The document summarizes activities of the 35th Signal Brigade from Fort Gordon, Georgia in the 3rd quarter of FY 2012. It includes photos and stories about training exercises, community outreach events, change of command ceremonies, and accomplishments of soldiers in the brigade.
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The Lion's Roar
1. The Lions Roar
The Offical Magazine of the 35th Signal Brigade
Fort Gordon, Ga. Utmost of Our Ability 3rd Quarter FY 12
2. The lions Roar
Photos by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
Brigade Commander
Col. Thomas A. Pugh
Brigade Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Angel J. Ramos
Brigade Public Affairs OIC
Capt. Devon Thomas
Brigade Public Affairs NCOIC
Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
The Lions Roar is an authorized publication produced in the
interests of the Lion Brigade community. The Lions Roar is an
Army. The Lions Roar has the right to edit all submissions.
Cover Photo: Photo by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
2 3rd Quarter 2012
3. The Lions Roar
photo after they com
pleted the last obstacle
They participated in
Gordon, Ga.
3rd Quarter 2012 3
4. Contents:
Check out our pictures on
Flickr @35THSIGBDE
The Lion Brigade Resilience
is on the Web @
4 3rd Quarter 2012
5. The Lions Roar
Page 8
Augusta in Army Boots
Page 44
3rd Quarter 2012 5
6. self?
duce relief for your buddy. Remove anything in the area that could
buddy to the chain of command, chaplain, behavioral health profes
By focusing on our
People, our Teams
reminds me that
every month and
Lion Brigades proud
continue to normal
behavior and en
courage a mindset
of assisting others
assistance for a
6 3rd Quarter 2012
7. The Lions Roar
Greetings Lion Bri
has accomplished and honored
nominated for assignment to the
of Alabama.
of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, and personnel actions for over
military career.
as a command group driver for
3rd Quarter 2012 7
8. Soldier
of the
also comes from the nutritional value of
rendous living conditions during my time in
Spc. Patrick I. Corbett, a 25S as-
signed to 50th ESB Fort Lewis,
Wa. their physical and mental performance.
bad conditions. Buildings have layers of Good food also promotes a good mood and
on this topic much more but the point is By improving those three areas, the
morale, happiness and the overall success of
our lives to protect the freedoms of the
to live on post because the homes and bar
on landscaping and decorations instead of
tion because the entire base isnt arriving instead of at some fast food restaurant.
at a set time and going home at the same
military. That is completely uncalled for.
NCOof the
Quarter have time to stretch before but by the time
Sgt. Tamesha S. Holman, a 46A
assigned to 51st ESB atFort
Bragg, Nc.
instead eating out or ordering food every
get culinary classes and better training for
minutes for Physical Training, and have PT is good for you and good for
functions on post.
8 3rd Quarter 2012
9. The Lions Roar
Story by Capt. Stephen Joosten, Company Commander
Headquarter and Headquarters Comapny
chemically hazardous environment.
They then performed simple activities such as moving their heads
the future in order to ensure that everyone in the company receives
Agent Alarm.
3rd Quarter 2012 9
10. Augusta
Story and photo by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
35th TTSB Public Affairs NCOIC
everyone receives their gear, they have a brief march to the gym
This event gives community leaders a better under
community support.
All this preparation
participants to use
11. The Lions Roar
tent designated for meals.
A couple of hours later, all the participants received
3rd Quarter 2012 11
12. 35th Signal Brigade
Soldiers go for
Story and photos by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
35th TTSB Public Affairs NCOIC
timed run, a measured
a lot of challenges that are not
to earn a gold, silver or bronze
The competition
allied military forces. the events that determine if a
The events included an
initial evaluation to determine The sports events are bronze badge.
complete the event and earn the
12 3rd Quarter 2012
14. Story by 1st Lt. Jessica Yahn
25A, 2nd Platoon, C Co.
a sauna, spirits remain high. Phoenix link successfully established
Prepping vehicles and equipment at
the motor pool
At work getting the STT on the bird
V1 operators participating
in crew drills during C Co.
good stories.
14 3rd Quarter 2012
15. The Lions Roar
From Cadet
Platoon Leader
Story by 1st Lt. Adam Visbeen
25A, Platoon Leader, A Co.
oath of service and accepted a call of responsibility to serve others.
dets the importance of understanding the battalion staff shops and
the purpose they serve in order to be successful as a leader in the
due to the Armys constant evolvement in tactics and operations.
based upon his statement of, Understanding the best practices in
hopes to receive future opportunities to help mentor and support the
3rd Quarter 2012 15
16. Bravo Company 50th ESB Supports
3-321 FA
Story by 1st. Lt. Jared Long
25A, Platoon Leader, B Co.
is the motto of the Bravo
Photo by 1st Lt. Jared Long. 1st Platoon Leader, B Co.
Team Chief Sergeant Steven Garruto points out where he wants to set
up his equipment and tent during the leaders recon of the site.
end the Army contracts for the satellite changed. This meant that
Photo by team chief, Sgt. Steven Garruto.
16 3rd Quarter 2012
17. The Lions Roar
Sentinel Shakedown builds
Story by Sgt. Jeffrey Strathearn
B Co.
time for the Redbulls. The second platoon
foot rods into the ground for each piece of
orders from the section sergeant to the team From left to right: Sgt. Duttry, Pfc. Johnson, Sgt. 1st Class Jackson and Spc. Richardson in OE-254
ments of the training together and simulate
and technical abilities could be put to use.
best possible security and began to set up
each and every member of the company
connectivity. either learned something valuable or a
different approach to solving the same
tion found that they had dusted off some problem. At the end of the day, this training
assist other members of the platoon in get
The third day consisted of more training,
3 d Quarter 2012
3rd Q t 2012 17
18. Sentinel
Story by Capt. Brian Herring
25A, Platoon Leader, C Co. Cobras
in gauging the readiness of
provided the platoon lead
ers an opportunity to assess
preparations for their upcoming
also focused on Team building.
ment that had not been used
Photos by 1st Lt. Jared Long and Sgt. Garruto
2nd Plt. CPN Team led by Sgt. James Craft.
to utilize their troubleshooting
ies of technical manuals for
opportunity to setup, operate,
and maintain their generators
also conducted training on hot
1st Plt. Soldiers Spc. Timothy Poblete and Pfc. Taylor Archer validate the STT.
18 3rd Quarter 2012
19. The Lions Roar
Green Sea Floyds Elementary
School Talks Trash
Story and photo by 1st. Lt. Jessica Yahn
25A, Platoon Leader C Co.
per fourth grade student each recycling himself.
month. The class at each school
that recycles the most each
month receives special prizes.
fourth grade students to recycle Then, at the end of the year,
at school and in their com the class from each school that pounds of recycled materials.
accompanied this diligent group
recyclable is collected by the of fourth graders on their much
students at school. The class at pletely free to students.
the school that recycles the most
complishment that taught these
test is open to any public school fourth graders the value of sav
ing our planet.
am super proud of these guys
class receives a special contain this year. They performed so
er to collect their recyclables. challenged a group of fourth
graders to get out and collect
the number of pounds collected 3rd Quarter 2012 19
20. Bowling with the FRG
Story and photos by 2nd. Lt. Jerad Romine
At the end of the event
According to Peirce, The event
E !
20 3rd Quarter 2012
21. The Lions Roar
Army - Navy
Its More Than A Football
Story and photo by Sgt. Donald Newell
Squad Leader, B Co.
up on all that they had missed over the past
and done and the party came to a close, they
paused in a moment of silence for those that
their stay they had gathered in the confer
ence room to share some spirits and catch
dedication of the ship at her current berth in
his grandfather, but also got to meet many
seen each other since their departure from
in the lobby of their hotel. The dinner and
ceremony lasted a good four hours before
3 d Quarter
3rd Q t 2012 21
22. Smokin Aces are Blazing!
Story by Capt. Rossmary D. Alvarado
25A, Commander, Alpha Co.
plish their mission day in and day out, and
as a commander, there is no better satisfac team capable of deploying its tactical assets
tion than seeing your troops in action. Go
the battalion to have a mission organic to its
three additional teams from Bravo and
Providers throughout three contingency
operating bases in the southern region of
proving the teams maturity and agility dur
lation, operation, defense, maintenance, and ing the missions.
decommission of strategic communication tions assemblages and all associated tactical
month deployment, developed and trained
Through this historical moment for
site. command teams. before.
customer service operations. The relation
be delegated the duty of Technical Point
military and civilian operations.
22 3rd Quarter 2012
23. The Lions Roar
U.S. Soldiers, Sgt. Beaver, 1st Lt. Dolak,
Spc. Mineer, mingling with Kazakhstan
Soldiers during the opening ceremonies
of Operation Steppe Eagle 2011.
U.S. Soldiers from A Co/50th (ESB) 1st Lt. Dolak, Spc. Mineer, Spc. Cooper, Pvt. Wright and Sgt. Beaver, interacting with a Kazakhstan
Army communications team in front of the STT.
3rd Quarter 2012 23
24. The Pole
Story by 2nd Lt. Paul E. Baker,
25A, Platoon Leader, 1st Plt, C Co.
The true age of The Pole is
The 51st Pole with the plates of honor memorializing every keeper of the pole since 1996.
and donned the Lion Brigade patch and Lt. Turchany.
in use during its untimely falling. The Pole
ant to the battalion, based on commission alone is testament to The Poles place in the assume that during this lieutenants time
Battalions history.
emony. They must transport The Pole to on The Pole, and the evidence of past lieu
to another unit patch sometime in early
Bush. The tradition of The Pole is sig
to appreciate the tradition and history of
The Pole.
A plate fastened to The Poles main and dates, additionally the Lieutenant is
personal, these items include a siren light,
24 3rd Quarter 2012
25. The Lions Roar
The origins of the plaque.
2nd Lt. Turchany with
The Pole just prior to
transitioning it to the
2nd Lt. Baker during a
battalion hail and fare-
well at Cheney Stadium
for a Tacoma Rainers
3rd Quarter 2012 25
26. Mercury Challenge I,
Leadership Professional Development
Story by 1st Lt. Kris Conklin
1st Lt. Imboden encounter one of the six waterfalls during the march.
1st Lt. Conklin and Sgt. 1st. Class Buffet watch their footing as they
crossed Eagle Creek
26 3rd Quarter 2012
27. The Lions Roar
Team 51 pose for a group shot after completing Mercury Challenge I at Eagle Creek, Ore.
immediately began establishing their campsites. The rain came
throughout the night.
Charlie Company Cobras pose for a Team Photo.
3rd Quarter 2012 27
28. 518th TIN performs ARCYBER
Cable Installation
Story by Capt. Ryan Boileau
25A, 518th TIN Company Commander
same day, and began installation of the conduit. This resulted in loss of voice com
contractor. munications for the building, but did not
affect the data capability.
if the unit could support their upgrade
portunity, as it provided the unit the chance more effort to route into the building, as
to validate its outside plant installation in the building automatically transitioned
pair cable, this portion of the installation manhole, others in the basement, and the
all materiel through purchase contract, and
28 3rd Quarter 2012
29. The Lions Roar
From left to right: Sgt.
Barret Christian, Sgt.
Nathaniel Fountain, Sgt.
Alrice Barnes, Spc. Jason
Morabito, Spc. Toby
Skandier, Spc. Rahquwan
Brooks, Spc. Franklin San-
tos, Pfc. Malcolm Goode,
Spc. Joseph Proctor, Spc.
LaKirk Straughter, Col.
Photos by Mrs. Jennifer A. Downing-Li, ARCYBER PAO.
Sgt. Christian and Spc. Proctor prepare the 300-pair cable for installa-
3rd Quarter 2012 29
30. 63rd Expeditionary Signal Battalion
2012 Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Story by 2nd Lt. Alexandra Willauer
and their families.
Sgt. Myers, and his daughter Annalise
All Photos by Spc. Christopher Puthoff
2nd Lt. Kunkle and his Family with the Easter Bunny
Capt. Jones, B. Co. Commander, with the Easter Bunny and B. Co. Soldiers
Children lining up to look for Easter Eggs
30 3rd Quarter 2012
31. The Lions Roar
Story by Capt. Alexander Hoffman
25A, C Co. Commander
Photos by Spc. Christopher Puthoff
Capt. Caban, Lt. Col. Garwold, Capt. Hoffman, and 1st. Sgt. Shepherd
stand in preparation to pass the Guidon.
guiding, and deploying a diverse company
summarized his humility at being afforded
the opportunity to command, This is
the respective commanders, and the narrator
Capt. Hoffman standing as the new commander in
his formation.
capable of supporting communications at
Jos竪 Caban receives
a bottle of wine for
the units apprecia-
tion of his service
C. Co. in formation with 1st Sgt. Shepherd 3rd Quarter 2012 31
32. Removing Carpet to Feed the Hungry
Story by Capt. Ryan Boileau
25A, 518th TIN Company Commander
several large corporations, the organization
is able to turn one donated dollar into be
remove carpet from the administration of
the carpet, and then relocate the furniture to Photos by 1st Lt. Da Veena Cooper
Members of the 518th Signal Company, TIN, stand outside the Golden Harvest Food Bank after they
completely removed all of the existing carpet 9 March 2012.
several thousand pounds of furniture. to pay for the removal of the old
Removal of the old carpet had been
could provide a large number of
three professional carpet installers
for their labor only, as another orga
nization donated the actual carpet.
By providing the physi
team, shifting thousands of pounds of fur
thousand dollars into other areas,
and, once the carpet had been installed and
into its original locations. suage hunger in the local area.
established an enduring relation
available on short notice to assist
deployment to Afghanistan.
timely solicitation of a volunteer opportu
Soldiers work to remove ages-old carpet from one of the
32 3rd Quarter 2012
33. The Lions Roar
Platoon Leader
Generator Maintenance Training
Story by 1st Lt. Vernon D. Shank
training, and learned valuable maintenance Photos by Sgt. 1st Class Nims.
training provided me the tools needed to
prove and maintain their readiness status
to be successful in their various mission
grounding management, fueling procedures,
Mr. Buchanan, 2nd Lt. Penn, and 1st Lt. Kinsey conduct
maintenance training. 3rd Quarter 2012 33
34. Photos by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
Story by Capt. Devon O. Thomas
35th TTSB, Public Affairs OIC
before the deployment ceremony.
Gordon, Ga.
ness Group meetings to prepare for the deployment, said Boileau.
throughout the deployment.
one in this formation to complete the mission to the very best of
34 3rd Quarter 2012
36. HHC Welcomes a
New Commander
Story by Capt. Alexander Stevenson
25A, Commander, HHC
Photo by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter time.
Story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Hector Fontanez
25W, Platoon Sgt., A Co.
Gator Soldiers and families enjoy food, fun and volleyball during the March
22nd FRG BBQ
to another successful event.
a volleyball tournament for the adults and a plethora of childrens
Gators enjoy their new barracks volleyball court during the FRG BBQ
36 3rd Quarter 2012
37. The Lions Roar
Sgt. Zandro Wolverton grilling steaks.
Bulldog Cooks, Feed the Best
Story and photos by Capt. Thomas Cayia
Commander, B Co., 67th ESB
the start of dinner service by singing so loud that you can Spc. Cory Lee prepares the potato wedges.
all the recognition they need.
3rd Quarter 2012 37
38. Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Garnett Lias
25A, Platoon Leader, A Co.
point during validation; mission
Pfc. Thompson hammers in ground stakes during crew
in one hour or less to validate their assigned
performing their assigned duties.
The standard for the competition
espirit de corps, but reinforced the teams
less than one hour and complete a phone
Story by Capt. Alexander Stevenson vidual threats, land and aerial vehicles, and
25A, Commander, HHC
Additionally, our safety from chemical and
Training to maintain has been
around since the evolution of our Armed
a clean air shelter unencumbered by their
learned much from this opportunity to test
are a busy armed forces, no doubt about it,
and routine battle drills is paramount to our broaden our horizon
gies and informa
profession are the penalties for employing
untrained personnel so appalling or so ir
such opportunities
as they inspect,
inventory, and install
ous one and threats abound from indi
Spc. Jang and Spc. Gibson perform PMCS operations on the M20 M20AL
38 3rd Quarter 2012
39. The Lions Roar
Sgt. Brandon
S. Sierra avoids
the opposition
as he makes
a play on the
Photo by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
Alpha Company
Heritage Week
Story by 2nd Lt. Jessica Garcia
25A, 2nd Plt Leader, A Co.
Gators recently participated in
on the ship used to be for the
diers then attended the battalion
shaped our countrys history.
Thursday evening
the entire battalion came out
1st. Lt. Conway and Sgt. First Class Bullins at Fort Sumter during the LPD.
ing the outdoors, playing in the The Alpha Gators put together 4
great teams and gave their best
effort in every event. The Gators
proved to be the best company Gators lead the way!
in the battalion yet again by
gether a team to compete in the
3rd Quarter 2012 39
Beat the
Story by Sgt. 1st Class Deatra Wilkes
Draw Down
Career Counseler, 63rd Signal Battlion (Expenditionary)
The Armys optempo is high and ever changing. The plan
Story by Sgt. 1st Class Terry Moore
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 35th Signal Brigade
Resilience Universities.
causes of problems and to develop effective solution strategies. Ac
40 3rd Quarter 2012
41. E Opportunity
The Lions Roar
Story by Sgt. 1st Class Jennifer Berry
EO Advisor, HHC, 35th Signal Brigade
Martin Luther Kings Birthday (17 January)
African American/Black History Month (February)
Womens History Month (March)
Holocaust Remembrance Day/Days of Remembrance
(April or May)
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May)
Womens Equality Day (26 August)
Hispanic Heritage Month (15 September 15 October)
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (Oc-
National American Indian Heritage Month (November)
3rd Quarter 2012 41
42. Three Categories of Sexual Harassment:
Story by Sgt. 1st Class Michael T. Perkins
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 35th Signal Brigade
your hands on anything that doesnt belong
cludes touching, bumping, grinding, patting,
you cant necessarily have anyone you
as guilty as if you directed the comment or report it to our chain of command, it is our
no intention on offending anyone, it all de
have inadvertently harassed someone in the
perception is my reality.
There are three categories and it.
one is susceptible and no one is immune.
comments, threats, cadences or even using
Remember, some of the things that you did
ment are not appropriate for the military
42 3rd Quarter 2012
43. The Lions Roar
Photo by Army Capt. Devon O. Thomas
The memorial dedicated to Sgt. Christopher M. Adams on June 21st at Alexander Hall. Sgt. Adams served as a Multichannel Transmissions Systems Opera-
tor/Maintainer assigned to C Co., 67th ESB, 35th TTSB.
Sgt. Adams Memorial
Story by Capt. Devon O. Thomas
Public Affairs OIC, 35th TTSB
Brigade said their good byes at a memorial and safer place for his family, his friends
to attend the ceremony.
According to senior leaders, peers
and subordinates throughout the Brigade,
3rd Quarter 2012 43
44. Chaplains Corner
Photo by Sgt. Dianne M. Carter
Chaplain Capt. Joseph Lea and Spc. Dominique Carbajal, Chaplain Assistant, stand in front of the Chapel sign.
Story by Chaplain, Capt. Joseph Lea
63rd ESB Battalion Chaplain
Before being appointed to the
bishop Broglio is the head of the Roman
reserve and veterans affairs. Prior to his
44 3rd Quarter 2012
45. The Lions Roar
Photos by Lola Rivera
Chaplain, Capt. Lea, Archbishop Brogilo, and Capt. Bontea pose for a photo prior to Mass.
the military and throughout the Archbishop Broglia conducts Mass.
his overall mission to guard and shepherd
The Archbishops pastoral visit
3rd Quarter 2012 45
48. The Lions Roar
Photos and articles must be in good taste and the editor reserves the right to edit submissions
Get the message through.