Federal information professionals highlight a troubling skillsgap between current capabilities & perceived future requirements, as shown by a new survey: http://ow.ly/qQXO300EJcF
This document provides an introduction to open data. It discusses how governments historically collected data but it was not openly available. It notes challenges of data being locked up, hard to use, and lacking resources to process it. The Open Knowledge Foundation works to open up government data so it can be used by citizens and organizations. Open data brings many benefits like empowering people, increasing efficiency and savings for governments, and fueling economic opportunities. The document provides tips for governments on improving open data programs by focusing on high-value, granular data and using open formats.
Al-Khouri, A.M. (2014) "Privacy in the Age of Big Data: Exploring the Role of Modern Identity Management Systems". World Journal of Social Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 37-47.
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Creating a Data-Driven Government: Big Data With PurposeTyrone Grandison
The U.S. Department of Commerce collects, processes and disseminates data on a range of issues that impact our nation. Whether it's data on the economy, the environment, or technology, data is critical in fulfilling the Department's mission of creating the conditions for economic growth and opportunity. It is this data that provides insight, drives innovation, and transforms our lives. The U.S. Department of Commerce has become known as "America's Data Agency" due to the tens of thousands of datasets including satellite imagery, material standards and demographic surveys.
But having a host of data and ensuring that this data is open and accessible to all are two separate issues. The latter, expanding open data access, is now a key pillar of the Commerce Department's mission. It was this focus on enhancing open data that led to the creation of the Commerce Data Service (CDS).
The mission at the Commerce Data Service is to enable more people to use big data from across the department in innovative ways and across multiple fields. In this talk, I will explore how we are using big data to create a data-driven government.
This talk is a keynote given at the Texas tech University's Big Data Symposium.
Opportunities and challenges for the 21st century FDLP (CNI Spring 2012)James Jacobs
James Jacobs, Government Information Librarian, Stanford University Libraries
Suzanne Sears, Assistant Dean for Public Services, University of North Texas Libraries
David Walls, Preservation Librarian, US Government Printing Office
Date: Monday, April 2, 2012
The vast majority of all US Government documents published today are born digital, published electronically and available through the Internet, and will never be printed by the federal government. The lack of a systematic process for capturing, preserving, and disseminating born-digital government information challenges the ability of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in being able to provide permanent and equal access to online-only government information to all citizens. However, GPO and the FDLP community have begun to make strides on this most critical issue. This project briefing will describe several exciting initiatives currently underway to capture, preserve and provide access to born-digital government information including GPOs Federal Digital System (FDsys) and web harvesting initiatives, and the agencys partnerships with Federal agencies; the CyberCemetery, CRS Report archive and robust digitization program and digital repository of the University of North Texas; and the LOCKSS-USDOCS collaborative program. These projects offer examples of how the FDLP community, in partnership and under formal agreements with GPO can work collaboratively to assure the long-term preservation of born-digital government information to keep America informed.
What does BIG DATA mean for official statistics?Vincenzo Patruno
In our modern world more and more data are generated on the web and produced by sensors in the ever growing number of electronic devices surrounding us. The amount of data and the frequency at which they are produced have led to the concept of 'Big data'. Big data is characterized as data sets of increasing volume, velocity and variety; the 3 V's. Big data is often largely unstructured, meaning that it has no pre-defined data model and/or does not fit well into conventional relational databases.
Obama's 2012 reelection campaign leveraged big data analytics to build detailed profiles of potential voters using disparate data sources. They combined this data to create a "single view" of individuals to optimize fundraising, volunteer mobilization, and get-out-the-vote strategies. Predictive modeling was used to score voters by likelihood of donating or voting Democrat. Resources were targeted to persuadable voters in swing states. Regular polling provided insights to track debate impacts and allocate campaign efforts. The campaign's data-driven approach helped achieve record fundraising and turnout in swing states.
Big Data: A Decision Makers Friend, Phantom, or Foe? John Girard
John Girard's IACIS 2014 keynote: Big Data: A Decision Makers Friend, Phantom, or Foe?
In the past three years there has been a 10-fold increase in Google searches for the term Big Data. Clearly there is considerable interest in the term; however, is Big Data helping executives make better decisions? Does Big Data empower, liberate, or overwhelm decision makers?
John Girard's keynote talk at KM Singapore "Big Data: Friend, Phantom or Foe?" Asking and answering some of the tough questions leaders have about Big Data.
John Girard's talk for KM Russia 2014 in which he explores the relationship between knowledge management and big data through the lens of technology, leadership and culture
John P. Girard, Ph.D.'s talk at Sales & Marketing Middle East. Everyone is talking about big data. Lots of people of selling big data. Many leaders are wondering about big data. An honest, sans hype, overview of where we are in the big data space.
An Integrated National Data System (INDS) Would be Central to a Digital Bangl...KhandkerHabibAhmed
This digital artifact is about an integrated national data system (INDS) to be developed with a developing country perspective, like Bangladesh, as to how data could be collected, stored, analyzed, used, repurposed and reused in order to unleash their great untapped potential to generate economic and social values for the society. Target audience of this digital artifact is any individual in general including actors in the public sector institutions, civil society, academia, private sector as well as international and regional organizations.
Big Data Keynote - SAIS 2015 - John GirardJohn Girard
John Girard's keynote "Big Data: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue?"
at Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) in Hilton Head, SC
Whitepaper - The need self service data tools, not scientistsJosh Howard
The federal government is one of the organizations most in need of data scientists, but hiring freezes, slashed training budgets and a lack of qualified candidates have all hampered the ability to recruit these types of professionals. Faced with such obstacles, agencies have been developing creative solutions to fill the hiring gap. Learn how to overcome these challenges with big data analytic tools.
A Leader's Guide to Knowledge Management - International Institute for Applie...John Girard
This document discusses strategies for organizing knowledge in the big data era. It introduces the concept of "sagology", which is defined as the study of organizational wisdom with reference to technology, leadership, culture, process and measurement. The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on knowledge management, discussing topics like the different types of knowledge that exist, tools and techniques for knowledge sharing, and guiding organizations into the future. It also examines challenges of information overload and anxiety, and how leadership can help dismantle barriers to accessing and sharing knowledge.
The talk will cover in broad strokes the building blocks, facilitators and challenges for big data based decision making.
Using examples from two projects from very dissimilar domains (High tech manufacturing and Public Health) Dr. Vinze will present possibilities for Data Science for both practitioners and academic researchers.
The Post-Relational Reality Sets In: 2011 Survey on Unstructured DataMarkLogic Corporation
The "Big Data" influx is upon usterabytes and gigabytes of bits and bytes that are overwhelming IT infrastructures. This growth is unprecedented and much of it consists of unstructured information, which is creating new types of challenges in terms of governance, management and security practices. A new survey finds that companies are only beginning to grasp the complexities created by all this new unstructured data. Even the most mature organizations that acknowledge they depend on unstructured data still do not have effective governance or best practices in place. The survey results imply that companies are missing the opportunity to leverage the full value of this unstructured data. Download the complete survey report.
Highlights from a global productivity survey of 2,000 knowledge workers indicate that approximately 6.78 hours per week are spent managing and consolidating information such as documents, emails and web research. UK spends 7.08 hours per week managing information whilst France spends 6.69 hours and Germany spends 5.91 hours per week.
In USA Information Overload costs a minimum of $900 billion per year in lowered employee productivity and reduced innovation. This is a fairly conservative number and reflects the loss of 25% of the employees day
Highlights from a global productivity survey of 2,000 knowledge workers indicate that approximately 6.78 hours per week are spent managing and consolidating information such as documents, emails and web research. UK spends 7.08 hours per week managing information whilst France spends 6.69 hours and Germany spends 5.91 hours per week.
In USA Information Overload costs a minimum of $900 billion per year in lowered employee productivity and reduced innovation. This is a fairly conservative number and reflects the loss of 25% of the employees day
The document discusses big data analytics and creating a big data-enabled organization. It begins with an introduction to big data, defining it and explaining its four V's: volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. It then discusses big data analytics, explaining that it involves more than just data and requires methods like machine learning. The document provides examples of big data analytics in various industries and development contexts. It concludes by outlining three steps to creating a big data-enabled organization: 1) be clear on the specific questions and needs big data can address, 2) build an integrated foundation of data, tools, and skills, and 3) establish a culture of experimentation and learning from failures.
Big data refers to the massive amounts of structured and unstructured data being created every day from sources like social media interactions, website clicks, and sensor data from devices. The volume, velocity, and variety of big data, known as the three V's, make it challenging to store, manage, and analyze. Additional challenges include the veracity and variability of big data. Big data is being used across many domains to gain insights, optimize business processes, improve sports performance and training, and support national security and law enforcement efforts through data analysis and mining. While big data holds great potential, many businesses have yet to fully leverage its capabilities.
The document provides background on a research project investigating the data breach at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management in 2015. The project aims to interview OPM executives to understand the breach and analyze the relationship between cyber attacks and upgrades to the agency's technology. The researcher plans to enter the OPM for 3 weeks to conduct interviews and examine how often software/hardware patches are implemented each year.
Big data refers to the massive amounts of data created every day from various sources such as sensors, social media, digital images, purchase transactions, and cell phone GPS signals. This data is characterized by volume, velocity, and variety. Volume refers to the enormous amount of data that is growing daily, velocity refers to the speed at which the data streams in, and variety refers to the different data types like text, images, videos. Analyzing big data requires different techniques, tools, and architectures compared to traditional small data in order to solve new problems or solve old problems better.
This document summarizes the history of big data from 1944 to 2013. It outlines key milestones such as the first use of the term "big data" in 1997, the growth of internet traffic in the late 1990s, Doug Laney coining the three V's of big data in 2001, and the focus of big data professionals shifting from IT to business functions that utilize data in 2013. The document serves to illustrate how data storage and analysis have evolved over time due to technological advances and changing needs.
Big data is growing exponentially, as we now create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, with 90% of data created in just the last two years. However, companies have difficulty managing and interpreting this unstructured data, with employees spending two hours per day searching. While 93% of executives believe leveraging available data could increase revenue opportunities, companies currently lose $5 million annually due to data-related problems. Analyzing internal databases, external web content, social media, device data and location data can provide the most benefit for strategic decisions. Successfully implementing advanced analytics has led to 33% more revenue growth for organizations.
This is a simple presentation on Future of IT. As per my study and research, I have prepared few slides on Future of Information Technology which contains the information about the technologies that what are the technologies plays the main role in the near future of the IT market.
WCIT 2014 Matt Stamper - Information Assurance in a Global ContextWCIT 2014
This document provides an overview of a presentation on information assurance in a global context. It discusses why information assurance matters given increasing dependencies on accurate data. It also covers definitions of security, privacy and information assurance. Additionally, it outlines regulatory requirements, frameworks, technologies like IoT and cloud computing, and lessons from cross-border regions. The presentation agenda is included which covers these topics over several pages in more depth.
The Challenge - and Opportunity - of 'Big Data'Serge Milman
The document summarizes research by the McKinsey Global Institute on the economic value of big data. It finds that big data is growing exponentially as more devices generate digital information and that big data has significant economic potential to increase productivity and competitiveness in both private businesses and public sectors. Specifically, the research estimates big data could create over $300 billion in annual value for the US healthcare system, increase retailers' operating margins by over 60%, and save European governments over 100 billion per year through operational efficiencies.
Big Data: A Decision Makers Friend, Phantom, or Foe? John Girard
John Girard's IACIS 2014 keynote: Big Data: A Decision Makers Friend, Phantom, or Foe?
In the past three years there has been a 10-fold increase in Google searches for the term Big Data. Clearly there is considerable interest in the term; however, is Big Data helping executives make better decisions? Does Big Data empower, liberate, or overwhelm decision makers?
John Girard's keynote talk at KM Singapore "Big Data: Friend, Phantom or Foe?" Asking and answering some of the tough questions leaders have about Big Data.
John Girard's talk for KM Russia 2014 in which he explores the relationship between knowledge management and big data through the lens of technology, leadership and culture
John P. Girard, Ph.D.'s talk at Sales & Marketing Middle East. Everyone is talking about big data. Lots of people of selling big data. Many leaders are wondering about big data. An honest, sans hype, overview of where we are in the big data space.
An Integrated National Data System (INDS) Would be Central to a Digital Bangl...KhandkerHabibAhmed
This digital artifact is about an integrated national data system (INDS) to be developed with a developing country perspective, like Bangladesh, as to how data could be collected, stored, analyzed, used, repurposed and reused in order to unleash their great untapped potential to generate economic and social values for the society. Target audience of this digital artifact is any individual in general including actors in the public sector institutions, civil society, academia, private sector as well as international and regional organizations.
Big Data Keynote - SAIS 2015 - John GirardJohn Girard
John Girard's keynote "Big Data: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue?"
at Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) in Hilton Head, SC
Whitepaper - The need self service data tools, not scientistsJosh Howard
The federal government is one of the organizations most in need of data scientists, but hiring freezes, slashed training budgets and a lack of qualified candidates have all hampered the ability to recruit these types of professionals. Faced with such obstacles, agencies have been developing creative solutions to fill the hiring gap. Learn how to overcome these challenges with big data analytic tools.
A Leader's Guide to Knowledge Management - International Institute for Applie...John Girard
This document discusses strategies for organizing knowledge in the big data era. It introduces the concept of "sagology", which is defined as the study of organizational wisdom with reference to technology, leadership, culture, process and measurement. The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on knowledge management, discussing topics like the different types of knowledge that exist, tools and techniques for knowledge sharing, and guiding organizations into the future. It also examines challenges of information overload and anxiety, and how leadership can help dismantle barriers to accessing and sharing knowledge.
The talk will cover in broad strokes the building blocks, facilitators and challenges for big data based decision making.
Using examples from two projects from very dissimilar domains (High tech manufacturing and Public Health) Dr. Vinze will present possibilities for Data Science for both practitioners and academic researchers.
The Post-Relational Reality Sets In: 2011 Survey on Unstructured DataMarkLogic Corporation
The "Big Data" influx is upon usterabytes and gigabytes of bits and bytes that are overwhelming IT infrastructures. This growth is unprecedented and much of it consists of unstructured information, which is creating new types of challenges in terms of governance, management and security practices. A new survey finds that companies are only beginning to grasp the complexities created by all this new unstructured data. Even the most mature organizations that acknowledge they depend on unstructured data still do not have effective governance or best practices in place. The survey results imply that companies are missing the opportunity to leverage the full value of this unstructured data. Download the complete survey report.
Highlights from a global productivity survey of 2,000 knowledge workers indicate that approximately 6.78 hours per week are spent managing and consolidating information such as documents, emails and web research. UK spends 7.08 hours per week managing information whilst France spends 6.69 hours and Germany spends 5.91 hours per week.
In USA Information Overload costs a minimum of $900 billion per year in lowered employee productivity and reduced innovation. This is a fairly conservative number and reflects the loss of 25% of the employees day
Highlights from a global productivity survey of 2,000 knowledge workers indicate that approximately 6.78 hours per week are spent managing and consolidating information such as documents, emails and web research. UK spends 7.08 hours per week managing information whilst France spends 6.69 hours and Germany spends 5.91 hours per week.
In USA Information Overload costs a minimum of $900 billion per year in lowered employee productivity and reduced innovation. This is a fairly conservative number and reflects the loss of 25% of the employees day
The document discusses big data analytics and creating a big data-enabled organization. It begins with an introduction to big data, defining it and explaining its four V's: volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. It then discusses big data analytics, explaining that it involves more than just data and requires methods like machine learning. The document provides examples of big data analytics in various industries and development contexts. It concludes by outlining three steps to creating a big data-enabled organization: 1) be clear on the specific questions and needs big data can address, 2) build an integrated foundation of data, tools, and skills, and 3) establish a culture of experimentation and learning from failures.
Big data refers to the massive amounts of structured and unstructured data being created every day from sources like social media interactions, website clicks, and sensor data from devices. The volume, velocity, and variety of big data, known as the three V's, make it challenging to store, manage, and analyze. Additional challenges include the veracity and variability of big data. Big data is being used across many domains to gain insights, optimize business processes, improve sports performance and training, and support national security and law enforcement efforts through data analysis and mining. While big data holds great potential, many businesses have yet to fully leverage its capabilities.
The document provides background on a research project investigating the data breach at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management in 2015. The project aims to interview OPM executives to understand the breach and analyze the relationship between cyber attacks and upgrades to the agency's technology. The researcher plans to enter the OPM for 3 weeks to conduct interviews and examine how often software/hardware patches are implemented each year.
Big data refers to the massive amounts of data created every day from various sources such as sensors, social media, digital images, purchase transactions, and cell phone GPS signals. This data is characterized by volume, velocity, and variety. Volume refers to the enormous amount of data that is growing daily, velocity refers to the speed at which the data streams in, and variety refers to the different data types like text, images, videos. Analyzing big data requires different techniques, tools, and architectures compared to traditional small data in order to solve new problems or solve old problems better.
This document summarizes the history of big data from 1944 to 2013. It outlines key milestones such as the first use of the term "big data" in 1997, the growth of internet traffic in the late 1990s, Doug Laney coining the three V's of big data in 2001, and the focus of big data professionals shifting from IT to business functions that utilize data in 2013. The document serves to illustrate how data storage and analysis have evolved over time due to technological advances and changing needs.
Big data is growing exponentially, as we now create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, with 90% of data created in just the last two years. However, companies have difficulty managing and interpreting this unstructured data, with employees spending two hours per day searching. While 93% of executives believe leveraging available data could increase revenue opportunities, companies currently lose $5 million annually due to data-related problems. Analyzing internal databases, external web content, social media, device data and location data can provide the most benefit for strategic decisions. Successfully implementing advanced analytics has led to 33% more revenue growth for organizations.
This is a simple presentation on Future of IT. As per my study and research, I have prepared few slides on Future of Information Technology which contains the information about the technologies that what are the technologies plays the main role in the near future of the IT market.
WCIT 2014 Matt Stamper - Information Assurance in a Global ContextWCIT 2014
This document provides an overview of a presentation on information assurance in a global context. It discusses why information assurance matters given increasing dependencies on accurate data. It also covers definitions of security, privacy and information assurance. Additionally, it outlines regulatory requirements, frameworks, technologies like IoT and cloud computing, and lessons from cross-border regions. The presentation agenda is included which covers these topics over several pages in more depth.
The Challenge - and Opportunity - of 'Big Data'Serge Milman
The document summarizes research by the McKinsey Global Institute on the economic value of big data. It finds that big data is growing exponentially as more devices generate digital information and that big data has significant economic potential to increase productivity and competitiveness in both private businesses and public sectors. Specifically, the research estimates big data could create over $300 billion in annual value for the US healthcare system, increase retailers' operating margins by over 60%, and save European governments over 100 billion per year through operational efficiencies.
Information Governance -- Necessary Evil or a Bridge to the Future?John Mancini
How the world is changing -- Old paradigms are being stretched to the breaking point
How we usually think about governance -- Its not just about what you keep
How should we respond? -- Building an action plan for the next 2-3 years
What does a data scientist actually do? Here at Good Rebels we wanted to outline a profile of this new profession, with the help of various industry leaders from academia, business and institutions. In short, we concluded that the main tasks of a data scientist are to identify data, transform it when incomplete, categorize it, prepare it for analysis, perform the analysis, visualize the results and communicate them.
The document discusses 25 predictions about the future of big data:
1) Data volumes and ways to analyze data will continue growing exponentially with improvements in machine learning and real-time analytics.
2) More companies will appoint chief data officers and use data as a competitive advantage.
3) Data governance, visualization, and delivery through data fabrics and marketplaces will be key to extracting insights from diverse data sources and empowering partners.
4) Data is becoming a new global currency and companies are monetizing their data through algorithms, services, and by becoming "data businesses."
This document provides an overview of big data, including its definition, characteristics, examples, analysis methods, and challenges. It discusses how big data is characterized by its volume, variety, and velocity. Examples of big data are given from various industries like healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and web/social media. Analysis methods for big data like MapReduce, Hadoop, and HPCC are described and compared. The document also covers privacy and security issues that arise from big data analytics.
The document summarizes the emerging opportunities and challenges around personal data as a new asset class. It outlines how personal data is being generated at unprecedented scales from various sources. However, the current personal data ecosystem remains fragmented without common standards or principles. The summary identifies key stakeholders in the ecosystem, including individuals, private sector companies, and governments, and notes they each have different and sometimes conflicting needs and interests. It argues a balanced ecosystem can be achieved by adopting an end-user centric approach that empowers individuals and aligns all stakeholders around common goals of trust, transparency and value creation.
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
10th International Government Relations Forumwhitezefir2018
Step into the premier gathering of professionals in Government Relations, lobbying, advocacy, political communications, and regulatory strategy. The 10th Annual International Government Relations Forum, organized by IGAPA (International Government Affairs Professional Association), brings together over 600 experts from 16 countries to define the future of the field.
For over a decade, IGAPA has been the leading platform for professionals in government relations, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of a transparent and effective global Government Relations agenda. This milestone event in Washington, D.C., will bring together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to engage in critical discussions on the development of transparent dialogue between business, society, and the state. Attendees will gain actionable insights, explore emerging trends, and build strategic connections that drive meaningful change.
The document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
Historic places hold the stories of our past, are an important part of building community, and create connections between who we were and who we aspire to be. But how effective is the work of preservation if the next generation doesn't understand the value and significance of these places to our present moment? How do we ignite a passion for history and culture, sparking a lifelong affinity and understanding of the power of place along the way?
Brief History
油Africa is the 'cradle of humankind', the place where the first human beings lived 5 to 10 million years ago.
Fossils found in Africa, show that the modern human beings spread from this continent. One of the earliest evidences of human life were found in South Africa.
Many powerful kingdoms existed on the African continent in the early history and the Middle Ages.
Between the 5th and 15th century, African slaves were traded mainly by Arab traders.
In the late 19th century Europeans started conquering Africa which was then colonised in the 19th and 20th century mainly from Britain and France, but also from the Dutch, Italian and Germans.
2025 - The DFARS - Part 203 - Improper Business Practices And Personal Confl...JSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
Link To Video:
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for complimentary access to US Federal Government Contracting videos:
Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact hello@JenniferSchaus.com
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of ...DonkeyRepublic
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of data and markets
This is a book that sets out visions for future of democracy with radical suggestions for transformation.
From Global Peace Now to PeaceNow.com to Global Peace Yes--GAMIP ALC
In our crisis-ridden modern world beset by so much division, conflict, and violence, what does
it take for an ordinary global citizen to become a powerful peace champion and an uplifting,
unifying force for humankind? How can one transcend hopelessness and helplessness? How
can people from every walk of life develop the muscles of peace required to stay peaceful,
kind and mentally healthy no matter what comes their way?
This slide deck accompanied a webinar presentation on the congressional budget reconciliation process given by Marc Goldwein, Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget Senior Vice President and Senior Policy Director, on February 26, 2025
bytes of data are
(That is 10 Million
Blu-Ray Discs.)
of the worlds data today was
created in the last two years.
Source: http://www.vcloudnews.com/every-day-big-data-statistics-2-5-quintillion-bytes-of-data-created-daily/
Are federal agencies
prepared to construct the
next generation of
information management
4. Research shows
Of federal agency
respondents rank
managing ALL
information and data,
not just records,
as the most urgent driver.
5. And
The Top 5 most needed areas of improvement include:
Risk Management,
including security and data privacy
Electronic records
retention and disposition
Records and information
data, metadata, etc.
AndEmail and
social media management
Download the study to find out: