The document discusses the key factors for successful enterprises and embracing change. An entrepreneur organizes and manages a business undertaking to earn a profit. Success requires personal entrepreneur character, clear objectives, effective planning, powerful decisions, business support, good marketing and customer service, and quality improvement. Key areas that determine success are marketing, finance, production, distribution, research and development, and regulations. Reasons for business failure include lack of money, support, and knowledge. Change is important for growth, maintaining competitiveness, and achieving agility. Successful enterprises embrace rather than resist change.
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The key to successful enterprise
1. The key to successful
enterprise: Embrace change
with ease
Presented by:
Leni Thomas.
2. Entrepreneur and Enterprise
oAn entrepreneur is a person who organizes
and manages a business undertaking, assuming
the risk for the sake of profit.
o A business enterprise is any type of
organization that is involved in providing goods
or services with the anticipated outcome of
earning a profit.
3. Factors of success in
0Personal entrepreneur character(PEC),
0Clear objective,
0Efficient and effective business planning,
0Powerful decision,
0Availability of business support service,
0Great marketing and customer service,
0Continuous quality improvement, etc.
4. Key area that determine
5. Reasons for failure of
0 Lack of money,
0 Lack of support,
0 Lack of knowledge.
7. Why is change important in an
0 Helps in growth and prosper,
0 Without change business will loose competitive edge
and fail to meet the need of customer.
0 It helps in achieving agility,
0 Much easy to embrace change than to fight it,
0 We cannot predict how change will affect us, Yet
successful enterprises are those that embrace change
and use it, rather than resist or merely accept it.