within 440nm and
460nm and 55% witbhin 400nm and 540nm
Worplace Alerness, Safety & Productivity at
11. AU S RAL AS IA H A L BERY 2 0 1 8
Halbery uses the latest technology, unique materials and advanced designs developed by dArassus to create therapeutic
spectacles that are lightweight, comfortable, flexible, durable, optically friendly and good looking. DArassus is a world
leader in developing, constructing and distributing advanced eye protection systems for a number of applications including
industrial, mining, military, law enforcement, emergency services, and sports to name a few. HALBERY lens patented
innovations ensure Non-Visual Physiological Therapeutic Effect.
12. Melatonin & Lifestyle
It may seem harmless to veg in front of the
TV before bed. You tune in, relax, zone out,
and, eventually, you nod off. Plenty of
people do itas many as two-thirds of
adults worldwid10e. But if your goal is to
get a good nights sleep, your best bet is to
turn off the tube.
The mere existence of electricity has
allowed us to move away from your
reliance on nature to tell you when its time
to be awake and when its time to sleep.
The increasing use of screens, including
televisions, computers, tablets, and
smartphones is especially problematic for
sleep. Thats because electronics emit a
particular type of blue light that is capable
of triggering the brain to stop making
The modern world: light sources
with a high proportion of blue light
13. Melatonin & Lifestyle
Tablets, smart phones and other digital displays are
not only changing the light spectrum we are
exposed to they are also changing our visual
behaviour. It's important to recognize that we are
spending far more time looking at things "close up"
than we did before. That's often because the
background brightness is too low. This is even a
problem among children: "school myopia" refers to
the increasing propensity of children to suffer from
shortsightedness once they start school.
For the best nights sleep, consider pretending that
you live in an earlier time. Wind down by reading a
(paper) book, writing in a journal, if you cant bring
yourself to miss your favorite shows on your TV,
chatting on your I-Pad or Mobile Phone, consider
using technology to help: wear your Halbery
eyewearbut an hour earlier than usual sleeping
time for for 20 to 30 minutesso you can unplug
and prepare for a good nights sleep.
The Blue Planet
How digital devices
are changing our vision
14. In humans, light exerts strong alerting effects that
depend upon several parameters, such as dose
(irradiance), duration, and the time of day of light
exposure. This photic regulation of alertness also
critically depends on the spectral composition of light,
with blue light as a powerful alerting stimulus,
contrary to green light, which might be less powerful
to a awaken a subject from sleep.
Every Colour has a specific frequency/wavelength.
Photo-reception in the retina is not restricted to rods
and cones, the classical photo-receptors that
generate but extends to melanopsin, a third photo-
receptor which also provides a measurement of
environmental brightness irradiance. Melanopsin is
expressed in a subset of retinal ganglion cells that
convey all non-visual light information, from
melanopsin and rod/cone-based photo-detection, to
the brain.
This show different pathways from the eye to the
brain - one directly regulating sleep and the other
increasing arousal. The electromagnetic visible light
spectrum is energetic enough to be absorbed and re-
emitted by electrons. This is the radiation responsible
for photosynthesis. Every Colour has a specific
Sight Impairing Ophthalmic Conditions
Non-Visual Physiological
Therapeutic Effect
Digital Vision Syndrome
wavelengths Non Visual Physiological Therapeutic
15. Halbery Therapeutic Optical
Optical Filters are used to selectively transmit or reject a wavelength or range of wavelengths. Optical Filters are ideal for life
science. Halbery therapeutic Filter reject a portion of the spectrum, while transmitting all other wavelengths.
Halbery technology is a simple, effective and inexpensive method to prevent the varied adverse health effects of light
exposure at night, without unduly increasing fatigue or reducing alertness. lenses are vacuum coated with a plurality of
optical filter layers, which cumulatively provide the selective wavelength blocking of the technology. 13 or more layers of
optical filter coatings are Suitably applied to form lenses of the present filter. Halbery optical filter enable good colour
recognition and do not impart a significant yellow hue. They also permit an average wearer to distinguish between most
shades of white/grey/yellow and blue/green/black.
T h e r a p e u t i c B l u e L i g h t
16. Halbery Therapeutic Optical Filter
Halbery Therapeutic Filter Lenses go a long way toward helping light sensitive patients to leave and see
better. The lenses have been tested and proven particularly beneficial for patients with sleep disorder, blue
light sensitivity and other sight impairing medical conditions.
400nm 440nm 490nm 540nm 570nm 650nm
0.00 29.70 26.70 37.30 55.00 94.10
Transmittance properties: T(v): Luminous Transmittance of the filter: 52%
t(l) SPECTRUM DATA When tested in accordance with dArassus Quality Control Management
LED Signal Light - Relative visual Attenuation for signal light detection (Q); (Minimum by
Incandescent Light: 1.68 1.33 0.77 0.76
LED Light: 1.68 1.33 0.77 0.76