The Greek commanders plan their next move after a restless night, deciding to send Odysseus and Diomedes as spies into the Trojan camp. The next day, Zeus causes a massacre of the Achaeans until afternoon when they begin to gain ground, driving the Trojans back to their city gates. Zeus then tells Hector he must wait to attack until Agamemnon is wounded. Hector ignores a bad omen and refuses to retreat, ordering his men to storm the Achaean ramparts despite Polydamas' advice.
2. Chapter 10
The Greek commanders sleep well that night, with the exception
of Agamemnon and Menelaus.
Eventually, they rise and wake the others. They convene on open
ground, on the Trojan side of their fortifications, to plan their next
move. Nestor suggests sending a spy to infiltrate the Trojan
ranks, and Diomedes quickly volunteers for the role. He asks for
support, and Odysseus steps forward.
3. Chapter 11
The next morning, Zeus rains blood upon the Achaean
lines, filling them with panic; they suffer a massacre during the
first part of the day. But, by afternoon, they have begun to make
Agamenon beats the Trojans back to the city gates.
Zeus sends Iris to tell Hector that he must wait until Agamemnon
is wounded and then begin his attack.
4. Chapter 12
The Achaean fortifications are doomed to be destroyed by the gods
when Troy falls.
They continue to hold for now, however, and the trench dug in front of
them blocks the Trojan chariots.
Hector, acting on the advice of the young commander Polydamas,
orders his men to disembark from their chariots and storm the
he Trojans prepare to cross the trenches, an eagle flies to the left-
hand side of the Trojan line and drops a serpent in the soldiers midst.
Polydamas interprets this event as a sign that their charge will fail,
but Hector refuses to retreat
5. Chapter 13
Zeus leaves the war, satisfied because he saw that their men
were doing good. Meanwhile, Poseidon visits Little Ajax and
Great Ajax and gives them confidence to battle against the
Trojans. Hector continues his assault, but the Trojans who
accompanied him had lost their vigor. Some of the Achaeans
turn their back and join the Trojan army.
6. Chapter 14
Nestor leaves Machaon and goes to visit the other
wounded Achaean commanders with the ships.
Agamemnon proposes to the others to give up and set sail
for home. Zeus and Hera overlook Troy and devise a plan
to distract the Achaeans. Everyone thinks it is a good idea,
so they head out. On their way they encounter Poseidon in
7. Chapter 15
Chapter 15 is about Zeus waking up and finding the war out
of control. He sees several Trojans and Achaeans
screaming, heavily wounded, and vomiting blood. He
realizes it was all Heras fault and he tries to enter the
battle, but Hera blocks him. Zeus tries to convince Hera that
what she is doing is wrong.
8. Chapter 16
In this chapter, Patroclus wants to wear Achilles armor but he
does not want to give it to him, but he does not care and takes
it. In the battle, Zeus decides to kill Patroclus to give Hector
some courage to kill him. Then, Apollo sneaks in the battle and
injures Patroclus and then Hector decides to kill him.