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Mara Barbieri  Mariel Matta  Ramiro Yorgovan
The Hokey Pokey Shake
Topic: Body parts
Aim:Students will be able to
 Recognize body parts
 Recognize prepositions in / out
 Recognize commands
Ages: 5 -7 years old
Time: 45 minutes
 Song and video The Hokey Pokey shake by Super Simple Songs
 Flashcards representing the actions from the song
 Worksheet with matching activity: actions and their drawings
 Flashcards body parts
 Worksheet with cut-out body parts
In this lesson children will listen and act out the popular song The Hokey Pokey
Shake. Through the lyrics of the song they will practice different body parts and the
meanings of the prepositions in and out. Besides, they will learn how imperatives
are used and some minor comparison between singular and plural (foot vs feet; hand
vs hands). Moreover, the will have to use TPR to act out the song, which can help them
to recognize the body parts in their own bodies as well as perform the different
Mara Barbieri  Mariel Matta  Ramiro Yorgovan
1) Warm-up
practicing body
(5 minutes)
-Ask the children to move the body parts featured in the
song as you mention them (head, hands, feet, backside).
2) Watching the
(3 minutes)
-Play the video and ask them to watch it paying attention to
what the characters do in the different parts of the song.
3) Acting it out
-Set the rope on the floor forming a circle and ask the
children to stand around it.
-Tell the children to follow the lead of the teacher as they
listen to the song
-Play the song again without the video so that they look at
what the teacher is doing.
-Act the song out.
4) Focus on
vocabulary: actions
(10 minutes)
-Revise the commands used in the song with flashcards that
represent the different actions (turn around, clap your
hands, sit down, stand up, sing a song, be quiet, take a
-Give students handouts with a matching activity in which
they have to match each command with its respective
5) Focus on
vocabulary: parts of
the body
(20 minutes)
-Give students handouts with cut-out body parts and ask
them to put each part in the correct place to form the
- Stick the different body parts flashcards all mixed on the
board and ask one child per turn to go to the front, choose
one body part and put it in the right place.
-Write the name of each body part mentioned in the song
and ask children to copy them.
-Introduce and write the names of other body parts not
mentioned in the song.

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The hokey pokey shake

  • 1. LessonPlan Mara Barbieri Mariel Matta Ramiro Yorgovan The Hokey Pokey Shake Topic: Body parts Aim:Students will be able to Recognize body parts Recognize prepositions in / out Recognize commands Ages: 5 -7 years old Time: 45 minutes Materials: Song and video The Hokey Pokey shake by Super Simple Songs Rope Flashcards representing the actions from the song Worksheet with matching activity: actions and their drawings Flashcards body parts Worksheet with cut-out body parts Introduction: In this lesson children will listen and act out the popular song The Hokey Pokey Shake. Through the lyrics of the song they will practice different body parts and the meanings of the prepositions in and out. Besides, they will learn how imperatives are used and some minor comparison between singular and plural (foot vs feet; hand vs hands). Moreover, the will have to use TPR to act out the song, which can help them to recognize the body parts in their own bodies as well as perform the different actions.
  • 2. LessonPlan Mara Barbieri Mariel Matta Ramiro Yorgovan Procedure: 1) Warm-up practicing body parts (5 minutes) -Ask the children to move the body parts featured in the song as you mention them (head, hands, feet, backside). 2) Watching the video (3 minutes) -Play the video and ask them to watch it paying attention to what the characters do in the different parts of the song. 3) Acting it out (7minutes) -Set the rope on the floor forming a circle and ask the children to stand around it. -Tell the children to follow the lead of the teacher as they listen to the song -Play the song again without the video so that they look at what the teacher is doing. -Act the song out. 4) Focus on vocabulary: actions (10 minutes) -Revise the commands used in the song with flashcards that represent the different actions (turn around, clap your hands, sit down, stand up, sing a song, be quiet, take a bow). -Give students handouts with a matching activity in which they have to match each command with its respective drawing. 5) Focus on vocabulary: parts of the body (20 minutes) -Give students handouts with cut-out body parts and ask them to put each part in the correct place to form the body. - Stick the different body parts flashcards all mixed on the board and ask one child per turn to go to the front, choose one body part and put it in the right place. -Write the name of each body part mentioned in the song and ask children to copy them. -Introduce and write the names of other body parts not mentioned in the song.