The document summarizes the traditions and rituals associated with the Jewish Passover Seder meal. It describes the symbolic foods placed on the Seder plate and explains the 15 steps that are followed during the ritual meal, including blessings, hand washings, eating bitter herbs and matzah. It notes that scholars believe elements of the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples may have corresponded with steps 8 and 13 of the traditional Seder.
2. PASSOVER Famine led Hebrews into Egypt Kept as slaves for over 100 years Moses demanded Pharoah release the slaves Last plague involved death of the firstborn Homes with lambs blood on doorposts were passed over
3. PASSOVER Pesach celebrates the event Blood came from lamb sacrificed Celebrated on 14 th day of Nisan In Israel seven day/only one seder Outside Israel, eight days/two seders
4. SEDER Meal used to retell the story of the Exodus Haggadah is the book used for the story Each item/food has a special meaning The word means order
12. MATZAH Three used in the seder Represents the priests, Levites, Israelites
13. STEP ONE--KADESH Make the KIDDUSH-a blessing Everyone drinks from a special glass called a KOS First of four glasses of wine
14. STEP TWO--URCHATZ Ceremonial washing of the hands Dates from the time of the Temple Anytime food is dipped in a liquid and eaten
15. STEP THREE--KARPAS Karpas is dipped into saltwater Karpas is eaten to symbolize even in the tears of slavery there is hope
16. STEP FOUR--YACHATZ Middle matzah is broken Larger piece is hidden as the AFIKOMAN AFIKOMAN may be stolen by the children and held for ransom Smaller piece is returned to seder plate
17. STEP FIVE--MAGGID The telling of the Exodus story Even seder is celebrated alone, this must be done The youngest present asks the Four Questions All begin with Why is this night different from all other nights?
24. STEP TWELVE--TZAFUN Hidden Matzah is eaten by midnight Ransom paid of children have stolen it Other Matzah may be used if children cannot remember where it is
27. STEP FIFTEEN--NIRTZAH Final prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer that God will accept the offering that has been made
28. LAST SUPPER ADDITIONS Jesus washed the feet of his disciples Women did not eat with men Institution Narrative during step 8 & 13 After dinner they went to the Mount of Olives Sang the Hallel