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La ley de la variante universal, tomo 2.

Solo existe una ley exacta y precisa en el universo, y solo existe una ciencia
exacta, herramienta 炭til de invenci坦n humana. Las matem叩ticas.
There is only one law accurately and precisely in the universe, and there is only an exact
science of human invention useful tool. Math.

Es gibt nur ein Gesetz genau und pr辰zise im Universum, und es gibt nur eine exakte
Wissenschaft der menschlichen Erfindung n端tzliches Werkzeug. Math.

Il n'y a qu'une seule loi avec exactitude et pr辿cision dans l'univers, et il ya seulement une
science exacte de l'outil de l'invention humaine utile. Math.

Det er bare 辿n lov n淡yaktig og presist i universet, og det er bare en eksakt vitenskap av
menneskelig oppfinnelse nyttig verkt淡y. Matematikk.

離略竜旅 亮僚凌 劉僚留 僚亮凌 亮竜 留虜溜硫竜旅留 虜留旅 亮竜 留虜溜硫竜旅留 凌 亮留僚, 虜留旅 略竜旅 亮僚凌 亮旅留
留虜旅硫流 竜旅流亮侶 侶 留僚慮マ旅僚侶 竜竜竜侶 流旅亮凌 竜粒留了竜溜凌. 留慮侶亮留旅虜略.

弌亠于亠 仂仍从仂 仂亟亳仆 亰舒从仂仆 仂仆仂 亳 舒从从舒仆仂 于仂 亠仍亠仆仆仂亶, 亳 亠 仂仍从仂 仂仆亠
仆舒从亳 仂 亠仍仂于亠亠从仂仄 亳亰仂弍亠亠仆亳亳 仗仂仍亠亰仆亶 亳仆仄亠仆. 舒亠仄舒亳从舒

仂仂亳 舒仄仂 亠亟舒仆 亰舒从仂仆 舒仆仂 亳 仗亠亳亰仆仂  仆亳于亠亰仄, 舒 舒仄仂 亠 亠亞亰舒从仆舒 仆舒从舒
亟从仂亞 仗仂仆舒仍舒从舒 从仂亳仆亳 舒仍舒舒. 舒亠仄舒亳从舒.

Det finns bara en lag noggrant och precist i universum, och det finns bara en exakt
vetenskap av m辰nsklig uppfinning anv辰ndbart verktyg. Math.

仆亠 仂仍从 舒亟亰仆 亰舒从仂仆 亟舒从仍舒亟仆舒  舒从舒仆舒  弌于亠亠,   仂仍从 亟舒从仍舒亟仆 仆舒于从
舒弍 舒仍舒于亠仄 于仆舒仂亟于亠 从舒仆 仆仄亠仆. 舒仄舒从舒

Exist doar o singur lege cu acurate e  i precizie 樽n univers,  i nu exist dec但t o  tiin 
exact de instrument util inven iei umane. Math.
1. Introduction.
2. The law of physics governing universal variant.
3. The law governing the universal variant chemistry.
4. The law governing the macroscopic universal variant.
5. The law governing the microscopic universal variant.
6. The law governing the matter universal variant.
7. The law governing the universal variant energy.
8. The universal law governing the time variation.
9. The law of gravity applies universal variant.
10. The law governing the universal variant thoughts.
11. The law governing the universal variant space.
12. The law governing the universal variant mathematics.
13. The law of universal variant rules the universe.
14. Summary.
15. The law of universal variant is a magnitude.
16. The law of universal variant is a constant.
17. The law of universal variant dictates the cosmos can not be two equal times in the
18. The law of universal variant is the only accurate and precise law in the universe, and
mathematics is the only exact science.
19. - The law of universal variant is eternal.
20. - The law of universal variant predates the creation predated the singularity, the law of
universal variant is God's thoughts.

1. - Introduction.
During the study of matter in physics, from the origins of the universe, we have tried to give
an explanation, the cosmos, our efforts have not been very precise, we can say today is that
we are very far from being able to give a coherent explanation for our observations of nature
and the cosmos, this is mainly due to humans, we as humans, have among the sciences
that are studied, medical science, that science is admirable, those who have a career in the
medical field, are admired by all, as their work is very noble, the doctors are the subject of
respect, as almost everyone on the planet, have come to be viewed at one time, and his
wisdom, bring relief , honesty and simplicity with which we serve are of gratitude, when we
had an accident, they heal us, and thanks to these attentions many people have saved our
I have very fond memories of the doctors, was quite young when my doctor told me that
medicine was not an exact science, but within that doctors were always updating their
knowledge in order to provide better service, and thus may be more efficient health care. It is
important that the truth will prevail against any human performance, with any career you are
studying or have studied in the past, this line of thought, disappeared from the field of
physical science academies around the world to show their refinement, with arrogantly
displayed in their institutions, they have exact sciences such presumption betrays the
immaturity of those who direct and manage these institutions are part of this presumption
because it must be said that this attitude is only a presumption, excessive ego Product of the
The law of universal variant exhibits precision and accuracy with all human behavior, the
only thing that shows is just unethical and inconsistent with the truth.
This became simulation where everyone knows this, but nobody dares to say, this claim was
made collectively, and it is more than evident in the lost found.
The enactment of a corresponding physical law make to anyone who can prove it, but there
is a condition that is absolutely essential for the enactment of a law is real, it must be
endorsed by the nature around, as it is a physical law itself as the foundation of law is the
truth and if the truth could not be physically demonstrated through nature, then the law is not
law, is a vague idea, and a vague idea is the result of the error, and the error does not stay
for long, but a physical law is perfect in every sense of the word.
This discussion paper provides physical evidence that the only universal physical law, exact
and perfect is the law of universal variant, and the only exact science is mathematics, this is
the only statement that can be awarded to physical and exact sciences .
The credit of the study of some branch of science, not shown in words and math facts is
demonstrated, as in the case of medical science, doctors are our heroes par excellence,
since without seeking accuracy in what they studied earn our respect by their actions,
without ego, without presumption, and always in the service of their noble cause, for
example, I do not see that they are less than astronomers, no less than any scientific career,
and we honor you for your honesty and professional ethics.
When a doctor sees a patient, use the treatments available and known in advance that no
treatment guarantee recovery from illness, and when a treatment does not work, apply
another of his knowledge, to bring health to their patients, but Total position is always the
truth, is effectively a tool ethics. The fact that nature have shown not exact sciences, is by no
means reason to be less, because nature is not our enemy, nature is our ally, and a
coherent study it should please us even knowing it have grounds to accurately and
completely describe it accurately.
This is a review article, showing aspects of the law.
2. - The law of physics governing universal variant.
A law is inviolable, if there is a place where the law is not enforced, the conclusion is that the
law, not law.
We have the idea that under certain circumstances the physical laws can be evaded, are
some ideas to give more clarity to bring confusion studied, and further to this confusion, look
for ways to explain why what we think is a law under x circumstances not applicable, this is
quite simply because the human mind is predisposed to default and exact solutions within
this thinking we have the idea of creating technologies that consistently make the same
function repeatedly, for example an engine, rifle, an ax, a pen, a computer, or a phone, our
mind leads us to create and invent technologies that are under our control, as accurate as
possible, this is the basis of our ideas, if we invented airplanes We want them to be
accurate, do tests and more tests, in order to perfect our invention, if you discover something
new we immediately know exactly happens, and strive to control, for example in the case of
nuclear energy, are manufactured pumps, and we want to describe exactly what size will be
a blast with a certain amount, when beforehand the best we can do in all cases is to
calculate with any degree of accuracy what will happen, but it is somewhat naive to predict
anything in certain circumstances, since circumstances vary from anything at any time.
3. - The law of universal variant governs chemistry.
Under certain circumstances there are chemical reactions, more or less calculable and
predictable, with some degree of accuracy, but that some degree can never be 100 percent
accurate, this is the only truth this is no reason to discredit the study of chemistry, of course
no, we know the formula for making soap, know how to get it into a nuclear reaction, a chain
reaction, but do not know anything with absolute accuracy, such claim may be considered as
one who comes from a vulgar nonsense.

4. - The law of universal variant governs the macroscopic.
Palpable is the law of universal variant in the macroscopic, as we can observe in the
cosmos, galaxies are different, so are planetary systems, stars, planets, for example we can
put the human race, we can see that all beings from every continent belong to the same
species, but we can also see that we are all different, we can see the grains of sand in the
desert or the sea and can not find one like another, we can also see the roses in a garden
never find one like another, because all are pink but not the same, we can see the
technology of human invention and not find two identical items, we can produce 100 million
hammer and not find two exactly alike, as the law of the universal variant prevents it, we
print flyers printing propaganda 100.000 and if we look with a magnifying glass to find we
could not print a couple of them accurately, there will always be a difference however small it
may be, because if the print on sheets role will never equal two sheets, if the print on
cardboard flyers prune realize that no two prints alike, because as I described earlier in this
article, a physical law is inviolable, both naturally as it is the species human, such as artificial
as it is printing propaganda leaflets, a car factory can produce 1,000,000 of these and will
never be two alike.
5. - The law of universal variant governs the microscopic.
Under a microscope observation, we can analyze bacterial cultures, we find no two alike,
much less two cultures together may be the same, the closest thing we can do about that is
that all bacteria of x are equal, but like observation that humans can say that everyone is
equal, but in reality they are not, the same way we can say that the microscopic x type of
bacteria are the same, but the only truth is that they belong to a group but all in the individual
is different.
6. - The law of universal variant governs the matter.
In a block of granite we can see that we will not find two pieces alike, in a bucket of water will
not find two identical molecules, and if we could observe the particles with a hundred percent
accuracy can say that no two identical particles, not atoms find equal, just as not find two
identical virus, therefore we can conclude that the law governing the matter universal variant.
7. - The law of universal variant governs energy.
If we analyze evidence and find that the law is manifested in energy as we know energy is
an aspect of the subject, for example we can make a series of short circuits with a battery
and find that there is variation in every of them, we can make a series of explosions with the
internal combustion engine and find that they are all within a range but always with a twist, or
we can analyze a gasoline generator, and find that what occurs is always a variant, since it
is impossible to generate exactly the same in every revolution, we find that solar flares are
always changing, always have a different intensity, as the law also governs energy.
8. - The law of universal variant governs the time.
The law of universal variant transcends time, since changes in the field in a path are not
equal, we see snowflakes that form in a storm, and find that even those who are
simultaneously formed are totally different in appearance, in the same way we can say that
the law governing the universal variant artificial time product of human invention, and we can
do two machines marbles, equal, and manufacture while simultaneously two marbles and
these will different nature can form two raindrops while and raindrops are different, can
simultaneously two children born at the same time and will be different, since the law of
universal variant can not avoid the simultaneous formation of two things of the same
composition but the law prevents two things are equal, so the law states that no two
moments equal in the universe, this means that the law governing the time, and as we saw
not only the time and training natural things, but even governed the formation time and
eventually both artificial human invention, and man-made artificial things.
9. - The law of gravity applies universal variant.
The governing law of gravity, and that naturally we can observe that there is no universal
standard in the cosmos a repetition of facts, this is observable on a large scale as it is the
systematic changes of galaxies, which are irreversible, since this determines the law is
irreversible, we can not find a point in eternity like the position of the stars across the board,
but the law is not only irreversible general level and at the individual level can never be a
repetition of an action Like, for example, a rotation around the Earth will never be the same
as another, there will never be a translational movement of our planet alike, there will never
be an exact repetition of anything in the universe, because the law prevents in artificially can
demonstrate this with some tests in a controlled, laboratory, two marbles do lead and mark
them, drop them from the same height at the same time, ie simultaneously, and there will
never be a time like another, since different brands fall into place and if we look with great
precision will always be a difference in nanoseconds and position even as we attempt to
violate the law with simultaneous tests but always find a variant, as well is made universally.

10. The law governing the universal variant thoughts.
The law of universal variant goes beyond chemical and physical things, as it governs human
thoughts, as this source is determined and can logically conclude, because of the variation in
the human genome and conclusion in the long walk in life we find that the law prevents same
two thoughts exist in time and form, as the complexity of the universe prevents this action.
11. The law governing the universal variant space.
We can see two events while traveling in space, but the law prevents such events are the
same, since the variety is planted in the universe, and there will never be two moments
equal vastness of space, this test has not been performed but can be performed and the
result is the same, there will be a difference, the test may be to send two satellites to Mars
with the same drive simultaneously, with the same path, and at the same time never arrived
at their destination, there will always be some although this difference is small in
nanoseconds, but there will always be some, since the law can not be violated, the law
prevents this from happening, the reasons can be found using logic.

12. - The law of universal variant applies mathematics.
The law governing the universal variant mathematics bordering these to be an exact science
in itself, but we can see that this is only exact science itself as it prevents naturally can be
accurate due to all of the above in all paragraphs of this research document, because the
law prevents having two equal moments in nature and even in the artificial and also as
incredible as if in thought, therefore the law prevents sciences exist and precise, this is due
and therefore from the beginning of creation.
13. - The law of universal variant rules the universe.
The universe how it is made and its singularity source, means that this variant is prior to
creation, this can be deduced by logic and analysis, this kind of perpetual uniqueness rules
the universe and everything in it is , since from the fundamentals such as particles, through
the microscopic to the macroscopic, there is one law exact and perfect.
20. - Summary.
In summary we can say that what this law goes beyond what we can understand with our
current human knowledge and tools, as the law of universal variant is unique, accurate and
perfect, which governs all aspects not only material but also intangible, it is the thoughts, this
law gives explanation to everything observable, and even what we can not see, because if
this law did not exist throughout the universe would be different, this law is a kind of
ingredient special in the universe, because without it, maybe the rain would fall on our
planet, in one stroke, the snow would not be as it is, and that would not fall winter storms ice
snow or rain, but from giant blocks We crush the clouds, this law is the regulator and catalyst
of what we know and all creation, were it not for this law may be all matter in one form and
place, there would be no diversity of stars or galaxies, perhaps living species, would be
clones of clones, or the thoughts of all would be the same, we could not distinguish the
appearance of people's faces as they all would be equal, there would be no diversity of
colors, yet these seem that do not exist, we can see and distinguish.
This law prevents exist exact sciences, in physics and chemistry, because the law prevents
it, that we can see in galaxies, with our mathematical calculations of current and known law
of universal gravitation Newton, who has variants, it seems, and this is observable, that the
temperature of galaxies interfere in gravity, as it is observable, that where there are more
cluster of stars there is less variation of the law, that if we see it in concrete form, we can say
with absolute certainty that this law is not a universal law, we can classify it as a law subject
to certain special circumstances, as when they are not present the law does not apply, it is
right to say that under certain circumstances the law Newton's gravity, is a regional law, not
to mention the laws of thermodynamics, that under study and analysis, they are not a law,
since the conservation of force does not apply at the level of particles and atomic level,
electromagnetism does not obey these laws, which as a summary I can say with absolute
certainty that it is not universal in magnitude can not be a law, because the law only exact
and perfect, which is invariably variant and universal, is the law universal variant.
19. Summary.
20. The law of universal variant is a magnitude.
21. The law of universal variant is a constant.
22. The law of universal variant dictates the cosmos can not be two equal times in the
23. The law of universal variant is the only accurate and precise law in the universe, and
mathematics is the only exact science.
19. - The law of universal variant is eternal.
20. - The law of universal variant predates the creation predated the singularity, the law of
universal variant, is one of God's thoughts.


    Arturo Ra炭l Cort辿s

                                                                        All rights reserved.

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  • 1. La ley de la variante universal, tomo 2. An叩lisis Solo existe una ley exacta y precisa en el universo, y solo existe una ciencia exacta, herramienta 炭til de invenci坦n humana. Las matem叩ticas. There is only one law accurately and precisely in the universe, and there is only an exact science of human invention useful tool. Math. Es gibt nur ein Gesetz genau und pr辰zise im Universum, und es gibt nur eine exakte Wissenschaft der menschlichen Erfindung n端tzliches Werkzeug. Math. Il n'y a qu'une seule loi avec exactitude et pr辿cision dans l'univers, et il ya seulement une science exacte de l'outil de l'invention humaine utile. Math. Det er bare 辿n lov n淡yaktig og presist i universet, og det er bare en eksakt vitenskap av menneskelig oppfinnelse nyttig verkt淡y. Matematikk. 離略竜旅 亮僚凌 劉僚留 僚亮凌 亮竜 留虜溜硫竜旅留 虜留旅 亮竜 留虜溜硫竜旅留 凌 亮留僚, 虜留旅 略竜旅 亮僚凌 亮旅留 留虜旅硫流 竜旅流亮侶 侶 留僚慮マ旅僚侶 竜竜竜侶 流旅亮凌 竜粒留了竜溜凌. 留慮侶亮留旅虜略. 弌亠于亠 仂仍从仂 仂亟亳仆 亰舒从仂仆 仂仆仂 亳 舒从从舒仆仂 于仂 亠仍亠仆仆仂亶, 亳 亠 仂仍从仂 仂仆亠 仆舒从亳 仂 亠仍仂于亠亠从仂仄 亳亰仂弍亠亠仆亳亳 仗仂仍亠亰仆亶 亳仆仄亠仆. 舒亠仄舒亳从舒 仂仂亳 舒仄仂 亠亟舒仆 亰舒从仂仆 舒仆仂 亳 仗亠亳亰仆仂 仆亳于亠亰仄, 舒 舒仄仂 亠 亠亞亰舒从仆舒 仆舒从舒 亟从仂亞 仗仂仆舒仍舒从舒 从仂亳仆亳 舒仍舒舒. 舒亠仄舒亳从舒. Det finns bara en lag noggrant och precist i universum, och det finns bara en exakt vetenskap av m辰nsklig uppfinning anv辰ndbart verktyg. Math. 仆亠 仂仍从 舒亟亰仆 亰舒从仂仆 亟舒从仍舒亟仆舒 舒从舒仆舒 弌于亠亠, 仂仍从 亟舒从仍舒亟仆 仆舒于从 舒弍 舒仍舒于亠仄 于仆舒仂亟于亠 从舒仆 仆仄亠仆. 舒仄舒从舒 Exist doar o singur lege cu acurate e i precizie 樽n univers, i nu exist dec但t o tiin exact de instrument util inven iei umane. Math.
  • 2. Index 1. Introduction. 2. The law of physics governing universal variant. 3. The law governing the universal variant chemistry. 4. The law governing the macroscopic universal variant. 5. The law governing the microscopic universal variant. 6. The law governing the matter universal variant. 7. The law governing the universal variant energy. 8. The universal law governing the time variation. 9. The law of gravity applies universal variant. 10. The law governing the universal variant thoughts. 11. The law governing the universal variant space. 12. The law governing the universal variant mathematics. 13. The law of universal variant rules the universe. 14. Summary. 15. The law of universal variant is a magnitude. 16. The law of universal variant is a constant. 17. The law of universal variant dictates the cosmos can not be two equal times in the universe. 18. The law of universal variant is the only accurate and precise law in the universe, and mathematics is the only exact science. 19. - The law of universal variant is eternal. 20. - The law of universal variant predates the creation predated the singularity, the law of universal variant is God's thoughts. 1. - Introduction. During the study of matter in physics, from the origins of the universe, we have tried to give an explanation, the cosmos, our efforts have not been very precise, we can say today is that we are very far from being able to give a coherent explanation for our observations of nature and the cosmos, this is mainly due to humans, we as humans, have among the sciences that are studied, medical science, that science is admirable, those who have a career in the medical field, are admired by all, as their work is very noble, the doctors are the subject of respect, as almost everyone on the planet, have come to be viewed at one time, and his wisdom, bring relief , honesty and simplicity with which we serve are of gratitude, when we had an accident, they heal us, and thanks to these attentions many people have saved our lives. I have very fond memories of the doctors, was quite young when my doctor told me that medicine was not an exact science, but within that doctors were always updating their knowledge in order to provide better service, and thus may be more efficient health care. It is important that the truth will prevail against any human performance, with any career you are studying or have studied in the past, this line of thought, disappeared from the field of physical science academies around the world to show their refinement, with arrogantly displayed in their institutions, they have exact sciences such presumption betrays the immaturity of those who direct and manage these institutions are part of this presumption because it must be said that this attitude is only a presumption, excessive ego Product of the species. The law of universal variant exhibits precision and accuracy with all human behavior, the
  • 3. only thing that shows is just unethical and inconsistent with the truth. This became simulation where everyone knows this, but nobody dares to say, this claim was made collectively, and it is more than evident in the lost found. The enactment of a corresponding physical law make to anyone who can prove it, but there is a condition that is absolutely essential for the enactment of a law is real, it must be endorsed by the nature around, as it is a physical law itself as the foundation of law is the truth and if the truth could not be physically demonstrated through nature, then the law is not law, is a vague idea, and a vague idea is the result of the error, and the error does not stay for long, but a physical law is perfect in every sense of the word. This discussion paper provides physical evidence that the only universal physical law, exact and perfect is the law of universal variant, and the only exact science is mathematics, this is the only statement that can be awarded to physical and exact sciences . The credit of the study of some branch of science, not shown in words and math facts is demonstrated, as in the case of medical science, doctors are our heroes par excellence, since without seeking accuracy in what they studied earn our respect by their actions, without ego, without presumption, and always in the service of their noble cause, for example, I do not see that they are less than astronomers, no less than any scientific career, and we honor you for your honesty and professional ethics. When a doctor sees a patient, use the treatments available and known in advance that no treatment guarantee recovery from illness, and when a treatment does not work, apply another of his knowledge, to bring health to their patients, but Total position is always the truth, is effectively a tool ethics. The fact that nature have shown not exact sciences, is by no means reason to be less, because nature is not our enemy, nature is our ally, and a coherent study it should please us even knowing it have grounds to accurately and completely describe it accurately. This is a review article, showing aspects of the law. 2. - The law of physics governing universal variant. A law is inviolable, if there is a place where the law is not enforced, the conclusion is that the law, not law. We have the idea that under certain circumstances the physical laws can be evaded, are some ideas to give more clarity to bring confusion studied, and further to this confusion, look for ways to explain why what we think is a law under x circumstances not applicable, this is quite simply because the human mind is predisposed to default and exact solutions within this thinking we have the idea of creating technologies that consistently make the same function repeatedly, for example an engine, rifle, an ax, a pen, a computer, or a phone, our mind leads us to create and invent technologies that are under our control, as accurate as possible, this is the basis of our ideas, if we invented airplanes We want them to be accurate, do tests and more tests, in order to perfect our invention, if you discover something new we immediately know exactly happens, and strive to control, for example in the case of nuclear energy, are manufactured pumps, and we want to describe exactly what size will be a blast with a certain amount, when beforehand the best we can do in all cases is to calculate with any degree of accuracy what will happen, but it is somewhat naive to predict anything in certain circumstances, since circumstances vary from anything at any time. 3. - The law of universal variant governs chemistry. Under certain circumstances there are chemical reactions, more or less calculable and predictable, with some degree of accuracy, but that some degree can never be 100 percent accurate, this is the only truth this is no reason to discredit the study of chemistry, of course no, we know the formula for making soap, know how to get it into a nuclear reaction, a chain
  • 4. reaction, but do not know anything with absolute accuracy, such claim may be considered as one who comes from a vulgar nonsense. 4. - The law of universal variant governs the macroscopic. Palpable is the law of universal variant in the macroscopic, as we can observe in the cosmos, galaxies are different, so are planetary systems, stars, planets, for example we can put the human race, we can see that all beings from every continent belong to the same species, but we can also see that we are all different, we can see the grains of sand in the desert or the sea and can not find one like another, we can also see the roses in a garden never find one like another, because all are pink but not the same, we can see the technology of human invention and not find two identical items, we can produce 100 million hammer and not find two exactly alike, as the law of the universal variant prevents it, we print flyers printing propaganda 100.000 and if we look with a magnifying glass to find we could not print a couple of them accurately, there will always be a difference however small it may be, because if the print on sheets role will never equal two sheets, if the print on cardboard flyers prune realize that no two prints alike, because as I described earlier in this article, a physical law is inviolable, both naturally as it is the species human, such as artificial as it is printing propaganda leaflets, a car factory can produce 1,000,000 of these and will never be two alike. 5. - The law of universal variant governs the microscopic. Under a microscope observation, we can analyze bacterial cultures, we find no two alike, much less two cultures together may be the same, the closest thing we can do about that is that all bacteria of x are equal, but like observation that humans can say that everyone is equal, but in reality they are not, the same way we can say that the microscopic x type of bacteria are the same, but the only truth is that they belong to a group but all in the individual is different. 6. - The law of universal variant governs the matter. In a block of granite we can see that we will not find two pieces alike, in a bucket of water will not find two identical molecules, and if we could observe the particles with a hundred percent accuracy can say that no two identical particles, not atoms find equal, just as not find two identical virus, therefore we can conclude that the law governing the matter universal variant. 7. - The law of universal variant governs energy. If we analyze evidence and find that the law is manifested in energy as we know energy is an aspect of the subject, for example we can make a series of short circuits with a battery and find that there is variation in every of them, we can make a series of explosions with the internal combustion engine and find that they are all within a range but always with a twist, or we can analyze a gasoline generator, and find that what occurs is always a variant, since it is impossible to generate exactly the same in every revolution, we find that solar flares are always changing, always have a different intensity, as the law also governs energy. 8. - The law of universal variant governs the time. The law of universal variant transcends time, since changes in the field in a path are not equal, we see snowflakes that form in a storm, and find that even those who are simultaneously formed are totally different in appearance, in the same way we can say that the law governing the universal variant artificial time product of human invention, and we can do two machines marbles, equal, and manufacture while simultaneously two marbles and these will different nature can form two raindrops while and raindrops are different, can simultaneously two children born at the same time and will be different, since the law of universal variant can not avoid the simultaneous formation of two things of the same
  • 5. composition but the law prevents two things are equal, so the law states that no two moments equal in the universe, this means that the law governing the time, and as we saw not only the time and training natural things, but even governed the formation time and eventually both artificial human invention, and man-made artificial things. 9. - The law of gravity applies universal variant. The governing law of gravity, and that naturally we can observe that there is no universal standard in the cosmos a repetition of facts, this is observable on a large scale as it is the systematic changes of galaxies, which are irreversible, since this determines the law is irreversible, we can not find a point in eternity like the position of the stars across the board, but the law is not only irreversible general level and at the individual level can never be a repetition of an action Like, for example, a rotation around the Earth will never be the same as another, there will never be a translational movement of our planet alike, there will never be an exact repetition of anything in the universe, because the law prevents in artificially can demonstrate this with some tests in a controlled, laboratory, two marbles do lead and mark them, drop them from the same height at the same time, ie simultaneously, and there will never be a time like another, since different brands fall into place and if we look with great precision will always be a difference in nanoseconds and position even as we attempt to violate the law with simultaneous tests but always find a variant, as well is made universally. 10. The law governing the universal variant thoughts. The law of universal variant goes beyond chemical and physical things, as it governs human thoughts, as this source is determined and can logically conclude, because of the variation in the human genome and conclusion in the long walk in life we find that the law prevents same two thoughts exist in time and form, as the complexity of the universe prevents this action. 11. The law governing the universal variant space. We can see two events while traveling in space, but the law prevents such events are the same, since the variety is planted in the universe, and there will never be two moments equal vastness of space, this test has not been performed but can be performed and the result is the same, there will be a difference, the test may be to send two satellites to Mars with the same drive simultaneously, with the same path, and at the same time never arrived at their destination, there will always be some although this difference is small in nanoseconds, but there will always be some, since the law can not be violated, the law prevents this from happening, the reasons can be found using logic. 12. - The law of universal variant applies mathematics. The law governing the universal variant mathematics bordering these to be an exact science in itself, but we can see that this is only exact science itself as it prevents naturally can be accurate due to all of the above in all paragraphs of this research document, because the law prevents having two equal moments in nature and even in the artificial and also as incredible as if in thought, therefore the law prevents sciences exist and precise, this is due and therefore from the beginning of creation. 13. - The law of universal variant rules the universe. The universe how it is made and its singularity source, means that this variant is prior to creation, this can be deduced by logic and analysis, this kind of perpetual uniqueness rules the universe and everything in it is , since from the fundamentals such as particles, through the microscopic to the macroscopic, there is one law exact and perfect.
  • 6. 20. - Summary. In summary we can say that what this law goes beyond what we can understand with our current human knowledge and tools, as the law of universal variant is unique, accurate and perfect, which governs all aspects not only material but also intangible, it is the thoughts, this law gives explanation to everything observable, and even what we can not see, because if this law did not exist throughout the universe would be different, this law is a kind of ingredient special in the universe, because without it, maybe the rain would fall on our planet, in one stroke, the snow would not be as it is, and that would not fall winter storms ice snow or rain, but from giant blocks We crush the clouds, this law is the regulator and catalyst of what we know and all creation, were it not for this law may be all matter in one form and place, there would be no diversity of stars or galaxies, perhaps living species, would be clones of clones, or the thoughts of all would be the same, we could not distinguish the appearance of people's faces as they all would be equal, there would be no diversity of colors, yet these seem that do not exist, we can see and distinguish. This law prevents exist exact sciences, in physics and chemistry, because the law prevents it, that we can see in galaxies, with our mathematical calculations of current and known law of universal gravitation Newton, who has variants, it seems, and this is observable, that the temperature of galaxies interfere in gravity, as it is observable, that where there are more cluster of stars there is less variation of the law, that if we see it in concrete form, we can say with absolute certainty that this law is not a universal law, we can classify it as a law subject to certain special circumstances, as when they are not present the law does not apply, it is right to say that under certain circumstances the law Newton's gravity, is a regional law, not to mention the laws of thermodynamics, that under study and analysis, they are not a law, since the conservation of force does not apply at the level of particles and atomic level, electromagnetism does not obey these laws, which as a summary I can say with absolute certainty that it is not universal in magnitude can not be a law, because the law only exact and perfect, which is invariably variant and universal, is the law universal variant. 19. Summary. 20. The law of universal variant is a magnitude. 21. The law of universal variant is a constant. 22. The law of universal variant dictates the cosmos can not be two equal times in the universe. 23. The law of universal variant is the only accurate and precise law in the universe, and mathematics is the only exact science. 19. - The law of universal variant is eternal. 20. - The law of universal variant predates the creation predated the singularity, the law of universal variant, is one of God's thoughts. Author Arturo Ra炭l Cort辿s All rights reserved.