The document discusses the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS), which identifies core data elements that should be collected for all patients receiving nursing care. It aims to standardize how this minimum necessary nursing data is recorded and abstracted from both paper and electronic health records. The NMDS includes data on nursing care provided, patient demographics, and service elements. Its goals are to facilitate comparable nursing data collection and enhance documentation of care.
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The internet
2. ? It is a global system of
interconnected computer networks that use
the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)
to serve billions of users worldwide.
? It is a network of networks that consists of
millions of private, public, academic,
business, and government networks of local
to global scope that are linked by a broad
array of electronic and optical networking
3. ? Easy access to sources of healthcare
? Constant source of up-to-date
professional information.
? Helps in the expansion of nursing care
standards from community and
regional to national and international.
4. ? Conceptualized in the year 1957 during the
launch of USSR’s project Sputnik.
? Creation of the Advanced Research Project
Agency (ARPA) by President Eisenhower.
? It’s primary purpose is for the US to be able
to communicate after a nuclear war.
? The plan was to devise a network that had no
central authority and could be accessed at all
? Utilized the devised known as “packet
switching” which was invented by Paul Barran.
6. ? In 1962, Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to lead
the research to improve military use of computer
technology thus they coined the ARPANET.
? The ARPANET stabilized the use of the net by
providing security against interruption of
communication, it also provided convenient
service to scientists and researchers, allowing
them to share were then scarce computer
? In 1973 Vin Cerf and Bob Kahn, lead the creation
of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the
Internet Protocols.
7. ? The Internet Society (ISOC) is the overall
organizing force that works behind the
technology of the internet.
? It is an international, non-profit, professional
membership organization with no
governmental allegiances.
? The society works to maintain standards,
develop public policy, provide education, and
increase membership.
8. ? The functionality of the internet depends on
the standardized communication protocols.
? Protocols determine how data will be
transmitted between two devices, the type of
error checking that will be performed, how
data compression, if any is accomplished,
how the sending computer will signal that it
has finished sending a message, and how the
receiving computer will signal that it has
received a message.
9. ? Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) allows
computers to connect to a network and
exchange data. This protocol carries out the
task of breaking messages into small
? Internet Protocol (IP) is a lower level protocol,
which is responsible for making decisions
about these packets and routing them.
10. ? Hypertext Transmission Protocol (HTTP),
supports the World Wide Web(WWW).
? File Transmission Protocol (FTP) permits
users to send all types of electronic files over
the internet.
? Telnet allows users to access a distant
11. ? It is a way of identifying other computers to
perform the tasks required of them.
? Paul Mockapetris – the pioneer in the
protocols that allow the DNS to work.
? Series of characters (usually letters) make up
a domain name. (also called strings or labels)
? Right most label in a domain name is the “top
level domain” (TLD)
12. .AERO Air transport Industry
.BIZ Businesses
.COM Commercial/Business Organizations
.COOP Cooperatives
.EDU 4 year degree granting institutions
.GOV Restricted to Government Institutions
.INFO All users
.INT Organizations established by international treaty
.MIL Restricted to military
.MUSEUM Museums
.NAME Individuals
.NET Network resources
.ORG Non profit organizations
.PRO Professions
13. ? It is a method of
exchanging digital messages.
? E-mail systems are based on a store-and-
forward model in which e-mail server
computer systems accept, forward, deliver
and store messages on behalf of users, who
only need to connect to the e-mail
infrastructure, typically an e-mail server, with
a network-enabled device for the duration of
message submission or retrieval.
15. ? Use Computer Courtesy
? Use Emoticons
? Be Brief Online
? Pay Attention to Language Issues
? Think Before Posting
? Keep Personal Information Private
? Obey Copyright Laws
? Help Internet Newbies
? Be Aware of Cyberbullying
18. Code of Ethics for Nurses affirms
that the nurse “holds in
confidence personal information”
and “ensures that the use of
technology… (is) compatible with
the safety, dignity, and rights of
the people.” (ICN, 2000)
19. Dependability is a measure of the
extent to which a system can
justifiably be relied on to deliver
the services expected from it.
20. 1. System Reliability: The System consistently
behaves in the same way.
2. Service availability: Required services are
present and usable when they are needed.
3. Confidentiality: Sensitive to information is
disclosed only to those authorized to see it.
4. Data integrity: Data are not corrupted or
5. Responsiveness: The system responds to user
input within an expected and acceptable time
6. Safety: The system does not cause harm
21. Guideline 1: Architect for Dependability
Guideline 2: Anticipate Failures
Guideline 3: Anticipate Success
Guideline 4: Hire Meticulous Managers
Guideline 5: Don’t Be Adventurous
22. “Administrative, physical, and
technical safeguards should be
followed to protect the
confidentiality and integrity of
health information and the
availability of critical system
23. 1. Security Management, including security
analysis and risk management.
2. Assigned security responsibility.
3. Information access management, including
the isolation of clearinghouse functions
from other clinical functions.
4. Security awareness and training.
24. 5. Security incident procedures, including
response and reporting.
6. Contingency planning, including data
backup planning, disaster recovery
planning, and planning for emergency mode
7. Evaluation
8. Business Associate Contracts
25. 1. Access control, including unique user
identification and an emergency access
2. Audit Controls
3. Data Integrity Protection
4. Person or entity authentication
5. Transmission Security
26. 1. Define the Internet
2. Give 2 important protocols used by the
3. Give at least 3 internet etiquettes.
4. Give at least 2 attribute of a dependable
28. ? It identifies essential, common, and core
data elements to be collected for all
patients/clients receiving nursing care.
? It is a standardize approach that facilitates
the abstractions of these minimum,
common, essential core data elements to
describe nursing practice from both paper
and electronic records.
29. ? It is intended for use in all settings where
nurses provide care in acute care, ambulatory
centers, home healthcare, community
practices, occupational health, and school
? The aim of the NMDS is not to be redundant
of other data sets, but rather to identify what
are the minimal data needed to be collected
from other records of patients receiving
nursing care.
33. ? Unique facility or service agency number
? Unique health record number or patient or
? Unique number of principal registered nurse
? Episode admission or encounter date
? Discharge or termination date
? Disposition of patient or client
? Expected payer for most of this bill
34. 1. Access to comparable, minimum nursing
care, and resources data on local, regional,
national, and international levels.
2. Enhanced documentation of nursing care
3. Identification of trends related to patient or
client problems and nursing care provided.
4. Impetus to improved costing of nursing
35. 5. Improved data for quality assurance
6. Impetus to further development and
refinement of NI’s.
7. Comparative research on nursing care,
including research on nursing diagnosis,
nursing interventions, nursing outcomes,
intensity of nursing care, and referral for
further nursing services.
8. Contribution toward advancing nursing as a
research-based discipline.