King Sam of the kingdom of Artistic was growing old and needed an heir to the throne as he and Queen Sara did not have any children. King Sam, who loved art, announced that whoever could paint the most beautiful portrait of him would become the next king. Many villagers worked hard to paint portraits for the king. On the day of judgment, John was nervous as he did not bring a painting but instead a golden mirror. King Sam was delighted with John's clever idea to use a mirror to perfectly reflect the king's image, and declared John the new king.
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The king
Scene 1
Once upona time,there wasa peaceful kingdomcalledArtistic.It
was full of happyandtalentedpeople.Theywere ruledbya
wonderful kingnamedKingSam.
Villagers: KingSam!KingSam!KingSam!
Scene 2
Althougheveryone lovedKingSam,he wasnothappy.He and
QueenSaradid nothave children.He wasoldand neededanheirto
King Sam:*cough*Iam old now.ButI don’thavechildren.
Queen Sara:Be patient,Your Highness.Whatelse can we do?
Scene 3
KingSam lovedartverymuch. One day,he had a brilliantidea.
King Sam:Ahha!!!Ishall use artto findmy heir.
Scene 4
Guard: Announcement!Whoeverwishtobe the nextkingshould
come to the palace!
Since Johnlovedpainting,he decidedtogive ita try. He was the
firstto arrive at the palace.
John:I shouldtry!
King Sam announced inhisred royalcloak,
King Sam:Whoeverwantsto be thenext kingmustdrawthe most
beautifulportraitof me.
Villagers: Ohhh
Scene 5
Months wentbyand everyone workedsohardto paintthe best
picture of the king.
Scene 6
The day finallycame tochoose the newking.All the people put
theirbestfootforward,hopingtobe chosen. WhenJohnsaw the
othervillagersholdingbeautiful portraitsof the king,he had
butterfliesinhis stomach.He wasafraidKingSam wouldbe angry
because he came withjusta mirror.
John:Oh,I amso nervous!Ihopetheking will notbe angry.
The Kingfinallyarrived.Hisredroyal cloakwasbrightand he kepta
straightface.KingSam walkedaroundslowlylookingatall the
portraits,one byone.All of themhad a big picture of himinhisred
royal cloak.
KingSam came to Johnand saw himholdingamirror.
John:I wassureI could drawthemostbeautifulportrait,Your
MajestybutnothingthatIdrew wasperfect. So today,Ibroughtyou
a goldenmirror.
KingSam lookedintothe mirrorandsaw an image of himself.He
was delightedwiththe cleveridea.
KingSam:*smile*Look at me. The reflectionin themirror is perfect.
Fromnowon,I declare Johnasthe nextking.
The end.