Hercules' second labor was to kill the Hydra of Lerna, a nine-headed monster. He and his nephew Iolaus fought the Hydra, cutting off its heads, but more grew back. Iolaus helped Hercules by burning the wounds so the heads wouldn't regrow, allowing Hercules to destroy the last head and bury it under a rock, completing his labor.
2. The second labor of Hercules was to kill a monster, the Hydra of Lerna, a monster with nine heads.
3. In this work, Iolaus, his nephew, goes with him.They fought the Hydra but, though they cut her heads one by one they grew back again.
4. Iolaus to save Hercules, set fire to the wounds of the Hydra's heads as Hercules cut and thus do not grow back.Hercules destroyed the last head with his great club and buried under a rock.