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International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
DOI: 10.5121/ijcsea.2017.7601 1
AL-Mamoon AL-Othman and Abdullah Hasanat
Department of Computer Engineering, AL-Hussein bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan
Recently, the influence of the silicon area on the delay time, power dissipation and the leakage current is a
crucial issue when designing a full adder circuit. In this paper, an efficient full adder design referred to as
10-T is proposed. The new design utilized the use of XNOR gates instead of XOR in the full adder
implementation and, as a result, the delay time and power dissipation are significantly decreased. In
order, to show the influence of the silicon area and transistors count on the performance of the 10-T full
adder, it is compared to the most recent full adders : 28-T , 20T , 16-T , and 14 T. Simulation result
based on HSPICE simulator using 16nm technology showed that the 10-T XNOR full adder significantly
improved the performance of full adder through decreasing the transistors count. In addition using the
multi-supply voltage of 130nm technology, in this case the proposed full adder demonstrated is the best
power consumption in comparison to other designs.
Addition is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations. It is used extensively in many VLSI
systems such as microprocessors, embedded systems and applications with specific DSP
architecture. In addition to its main task, which is adding two numbers, it is primarily used in
many other useful operations such as, subtraction and multiplication [1].
In general, dynamic power dissipation, static power dissipation and leakage current power
dissipation are the main factors of power dissipation in electro components [2]. Moreover, the
advances in battery technology have not taken place as fast as the advances in electronic devices.
Hence, designing a VLSI system faced with a number of challenges like high speed, high
throughput and at the same time, consuming as minimal power as possible [3]. The full adder cell
can be implemented in many different logic circuit such as complementary pass-transistor logic
(CPL) , dual pass-transistor logic (DPL) , swing restored pass-transistor logic (SRPL) plus variant
(SRPL2) , complementary pass transistor transmission gate (CPL-TG) , or transmission gate
logic (TG) plus variant. In this paper, only the static CMOS structure is discussed.
Recently, the size of transistor in a nanometer technology has been reduced. The number of
transistors per unit area is already increased, while the supply voltage has been reduced to
maintain acceptable average dynamic power dissipation per silicon area unit. Thus in order to
maintain high speed transistors, some SPICE parameters such as the threshold voltage must be
scaled down at the same rate as the supply voltage [4]. Consequently, the leakage current power
is increased dramatically with each technology generation. The most efficient parameters that
reduce the power dissipation are scaling the supply voltage, and the total load capacitor [5]. For
this purpose, various techniques are proposed to efficiently reduce the power dissipation.
Examples on these techniques include multithreshold voltage and low swing voltage techniques.
This paper is organized as following. In section two it described the proposed 10-T Full adder.
Section three included simulation results for the Full Adders, section four discussed the minimum
leakage vector technique applied in the Full Adders, while the last section was the conclusion.
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
In fact, the XNOR gate forms the fundamental building block of the Full Adder. Therefore,
enhancing the performance of the XNOR gates is an important trend in order to improve the
performance of the Full Adder. One way to achieve this is to decrease the number of transistors
constituting the XNOR gate. In this case, the full adder speed will be increased, whilst the delay
time and the power dissipation are decreased. The basic Full Adder design can be given as by
Sum = A XOR B XOR Cin =A XNOR B XNOR Cin (1)
Cout = Cin * (A XOR B) + AB (2)
As shown in the next table and by Boolean algebra theorem that said X = X , we show that
A XOR B XOR Cin equal to A XNOR B XNOR Cin
So A XOR B XOR C = (AB+AB) C + (AB+AB) 
= ABC+ABC+((A+B)(A+B))C
= ABC+ABC+(((AB)C)((A+B)C))
= ABC+ABC+(((A+B)C)(AC+BC))
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
Table 1: truth table for XNOR / XOR Gate
Figure 1 shows an efficient 2-Input XNOR logic gate [11], it contains from one pMOS transistor
to produce logic one while the other two nMOS transistors are used to produce logic 0 , the output
characteristic for this gate shown in Table I
Figure 1. XNOR Logic Gate [11]
This gate is more preferable than any other XNOR logic gate, as the total power dissipation and
speed operation in this circuit is less than all other XNOR gates in the same logic families as will
be discussed in details in the reset of this paper.
Table2: Truth table for XNOR gate in Figure 1
At any Full Adder, the SUM circuit constitute from two XNOR gates as declared from equation
(1). Therefore, applying the 3-transistor XNOR gate shown in Figure 2.a, could perform the SUM
function by only 6 transistors, while the Carry out could be implemented using only two NMOS
transistor, as shown from Figure 3.
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
Figure2.The carry out circuit of new Full Adder design
Figure 3 shows Full Adder with 10 transistors that perform the SUM circuit; the SUM circuit
consists from two XNOR gates in series. The output of (A XNOR B) is XNORed again with the
Cin to perform the SUM. The Carry out circuit contains from two nMOS transistor built by CPL
logic gate. The logic operation of the Carry out is very simple, it is ANDed the (A XOR B) with
Cin or it is ANDed A with B. This simple gate implemented by 2 transistors only to perform the
Carry out successfully.
Figure3. The 10-Transistor Full Adder design
Simulation results of three inputs are shown in Figure 4, from these waveforms, it seems that for
three input combinations; there are correct waveforms in the output which verifies the validity of
the 8-T Full Adder. The weakness of this Full Adder appears at the outputs when the inputs A is
High, B is Low, & C is High, or when the inputs A is High, B is High & C is High
Figure4. Input/Output waveforms of the 10-T Full Adder
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
To solve this problem, multi-supply voltage technique is applied on this Full Adder to get
efficient results at the output. Multi-Supply voltage technique is an efficient technique used
recently to reduce the total dynamic and static power dissipation [12]. This technique is based on
using different levels of supply voltages in the circuit in order to reduce the power dissipation and
increase the speed operation In the next figure we put 2 inverter after SUM circuit and Carry
circuit to get good one and zero at the output as shown in fig 5
Figure 5. The 10-Transistor Full Adder design with inverters
Applying Multi-supply Voltage Technique on the 10-transistor Full Adder, as shown in Figure 6,
it will yield correct outputs as shown in Figure 4.c, it seems that the output operates correctly
without any degradations.
Figure6. Simulation Result Waveforms of the 10-T Full Adder with Inverters
In order to evaluate the performance of the 8-Transistor Full Adder, various evaluations and
comparison results between this Full Adder with other types are discussed and analyzed in this
section. The simulation results are given under the same circumstances of SPICE parameters, the
comparatives are given between the dynamic power dissipation with different values of load
capacitor, delay time, and leakage power, under 16nm technology SPICE Foundries.
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
Delay analysis of VLSI circuits is a key element in timing verification and speed execution, gate-
level simulation and performance layout design [9]
One of the most important parameters in the circuit level is the delay time, the delay time
increases by decreasing the power supply voltage. For this purpose, the logic high of three inputs
is taken as 0.7V. This value is selected after different tests and simulations using the range
between (0.6V to 1.2V). The difference between the delay time of these Full Adders appeared
very clear around this value. Table 4 shows the delay time of six Full Adders using different
values of load capacitance at the output of these Full Adders. It is clearly shown that the 8-
Transistor Full Adder is the fastest design in comparison to all others. SERF Full adder behaves
highly comparable with the 8-Transistor Full Adder for load capacitance of 10fF and 20fF.
However for higher values, the 8-Transistor Full Adder achieved the lowest delay. Figure 7
shows these simulation results.
Table 3: Delay time in different value of load capacitor (e-007)
Figure 7 shows the values in Table IV as a chart in order to declare the difference between the
Four tested Full Adders
Figure 7. The delay time for each Full Adder under different values of load capacitors
Dynamic power dissipation is appeared when the transistor changes its status from high to low or
from low to high. The most efficient parameters of dynamic power dissipation are the supply
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
Dynamic Power
10Ff 20fF 30fF 40fF 50fF
voltage. For this purpose, Table V shows the dynamic power dissipation for each Full Adder at
different values of load capacitor. Simulation results show that the 8-Transistor Full Adder has
the lowest dynamic power dissipation. This is because it does not contain direct supply voltage
(VCC) within its circuit except the two added Inverters (in case they are added). Figure 8 shows
that the TFA Full Adder consumes higher than others. Then SERF and 14-T Full Adder,
respectively, while the 8-T Full Adder consumes the lowest power dissipation comparing to all
other circuits.
Table 4: Dynamic power dissipation for each Full Adder in different value of Load Capacitor
L 8T 0T 6T 4T 0T
0Ff 10 02 50 1 2
0fF 14 05 55 3 4
0fF 19 08 63 4 7
0fF 22 15 69 9 4
0fF 26 21 70 3 9
Figure 8. Dynamic power dissipation in deferent value of load capacitor
The leakage current is defined as the small amount of current that flows through a photonic
semiconductor device when it is not operating. It is also known as dark current [10]
The leakage current becomes important issue especially when the nano-scale technology is used.
The value of leakage current will be increased as the length of the gate is reduced. Therefore, it is
interesting to look for new techniques that reduce the leakage power dissipation when transistor is
in off state. One of these techniques is the Minimum Leakage Vector [12] [13]. The main concept
of this technique is to select the proper input vector so that the major transistors of the circuit
remain in ON state when the circuit is off. In our case, for one single Full Adder, it is easy to
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
select the proper input combination of three inputs manually. The second step of this technique is
to calculate the leakage current of each transistor independently. For 16nm SPICE parameters, the
leakage current for NMOS is 2.8e-011A and the Leakage current for PMOS is 7.37e-
011A.Therefore, the leakage power dissipation could be calculated from the following equation:
3.4 Leakage Power
Table 5 shows the leakage power dissipation for each Full Adders using different values of supply
voltage (VCC). As can be seen from this table, the proposed 10-T adder is the best adder in terms
of leakage power; the second adder is the 10-T adder, while the worst case appeared for the 28-T
Full Adder.
Table 5: Leakage power for each FA in different value of load capacitor (nA)
Switching activity known as how many times the transistor is switching from one to zero or from
zero to one. In addition, switching activity is important to decide the critical path in the design. In
Table 6, the switching activity for each adder is shown. As expected, when the transistor counts
of full adder coming down, the switching activity for all full adders is coming down with positive
proportional. It is apparent that the 28-T full adder has the largest value of switching activity
while the 10-T full adder has the lowest switching activity.
Table 6: Switching activity for each full adder
Figure 9 shows the switching activity for each full adder. The 28-T full adder has the largest
value of switching activity, because it have a largest number of transistors while the 10-T full
adder has the lowest value of switching activity because it has the least number of transistor
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
switching activity
28-T 20-T 16-T 14-T 10-T 10-TPO
switching activity
Figure 9: switching activates of all full adders
In paper, 8-transistor of NOR gate to build a full adder design was proposed. Three different Full
Adder circuits based on Complementary Pass Transistor Logic has been compared with the
proposed 8-transistor Full Adder.. The comparison results between these transistors in terms of
power dissipation, delay time, and leakage power, were conducted, it is shown that the 8-
transistor Full Adder has superiority in reducing the power dissipation of dynamic and leakage
current, as well as the delay time. In order to verify these results, three various predictive SPICE
parameters were tested in this paper. Multi supply voltage technique was used to get exact levels
of high and low. The 8-transistor Full Adder was proved to be the most usable Full Adder for next
decades applications.
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International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017
[10] T. Vvigneswaran, B. Mukundhan and P. Subbarami Reddy "A Novel LowPower High Performance
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Almamoon Alothman1 received his Bachelor of Computer Engineering from AlBalqaa
Applied University (ABU), Amman, Jordan and Masters degree of Computer Engineering
from Jordan University for Science and Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan. His research
interest includes VLSI design with advanced microcontrollers and DSP processors,
Analog and Digital electronics, Computer Architecture & Organization.
Abdullah I. Al-Hasanat2 was born in Jordan in 1981. He received the B. Sc. degree in
computer engineering from the University of Aden in Yemen in 2004, his M. Sc. degree
in computer engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology in Jordan in
2007, and his Ph.D. degree in wireless networks from the University of Newcastle in UK
in 2012. Currently, he is an associate professor in the department of computer
engineering. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, ad hoc networks,
parallel computing and signal and image processing.

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The Influence of Silicon Area on the Performance of the Full Adders

  • 1. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 DOI: 10.5121/ijcsea.2017.7601 1 THE INFLUENCE OF SILICON AREA ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FULL ADDERS AL-Mamoon AL-Othman and Abdullah Hasanat Department of Computer Engineering, AL-Hussein bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan ABSTRACT Recently, the influence of the silicon area on the delay time, power dissipation and the leakage current is a crucial issue when designing a full adder circuit. In this paper, an efficient full adder design referred to as 10-T is proposed. The new design utilized the use of XNOR gates instead of XOR in the full adder implementation and, as a result, the delay time and power dissipation are significantly decreased. In order, to show the influence of the silicon area and transistors count on the performance of the 10-T full adder, it is compared to the most recent full adders : 28-T , 20T , 16-T , and 14 T. Simulation result based on HSPICE simulator using 16nm technology showed that the 10-T XNOR full adder significantly improved the performance of full adder through decreasing the transistors count. In addition using the multi-supply voltage of 130nm technology, in this case the proposed full adder demonstrated is the best power consumption in comparison to other designs. I. INTRODUCTION Addition is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations. It is used extensively in many VLSI systems such as microprocessors, embedded systems and applications with specific DSP architecture. In addition to its main task, which is adding two numbers, it is primarily used in many other useful operations such as, subtraction and multiplication [1]. In general, dynamic power dissipation, static power dissipation and leakage current power dissipation are the main factors of power dissipation in electro components [2]. Moreover, the advances in battery technology have not taken place as fast as the advances in electronic devices. Hence, designing a VLSI system faced with a number of challenges like high speed, high throughput and at the same time, consuming as minimal power as possible [3]. The full adder cell can be implemented in many different logic circuit such as complementary pass-transistor logic (CPL) , dual pass-transistor logic (DPL) , swing restored pass-transistor logic (SRPL) plus variant (SRPL2) , complementary pass transistor transmission gate (CPL-TG) , or transmission gate logic (TG) plus variant. In this paper, only the static CMOS structure is discussed. Recently, the size of transistor in a nanometer technology has been reduced. The number of transistors per unit area is already increased, while the supply voltage has been reduced to maintain acceptable average dynamic power dissipation per silicon area unit. Thus in order to maintain high speed transistors, some SPICE parameters such as the threshold voltage must be scaled down at the same rate as the supply voltage [4]. Consequently, the leakage current power is increased dramatically with each technology generation. The most efficient parameters that reduce the power dissipation are scaling the supply voltage, and the total load capacitor [5]. For this purpose, various techniques are proposed to efficiently reduce the power dissipation. Examples on these techniques include multithreshold voltage and low swing voltage techniques. This paper is organized as following. In section two it described the proposed 10-T Full adder. Section three included simulation results for the Full Adders, section four discussed the minimum leakage vector technique applied in the Full Adders, while the last section was the conclusion.
  • 2. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 2 2. PROPOSED 10-T FULL ADDER In fact, the XNOR gate forms the fundamental building block of the Full Adder. Therefore, enhancing the performance of the XNOR gates is an important trend in order to improve the performance of the Full Adder. One way to achieve this is to decrease the number of transistors constituting the XNOR gate. In this case, the full adder speed will be increased, whilst the delay time and the power dissipation are decreased. The basic Full Adder design can be given as by Sum = A XOR B XOR Cin =A XNOR B XNOR Cin (1) Cout = Cin * (A XOR B) + AB (2) As shown in the next table and by Boolean algebra theorem that said X = X , we show that A XOR B XOR Cin equal to A XNOR B XNOR Cin A XOR B= AB+AB So A XOR B XOR C = (AB+AB) C + (AB+AB) =ABC+ABC+((AB)(AB))C = ABC+ABC+((A+B)(A+B))C = ABC+ABC+((AC+BC)(AC+BC)) = ABC+ABC+(ACAC+ACBC+BCAC+BCBC) = ABC+ABC +(C(AA+AB+BA+BB) = ABC+ABC +C(AB+AB) = ABC+ABC+ABC+ABC (3) A XNOR B = AB+AB So A XNOR B XNOR C = (AB+AB)C+ (AB+AB)C =ABC+ABC +((AB)(AB))C = ABC+ABC+(((AB)C)((A+B)C)) = ABC+ABC+(((A+B)C)(AC+BC)) ABC+ABC+((AC+BC)(AC+BC)) = ABC+ABC+(ACAC+ACBC+BCAC+BCBC) = ABC+ABC+C(AA+AB+BA+BB) = ABC+ABC+C(AB+BA) = ABC+ABC+ ABC+ABC (4)
  • 3. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 3 Table 1: truth table for XNOR / XOR Gate 2.1 THE DESIGN OF XNOR GATE Figure 1 shows an efficient 2-Input XNOR logic gate [11], it contains from one pMOS transistor to produce logic one while the other two nMOS transistors are used to produce logic 0 , the output characteristic for this gate shown in Table I Figure 1. XNOR Logic Gate [11] This gate is more preferable than any other XNOR logic gate, as the total power dissipation and speed operation in this circuit is less than all other XNOR gates in the same logic families as will be discussed in details in the reset of this paper. Table2: Truth table for XNOR gate in Figure 1 At any Full Adder, the SUM circuit constitute from two XNOR gates as declared from equation (1). Therefore, applying the 3-transistor XNOR gate shown in Figure 2.a, could perform the SUM function by only 6 transistors, while the Carry out could be implemented using only two NMOS transistor, as shown from Figure 3.
  • 4. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 4 Figure2.The carry out circuit of new Full Adder design Figure 3 shows Full Adder with 10 transistors that perform the SUM circuit; the SUM circuit consists from two XNOR gates in series. The output of (A XNOR B) is XNORed again with the Cin to perform the SUM. The Carry out circuit contains from two nMOS transistor built by CPL logic gate. The logic operation of the Carry out is very simple, it is ANDed the (A XOR B) with Cin or it is ANDed A with B. This simple gate implemented by 2 transistors only to perform the Carry out successfully. Figure3. The 10-Transistor Full Adder design Simulation results of three inputs are shown in Figure 4, from these waveforms, it seems that for three input combinations; there are correct waveforms in the output which verifies the validity of the 8-T Full Adder. The weakness of this Full Adder appears at the outputs when the inputs A is High, B is Low, & C is High, or when the inputs A is High, B is High & C is High correspondingly. Figure4. Input/Output waveforms of the 10-T Full Adder
  • 5. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 5 To solve this problem, multi-supply voltage technique is applied on this Full Adder to get efficient results at the output. Multi-Supply voltage technique is an efficient technique used recently to reduce the total dynamic and static power dissipation [12]. This technique is based on using different levels of supply voltages in the circuit in order to reduce the power dissipation and increase the speed operation In the next figure we put 2 inverter after SUM circuit and Carry circuit to get good one and zero at the output as shown in fig 5 Figure 5. The 10-Transistor Full Adder design with inverters Applying Multi-supply Voltage Technique on the 10-transistor Full Adder, as shown in Figure 6, it will yield correct outputs as shown in Figure 4.c, it seems that the output operates correctly without any degradations. Figure6. Simulation Result Waveforms of the 10-T Full Adder with Inverters 3. SIMULATION In order to evaluate the performance of the 8-Transistor Full Adder, various evaluations and comparison results between this Full Adder with other types are discussed and analyzed in this section. The simulation results are given under the same circumstances of SPICE parameters, the comparatives are given between the dynamic power dissipation with different values of load capacitor, delay time, and leakage power, under 16nm technology SPICE Foundries.
  • 6. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 6 3.1 DELAY TIME Delay analysis of VLSI circuits is a key element in timing verification and speed execution, gate- level simulation and performance layout design [9] One of the most important parameters in the circuit level is the delay time, the delay time increases by decreasing the power supply voltage. For this purpose, the logic high of three inputs is taken as 0.7V. This value is selected after different tests and simulations using the range between (0.6V to 1.2V). The difference between the delay time of these Full Adders appeared very clear around this value. Table 4 shows the delay time of six Full Adders using different values of load capacitance at the output of these Full Adders. It is clearly shown that the 8- Transistor Full Adder is the fastest design in comparison to all others. SERF Full adder behaves highly comparable with the 8-Transistor Full Adder for load capacitance of 10fF and 20fF. However for higher values, the 8-Transistor Full Adder achieved the lowest delay. Figure 7 shows these simulation results. Table 3: Delay time in different value of load capacitor (e-007) Figure 7 shows the values in Table IV as a chart in order to declare the difference between the Four tested Full Adders Figure 7. The delay time for each Full Adder under different values of load capacitors 3.2 DYNAMIC POWER DISSIPATION Dynamic power dissipation is appeared when the transistor changes its status from high to low or from low to high. The most efficient parameters of dynamic power dissipation are the supply
  • 7. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Dynamic Power Dissipation 10Ff 20fF 30fF 40fF 50fF 28-T 20-T 16-T 14-T 10-T 10-TP voltage. For this purpose, Table V shows the dynamic power dissipation for each Full Adder at different values of load capacitor. Simulation results show that the 8-Transistor Full Adder has the lowest dynamic power dissipation. This is because it does not contain direct supply voltage (VCC) within its circuit except the two added Inverters (in case they are added). Figure 8 shows that the TFA Full Adder consumes higher than others. Then SERF and 14-T Full Adder, respectively, while the 8-T Full Adder consumes the lowest power dissipation comparing to all other circuits. Table 4: Dynamic power dissipation for each Full Adder in different value of Load Capacitor L 8T 0T 6T 4T 0T 1 0T Proposed 0Ff 10 02 50 1 2 6 7 0fF 14 05 55 3 4 6 8 0fF 19 08 63 4 7 7 0 0fF 22 15 69 9 4 7 2 0fF 26 21 70 3 9 7 9 Figure 8. Dynamic power dissipation in deferent value of load capacitor 3.3 LEAKAGE CURRENT: The leakage current is defined as the small amount of current that flows through a photonic semiconductor device when it is not operating. It is also known as dark current [10] The leakage current becomes important issue especially when the nano-scale technology is used. The value of leakage current will be increased as the length of the gate is reduced. Therefore, it is interesting to look for new techniques that reduce the leakage power dissipation when transistor is in off state. One of these techniques is the Minimum Leakage Vector [12] [13]. The main concept of this technique is to select the proper input vector so that the major transistors of the circuit remain in ON state when the circuit is off. In our case, for one single Full Adder, it is easy to
  • 8. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 8 select the proper input combination of three inputs manually. The second step of this technique is to calculate the leakage current of each transistor independently. For 16nm SPICE parameters, the leakage current for NMOS is 2.8e-011A and the Leakage current for PMOS is 7.37e- 011A.Therefore, the leakage power dissipation could be calculated from the following equation: 3.4 Leakage Power Table 5 shows the leakage power dissipation for each Full Adders using different values of supply voltage (VCC). As can be seen from this table, the proposed 10-T adder is the best adder in terms of leakage power; the second adder is the 10-T adder, while the worst case appeared for the 28-T Full Adder. Table 5: Leakage power for each FA in different value of load capacitor (nA) 3.5 SWITCHING ACTIVITIES Switching activity known as how many times the transistor is switching from one to zero or from zero to one. In addition, switching activity is important to decide the critical path in the design. In Table 6, the switching activity for each adder is shown. As expected, when the transistor counts of full adder coming down, the switching activity for all full adders is coming down with positive proportional. It is apparent that the 28-T full adder has the largest value of switching activity while the 10-T full adder has the lowest switching activity. Table 6: Switching activity for each full adder Figure 9 shows the switching activity for each full adder. The 28-T full adder has the largest value of switching activity, because it have a largest number of transistors while the 10-T full adder has the lowest value of switching activity because it has the least number of transistor
  • 9. International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 9 switching activity 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 28-T 20-T 16-T 14-T 10-T 10-TPO switching activity Figure 9: switching activates of all full adders 4. CONCLUSION In paper, 8-transistor of NOR gate to build a full adder design was proposed. Three different Full Adder circuits based on Complementary Pass Transistor Logic has been compared with the proposed 8-transistor Full Adder.. The comparison results between these transistors in terms of power dissipation, delay time, and leakage power, were conducted, it is shown that the 8- transistor Full Adder has superiority in reducing the power dissipation of dynamic and leakage current, as well as the delay time. In order to verify these results, three various predictive SPICE parameters were tested in this paper. Multi supply voltage technique was used to get exact levels of high and low. The 8-transistor Full Adder was proved to be the most usable Full Adder for next decades applications. REFERENCES [1] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 2004. [2] A. Chandrakasan, Low Power Digital CMOS Design, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, Memorandom No. UCB/ERL M94/65, August 1994. [3] Flynn, M.J. Hung, P. Microprocessor design issues, thoughts on the road ahead, IEEE Micro, Vol. 25, Issue 3, p. 16-31, May-June 2005. [4] D. Liu and C. Svensson,Trading speed for low power by choice of supply and threshold voltages, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits and Systems, p.10--17, January 1998. [5] A. Chandrakasan, S. Sheng, and R. Brodersen, Low Power CMOS Digital Design, IEEE Journal of Solid- State Circuits and Systems, Vol 27, No. 4, p. 473484, April 1999. [6] Zimmermann, R. and W. Fichtner, 1997. Low power logic styles: CMOS versus pass transistor logic, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 32(7): 1079-1090. [7] Zhuang, N. and H. Wu, 1992. A New design of the CMOS full adder, IEEE J.Solid-state Ciruit, 27(5): 840-844. [8] Weste, N. and K. Eshraghian, 1993. Principles of CMOS VLSI design, A System Perspective, MA: Addison-Wesley. [9] R. Shalem, E. John, and L. K. John, A novel low power energy recovery full adder cell, in Proc. IEEE Great Lakes VLSI Symp., Feb. 1999, pp. 380383.
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