Come and discover the many things you can do for yourself at home, one step at a time, to create optimal health. This presentation takes you through 12 small changes that can have a profound effect on your health and wellness.
#2: Welcome to the Medicine Talk lecture: The Meaning of Health.
#3: We are all very passionate about spreading the word of Naturopathic Medicine. Each of us have our own reasons for working with and being dedicated to Medicine Talk – but ultimately is about educating as many people as we can.
Feel free to reach out to any one of us with comments or questions.
We love your suggestions and encourage you to tell us what you think.
Most importantly, we would greatly appreciate you telling your friends, family, clients and colleagues about the work we are doing. Like us, follow us and share us on all your social media.
Together, with your help, we can tell the world!
Thanks again for joining us today, we look forward to our next visit together.