In the Bible there were local churches of Christ (Rom.16:16). What were they like? How did people enter and become members in a local church? Is it necesary? Can one be faithful to God without ever joining and being faithful in a local church of Christ?
2. Designed For: Local Assembly For: Edification Discipline Corporate Work Corporate Assembled Worship An Identifiable "TEAM"
3. The church at Thessalonica A Unit or Team Your work of faith 1:3 ..labor of love ..Patience of Hope Together Saw Pauls Example 1:5 Together Became Examples to Others -1:7 Together Sounded Forth the Word 1:8
4. The church at Thessalonica A Unit or Team Had Timothy Fellow Laborer in the Gospel to: Establish or Ground You -3:2 Encourage you concerning your faith 3:2 Hope Paul Would Come to: See Your Face (as a unit, not faces) Perfect what is lacking in your faith 3:10
5. The church at Thessalonica A Unit or Team They knew who one another was so as to abound in love toward one another 3:12 Comfort and Edify One Another 5:11 Recognize those who labor among you They are over you in the Lord They admonish or instruct you 5:17 They should be esteemed very highly 5:13 We Hold Various Responsibilities toward various member 5:14
6. A Specific Team Not a random assembly Not an unstructured team Not a disorganized team A team that came together for a greater purpose than: Town or National Government Secular Education Social, Community Welfare