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Submitted by Christy Lyons
July 18, 2014
Dementia is a name for progressive brain
syndromes which affect memory, thinking,
behaviour and emotion.
Symptoms may include:
- loss of memory
- difficulty in finding the right words or
understanding what people are saying
- difficulty in performing previously routine
- personality and mood changes
Dr. Mason discussed Alzheimers, a major
type of Dementia in a Lab during Week 4.
Dementia is a disease that affected 44.4
million people worldwide in 2013[1].
There is a new case of dementia somewhere
in the world every 4 seconds [1].
The number of patients with dementia are
expected to triple by 2050 [1].
- Dementia involves the loss of
nerve cells.
- Since there are nerve cells
throughout the brain, the loss of
nerve cells in different areas of
the brain will affect individuals
- This presentation will focus
only a couple of areas: the
temporal lobe and the
There are
approximately 100
billion nerve cells or
neurons in the brain. http://www.geek.com/geek-cetera/our-
The temporal lobe is
the portion of the
cerebral cortex that:
- recognizes faces
- perceives (hearing,
vision, smell)
- understands
- has emotional
reactions http://www.drzukiwski.com/brain-function/
The hippocampus is
the part of the brain
that allows us to
make new,
memories: both
semantic and
episodic. Healthy Hippocampus
(From Dr. Masons Week 4 Video)
Describe the functions of the
nervous system that are
apparent or impaired in your
Brain cells are generally
not replaced.
As more and more brain
cells die, the brain starts
to shrink.
Impairments in the
temporal lobe have been
traced to Alzheimers.
People with damage to
the temporal lobe suffer
difficulties in face
recognition and object
Long- and short-term
memory loss.
The Temporal Lobe of a
Dementia Patient
(Week 4  Peggy Mason)
Damage to the
hippocampus causes:
- severe memory
- disorientation
- it may also cause
Healthy Hippocampus
(Week 4)
Hippocampus of Dementia
Patient (Week 4)
The stream of information from the
entorhinal cortex, through the dentate gyrus
to the hippocampus is called the perforant
The entorhinal cortex is one of the first areas
of the brain to show signs of Alzheimers
The entorhinal cortex is associated with self-
localization as well as declarative memory.
Explain in detail the ways in
which this course has allowed
you to better analyze the events
and phenomena around you.
My 97-year-old
grandmother has had
dementia for at least
the last 7 years.
She was a
bookkeeper with an
excellent memory.
Watching her deteriorate has had a
profound impact on our family; particularly
my mother.
She has periods where she cannot
recognize my sister-in-law or cousins
boyfriend whove been around for the last
10 and 4 years, respectively.
Less frequently, she doesnt know who me,
my brother or even my mother and uncle
She will ask a question and 3 minutes later ask
the same question and then 5 minutes later,
repeat it again. (Short-term memory loss)
While at the cottage, she will be angry that the
family is there, because she is expecting
company, but when shes queried on who the
company is she wont recall. Shes forgotten
that she sold the cottage to my mom and uncle
15 years ago. (Aggression and long-term
memory loss)
One time, I was visiting with Nana and she
asked me if my husband was stationed in St.
John and if Id taken the trolley to see her.
(Prosopagnosia) Explanation: She met my
grandfather during WWII and they lived on the
east coast.
This course has helped me to understand more
clearly the physiological changes occurring in
my grandmother, why she is behaving the way
she is, and hopefully be more empathetic.
[1] Dementia Statistics. Alzheimers Disease
International. Retrieved from:
[2] 3D Brain Ap produced by Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center.
[3] Peggy Masons The Neurobiology of
Everyday Living Videos.

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The neurobiology of dementia

  • 1. Submitted by Christy Lyons July 18, 2014
  • 2. Dementia is a name for progressive brain syndromes which affect memory, thinking, behaviour and emotion. Symptoms may include: - loss of memory - difficulty in finding the right words or understanding what people are saying - difficulty in performing previously routine tasks - personality and mood changes
  • 3. Dr. Mason discussed Alzheimers, a major type of Dementia in a Lab during Week 4. Dementia is a disease that affected 44.4 million people worldwide in 2013[1]. There is a new case of dementia somewhere in the world every 4 seconds [1]. The number of patients with dementia are expected to triple by 2050 [1].
  • 4. - Dementia involves the loss of nerve cells. - Since there are nerve cells throughout the brain, the loss of nerve cells in different areas of the brain will affect individuals differently. - This presentation will focus only a couple of areas: the temporal lobe and the hippocampus. http://www.today.colostate.edu/story.aspx?id=9857
  • 5. There are approximately 100 billion nerve cells or neurons in the brain. http://www.geek.com/geek-cetera/our- brains-forget-information-at-a-rate-of-1-bit- per-second-per-neuron-1308566/ http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/braintour
  • 6. The temporal lobe is the portion of the cerebral cortex that: - recognizes faces - perceives (hearing, vision, smell) - understands language - has emotional reactions http://www.drzukiwski.com/brain-function/
  • 7. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that allows us to make new, declarative memories: both semantic and episodic. Healthy Hippocampus (From Dr. Masons Week 4 Video)
  • 8. Describe the functions of the nervous system that are apparent or impaired in your example.
  • 9. Brain cells are generally not replaced. As more and more brain cells die, the brain starts to shrink.
  • 10. Impairments in the temporal lobe have been traced to Alzheimers. People with damage to the temporal lobe suffer difficulties in face recognition and object recognition. Long- and short-term memory loss. Aggression The Temporal Lobe of a Dementia Patient (Week 4 Peggy Mason)
  • 11. Damage to the hippocampus causes: - severe memory impairment - disorientation - it may also cause depression Healthy Hippocampus (Week 4) Hippocampus of Dementia Patient (Week 4)
  • 12. The stream of information from the entorhinal cortex, through the dentate gyrus to the hippocampus is called the perforant path. The entorhinal cortex is one of the first areas of the brain to show signs of Alzheimers disease. The entorhinal cortex is associated with self- localization as well as declarative memory.
  • 13. Explain in detail the ways in which this course has allowed you to better analyze the events and phenomena around you.
  • 14. My 97-year-old grandmother has had dementia for at least the last 7 years. She was a bookkeeper with an excellent memory.
  • 15. Watching her deteriorate has had a profound impact on our family; particularly my mother. She has periods where she cannot recognize my sister-in-law or cousins boyfriend whove been around for the last 10 and 4 years, respectively. Less frequently, she doesnt know who me, my brother or even my mother and uncle are.
  • 16. She will ask a question and 3 minutes later ask the same question and then 5 minutes later, repeat it again. (Short-term memory loss) While at the cottage, she will be angry that the family is there, because she is expecting company, but when shes queried on who the company is she wont recall. Shes forgotten that she sold the cottage to my mom and uncle 15 years ago. (Aggression and long-term memory loss)
  • 17. One time, I was visiting with Nana and she asked me if my husband was stationed in St. John and if Id taken the trolley to see her. (Prosopagnosia) Explanation: She met my grandfather during WWII and they lived on the east coast. This course has helped me to understand more clearly the physiological changes occurring in my grandmother, why she is behaving the way she is, and hopefully be more empathetic.
  • 18. [1] Dementia Statistics. Alzheimers Disease International. Retrieved from: http://www.alz.co.uk/research/statistics [2] 3D Brain Ap produced by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center. [3] Peggy Masons The Neurobiology of Everyday Living Videos.