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The Los Angeles Kings Score a Digital Marketing
Hat-Trick: Greater Revenue, Retention, and
Fan Loyalty

All-Star Team of Neolane and FanOne Marketing Help Stanley Cup
                                                                                           Customer name: Los Angeles Kings
Champions Increase Customer Knowledge and Deliver Personalized Fan                         Industry: Sports & Entertainment

Owned by Anschutz Entertainment              Like other professional sports teams, the    Thanks to Neolane
Group (AEG) the Los Angeles Kings are a      LA Kings offer multiple products, including
National Hockey League (NHL) franchise       single game tickets, multi-game packs,         and FanOne Marketing,
founded in 1967. Overcoming seemingly        group tickets, season tickets, merchandise,    the LA Kings have
insurmountable odds, the Kings won           and more, said LeValley. Without a
their first NHL Stanley Cup in 2012,         single, comprehensive view of fans
                                                                                            been able to increase
becoming the first 8th seeded team in        behavior and interests, we were limited        revenue, retention, and
NHL history to do so.                        in our ability to tailor these products to     fan loyaltyand do so
                                             the right individuals or groups, and then
Challenge: Disparate Fan Data                engage them with targeted marketing            while maintaining an
and Limited Capabilities for                 messages.                                     efficient, lean marketing
Driving Targeted Messages                                                                   team.
                                             Solution: Open Platform and
Since winning the Stanley Cup, the                                                                               Aaron LeValley,
                                             Powerful Personalization Engine
LA Kings popularity has soared, with                                                                 Director of CRM, LA Kings
season tickets expected to sell out for
                                             Backed by Strategic Services
the first time in their history. However,    The LA Kings evaluated several marketing
in Los Angeles, hockey has traditionally     automation platforms against a specific       BUSINESS NEED
been challenged to compete with other        set of criteria that included the ability     The LA Kings sought to increase
professional sports, including basketball    to create a central marketing datamart;       revenue, retention, and loyalty in a
and baseball.                                track individual behavior and responses;      competitive market by integrating
                                                                                           multiple data sources and leveraging
                                             and execute automated cross-channel           its customer intelligence to drive
Thus, although the LA Kings have a           campaigns that deliver personalized fan       targeted, personalized marketing
passionate core fan base, their marketing    experiences.                                  campaigns.
department was tasked with finding ways
to generate new sales while increasing       Based on this evaluation, Neolanes
retention and loyalty in a competitive       conversational marketing platform was
market. When Aaron LeValley, Director        chosen over other leading automation          	 Enhance customer intelligence by
                                                                                              creating a single, 360-degree view
of CRM, joined the team in 2009, he          platforms. The decision boiled down to a         of fans
began thinking about how they could          few key factors, including Neolanes open
work smarter through better customer         API, personalization engine, cross-channel    	 Increase revenues and ROI
                                                                                              by delivering personalized
knowledge and technology.                    capabilities, and future-proof platform, as      experiences across channels
                                             well as the deep industry knowledge of
At the time, the LA Kings were using CRM     partner FanOne Marketing.                     	 Automate marketing campaigns,
and email marketing tools provided by                                                         driving greater results while
their ticketing vendor. Because the team     Neolane and FanOne Marketing offered            maintaining lean operations
couldnt integrate multiple data streams     the winning combination of robust             	 Increase online season ticket
(transactions, campaign responses, web       technology powered by strategic services,       renewals 10%, reallocating human
behavior, forms, social media activity,      explains LeValley. Neolanes open API           resources to higher priorities
etc.), they had a fractured and incomplete   was crucial to integrating disparate data     	 Build the database via social
view of their fans. Moreover, the email      sources and better understanding our fans.       media, transforming anonymous
tool offered limited segmentation and        Plus, we knew the platform could support         followers into addressable
personalization capabilities.                our increasing marketing sophistication
                                             over time. Lastly, FanOne Marketings
Neolane and FanOne Marketing offered the winning combination of robust
 technology powered by strategic services. Neolanes open API was crucial to
 integrating disparate data sources and better understanding our fans. Plus,
 we knew the platform could support our increasing marketing sophistication
 over time.

understanding of our business far exceeded       that milestone is reached, marketing will
other marketing service providers.
                                                focus on building a waiting list and keeping
                                                 those fans engaged through multi-touch
Results: Personalized Fan                        nurture campaigns.
Experiences Drive Greater
                                                 Thanks to Neolane and FanOne Marketing,
Revenue, Retention, and Loyalty
                                                 the LA Kings have been able to increase
Drawing from their combined                      revenue, retention, and fan loyaltyand
knowledgebase and partnership, the LA            do so while maintaining an efficient, lean
Kings and FanOne Marketing have worked           marketing team, said LeValley.
closely to design and execute marketing
campaigns in Neolane, including subscriber       Looking Forward: Social
welcome campaigns, pre- and post-game            Marketing, Lead Scoring, and
communications, season ticket renewals,          Tighter CRM Integration
seasonal promotions, lead nurturing, and
more. The platforms workflow engine has         The LA Kings have begun exploring
brought greater automation and efficiency        ways to unlock value from their social
to their marketing operations. Moreover,         media audiences using Neolane Social
centralizing fan data in Neolane has             Marketing. For instance, the team launched
allowed the team to increase targeting           a campaign aimed at acquiring new fans
sophistication, which has, in turn, boosted      from Twitter. Followers received a Direct
relevancy and results.                           Message with a contest; in order to enter
                                                 to win, they had to complete a brief form
For instance, the LA Kings developed a           and provide their name, email, and Twitter
behavior-based workflow for its holiday pack     handle.
campaign that automatically segmented
individuals who exhibited behaviors for a         The Twitter campaign generated a
series of follow-up messages. The campaign       6-7% response rate, netting hundreds
generated more than $70,000 in revenue,          of new contacts in our database, notes
with the second email doubling the revenue       LeValley. The key is that we were able to
of the first and the third email to clickers   identify anonymous followers, make them
generating the highest return per send. This     marketable via other channels, and start
campaign was launched within two months          assigning them value. 
of implementation and showcased the
                                                 To further optimize sales, the LA Kings
effectiveness and a quick, positive ROI for
                                                 are building a lead scoring model that
LA Kings executives.
                                                 incorporates demographic, transaction,
                                                 and behavioral data to identify fans with         Neolane, Inc.
The LA Kings are also using Neolane to
drive online season ticket renewals. In          the highest propensity to buy. Plans are          275 Washington Street
                                                                                                   Third Floor, Newton, MA 02458
addition to sending targeted emails, the         also underway to migrate to a new CRM
                                                                                                   Office: +1 617 467 6760
team has created a personalized URL and          system that would allow for bidirectional         Fax: +1 617 467 6701
microsite for each season ticket holder that     synchronization with Neolane. Armed with          info@neolane.com
contains savings and benefits info along         each fans score and complete interaction         www.neolane.com
with fun, engaging content. As a result of       history, sales and service reps will be able
                                                 to better prioritize their efforts and engage     United States
this initiative, online renewals are up 10%
                                                                                                   United Kingdom
to their highest level, which has freed sales    in informed conversations.
reps to focus on higher risk accounts.                                                             Nordics
                                                 Based on the tremendous success the LA
Thanks to greater marketing effectiveness        Kings have had using Neolane, parent            Neolane and the Neolane logo are trademarks or registered
                                                                                                 trademarks of Neolane Inc. in the United States and other
plus a popularity boost stemming from the        company AEG is planning to bring the LA         countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the

2012 Stanley Cup, the LA Kings are on the        Galaxy, of Major League Soccer, onto the        property of their respective owners.

verge of selling out of season tickets. Once     platform.                                       息 2012 Neolane, Inc.

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The Los Angeles Kings Score a Digital Marketing Hat-Trick: Greater Revenue, Retention, and Fan Loyalty

  • 1. The Los Angeles Kings Score a Digital Marketing Hat-Trick: Greater Revenue, Retention, and Fan Loyalty All-Star Team of Neolane and FanOne Marketing Help Stanley Cup Customer name: Los Angeles Kings Champions Increase Customer Knowledge and Deliver Personalized Fan Industry: Sports & Entertainment Experiences Owned by Anschutz Entertainment Like other professional sports teams, the Thanks to Neolane Group (AEG) the Los Angeles Kings are a LA Kings offer multiple products, including National Hockey League (NHL) franchise single game tickets, multi-game packs, and FanOne Marketing, founded in 1967. Overcoming seemingly group tickets, season tickets, merchandise, the LA Kings have insurmountable odds, the Kings won and more, said LeValley. Without a their first NHL Stanley Cup in 2012, single, comprehensive view of fans been able to increase becoming the first 8th seeded team in behavior and interests, we were limited revenue, retention, and NHL history to do so. in our ability to tailor these products to fan loyaltyand do so the right individuals or groups, and then Challenge: Disparate Fan Data engage them with targeted marketing while maintaining an and Limited Capabilities for messages. efficient, lean marketing Driving Targeted Messages team. Solution: Open Platform and Since winning the Stanley Cup, the Aaron LeValley, Powerful Personalization Engine LA Kings popularity has soared, with Director of CRM, LA Kings season tickets expected to sell out for Backed by Strategic Services the first time in their history. However, The LA Kings evaluated several marketing in Los Angeles, hockey has traditionally automation platforms against a specific BUSINESS NEED been challenged to compete with other set of criteria that included the ability The LA Kings sought to increase professional sports, including basketball to create a central marketing datamart; revenue, retention, and loyalty in a and baseball. track individual behavior and responses; competitive market by integrating multiple data sources and leveraging and execute automated cross-channel its customer intelligence to drive Thus, although the LA Kings have a campaigns that deliver personalized fan targeted, personalized marketing passionate core fan base, their marketing experiences. campaigns. department was tasked with finding ways to generate new sales while increasing Based on this evaluation, Neolanes RESULTS retention and loyalty in a competitive conversational marketing platform was market. When Aaron LeValley, Director chosen over other leading automation Enhance customer intelligence by creating a single, 360-degree view of CRM, joined the team in 2009, he platforms. The decision boiled down to a of fans began thinking about how they could few key factors, including Neolanes open work smarter through better customer API, personalization engine, cross-channel Increase revenues and ROI by delivering personalized knowledge and technology. capabilities, and future-proof platform, as experiences across channels well as the deep industry knowledge of At the time, the LA Kings were using CRM partner FanOne Marketing. Automate marketing campaigns, and email marketing tools provided by driving greater results while their ticketing vendor. Because the team Neolane and FanOne Marketing offered maintaining lean operations couldnt integrate multiple data streams the winning combination of robust Increase online season ticket (transactions, campaign responses, web technology powered by strategic services, renewals 10%, reallocating human behavior, forms, social media activity, explains LeValley. Neolanes open API resources to higher priorities etc.), they had a fractured and incomplete was crucial to integrating disparate data Build the database via social view of their fans. Moreover, the email sources and better understanding our fans. media, transforming anonymous tool offered limited segmentation and Plus, we knew the platform could support followers into addressable contacts personalization capabilities. our increasing marketing sophistication over time. Lastly, FanOne Marketings
  • 2. Neolane and FanOne Marketing offered the winning combination of robust technology powered by strategic services. Neolanes open API was crucial to integrating disparate data sources and better understanding our fans. Plus, we knew the platform could support our increasing marketing sophistication over time. understanding of our business far exceeded that milestone is reached, marketing will other marketing service providers. focus on building a waiting list and keeping those fans engaged through multi-touch Results: Personalized Fan nurture campaigns. Experiences Drive Greater Thanks to Neolane and FanOne Marketing, Revenue, Retention, and Loyalty the LA Kings have been able to increase Drawing from their combined revenue, retention, and fan loyaltyand knowledgebase and partnership, the LA do so while maintaining an efficient, lean Kings and FanOne Marketing have worked marketing team, said LeValley. closely to design and execute marketing campaigns in Neolane, including subscriber Looking Forward: Social welcome campaigns, pre- and post-game Marketing, Lead Scoring, and communications, season ticket renewals, Tighter CRM Integration seasonal promotions, lead nurturing, and more. The platforms workflow engine has The LA Kings have begun exploring brought greater automation and efficiency ways to unlock value from their social to their marketing operations. Moreover, media audiences using Neolane Social centralizing fan data in Neolane has Marketing. For instance, the team launched allowed the team to increase targeting a campaign aimed at acquiring new fans sophistication, which has, in turn, boosted from Twitter. Followers received a Direct relevancy and results. Message with a contest; in order to enter to win, they had to complete a brief form For instance, the LA Kings developed a and provide their name, email, and Twitter behavior-based workflow for its holiday pack handle. campaign that automatically segmented individuals who exhibited behaviors for a The Twitter campaign generated a series of follow-up messages. The campaign 6-7% response rate, netting hundreds generated more than $70,000 in revenue, of new contacts in our database, notes with the second email doubling the revenue LeValley. The key is that we were able to of the first and the third email to clickers identify anonymous followers, make them generating the highest return per send. This marketable via other channels, and start campaign was launched within two months assigning them value. of implementation and showcased the To further optimize sales, the LA Kings effectiveness and a quick, positive ROI for are building a lead scoring model that LA Kings executives. incorporates demographic, transaction, and behavioral data to identify fans with Neolane, Inc. The LA Kings are also using Neolane to drive online season ticket renewals. In the highest propensity to buy. Plans are 275 Washington Street Third Floor, Newton, MA 02458 addition to sending targeted emails, the also underway to migrate to a new CRM Office: +1 617 467 6760 team has created a personalized URL and system that would allow for bidirectional Fax: +1 617 467 6701 microsite for each season ticket holder that synchronization with Neolane. Armed with info@neolane.com contains savings and benefits info along each fans score and complete interaction www.neolane.com with fun, engaging content. As a result of history, sales and service reps will be able to better prioritize their efforts and engage United States this initiative, online renewals are up 10% United Kingdom to their highest level, which has freed sales in informed conversations. France reps to focus on higher risk accounts. Nordics Based on the tremendous success the LA Thanks to greater marketing effectiveness Kings have had using Neolane, parent Neolane and the Neolane logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Neolane Inc. in the United States and other plus a popularity boost stemming from the company AEG is planning to bring the LA countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the 2012 Stanley Cup, the LA Kings are on the Galaxy, of Major League Soccer, onto the property of their respective owners. verge of selling out of season tickets. Once platform. 息 2012 Neolane, Inc.