Tatita, a young boy, must travel to find Manu the dragon in order to cure the king of an evil curse. Along the way, Tatita meets a magician named Benny Benassi who gifts him a magical turntable. Tatita uses the turntable to defeat a giant river monster. He eventually finds Manu and uses the dragon's healing tears to cure the king, turning Manu back into a human. The kingdom is saved thanks to Tatita's bravery and quest to find Manu.
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“The Legend of Tatita” by Manuel L. Gomez
1. I into Tatita’s dinner.
Long, long time ago in a far away magical kingdom a blue III
blood King was suffering an evil and malignant curse that Finally our dear hero had reached Trinity Kingdom’s
was finally taking his life. People from the around were very entrance gates but they were closed and only a magical spell
worried since the magical kingdom of Saint Peter couldn’t could open them. He saw a sign by that read as follows: The
keep in order without a king whose blood weren’t blue. So, one capable of answering why Mr. Eduardo Lopez the
they ask Sula, the wisest elder of the kingdom, if there was a Philosopher is so cool and awesome will open the gates…
cure. The elder just mentioned a name, “Tatita” he said. Tatita was confused and he remembered his hands! On his
Apparently this was the name of a kid whose mother was the right hand he noticed a secret entrance that was located just
village teacher. by the gates but he had to use his blue lens again to see
The whole kingdom asks the elder why the kid was the key. invisible things and when Tatita did it he found the secret
The elder told them that Tatita’s hands held the map for passage to an underground world.
Trinity caves where Manu the dragon was found. He also When Tatita reached the last underground tunnel he felt a
mentioned that time ago Manu was a common man but he breeze coming from the other side he hurry up and
suffered a bad curse turning him a dangerous human eater surprisingly he was already at Trinity. The first thing he did
dragon. Before he left, Manu drew a map in his son’s hands was look for a fine restaurant where he could eat, afterwards
with his own tears saying that if one day Tatita, his son, he start asking where he could find the abandoned caves, and
needed him he would be in the direction the map was no one answered him since everybody feared that place.
pointing. The elder finished the story highlighting that Suddenly a girl very gently ask Tatita to follow her, Tatita
dragon tears where miraculous they tend to cure malignant didn’t expect that she was the most beautiful girl he has ever
curses such as the one the king had, unfortunately they don’t seen, but after watching her kindness he felt in love.
work on dragons. Now, there was another problem no one The girl guided him until the greatest cave of the place and
but Tatita couldn’t go see Manu since his diet was based on he heard a ROARR coming from inside. Anacleta which was
human meat. the girl’s name told him she couldn’t go forward because she
II feared the beast that lived inside. Tatita thanked her and
Six days have passed and the poor Tatita kept on walking unexpectively the girl gave him a kiss. Tatita felt he touched
through the desert of Medina, and from nowhere a song the doors of heaven. The girl faded away through the woods.
started to play. It was Satisfaction of Benny Benassi, a IV
Houser Magician, that used to produced music when he was Manu, the dragon, was so happy to see his son but at the
bored. Tatita took his last pair of Blue lens to see invisible same time he felt melancholy because he couldn’t hug him or
things and he found Benny. The Magician stop playing the kiss him, then he started to cry and his tears felt on Tatita. In
song and ask Tatita what he was looking for. Tatita told him that moment Tatita felt he could fly, cure and heal broken
the whole story and Benny Benassi felt sad about him and as hearts he tried to heal his father’s lament and suddenly
a reward he gave Tatita a portable turntable that was able to Manu, the dragon, changed his form into human. Both where
produce scratching sounds capable of destroying large happy but Tatita remember there was a mission to
monsters. That was cool! Finally Tatita thanked Benny and accomplish. So he went back with his father flying through
kept on moving. the skies all the way to Saint Peter’s Kingdom. He entered
At the end of the desert there was a river, Bermejo, used to into the palace and healed the kings heart turning him into a
called it people from the around. Stories said that there was a healthier man. The whole village felt excited to see that a kid
big swimming fish that liked to eat kids. Tatita didn’t break had saved their lifes. Now Tatita lives a normal life with his
his spirit and he dare the adventure. Suddenly the great fish parents and all the evenings he plays at the park with his
appeared he tried to eat Tatita, but Tatita was much more turntable.
harder, better, faster and stronger and he remember Benny’s The End
present, the turntable! He said and with all his forces he
played his best track producing a phenomenal performance
and a terrific base, in a couple of seconds the fish had turned