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 Moms   &   Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
What can make
you angry in an
The No Thrills Of Anger
Before you
 leave home
for vacation...
there is stress
The Problem: Its Real
It is Normal
is NOT
Ephesians 4:26

quot;In your
anger do not
Why can it be a problem?
The problem
is sin often
our anger
Blowing your top

wounds relationship

  Proverbs 15:18
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
Why do we get angry?
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
What to do?
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger


The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
Ephesians 4:31
Get rid of all bitterness,
rage and anger, brawling
and slander, along with
every form of malice.
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
Take care
your husband
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
1 Corinthians 13:5
It (Love) is not rude, it is not self-
seeking, it is not easily angered, it
keeps no record of wrongs.
The No Thrills Of Anger
Pray with and for your children.
Let them hear you talk to God
about your emotions.
STOP! Act Wisely

STOP and think
A dmit what made them
C onsider choices. What can
they do about what
T ake action - act on the wise
choice they have made

               Mikey Oldham
   a good
 attitude for
your children


 Move on!
To hang on to
your past means
you've let go of
your future
Psalm 86:15
But you, O Lord,
are a
and gracious
God, slow to
anger, abounding
in love and
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try
me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is
any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way
everlasting. (Psalm 139:1-6, 23, 24)
The No Thrills Of Anger
The No Thrills Of Anger
More information:

Karol Ladd is known as the Positive Lady. Her encouraging and joyful personality shines brightly through
both her speaking and her writing. Karol is not only positive; she is authentic. She is open, honest and real
with her audience. Her message is Biblically based, as she desires to point people to Christ and a closer walk
with Him. (Handout).


                                7 Ways to Minimize Anger Damage in Families
                                         Written by Richard E. Dodge


                                   Culture Smith Consulting
                                                My Daddy is Mean

 We can teach important lessons to our children- directly and indirectly - by how we handle anger and move
  from negative to positive emotional stability. We can teach coping skills by teaching children to express
               anger in appropriate ways and move beyond the angry moment or experience.


Lisa Bryant

More Related Content

The No Thrills Of Anger

  • 1. No THRILLS of Moms & Anger
  • 3. What can make you angry in an amusement park?
  • 5. Before you ever leave home for vacation... there is stress
  • 10. Why can it be a problem?
  • 11. The problem is sin often accompanies our anger
  • 12. Blowing your top wounds relationship Proverbs 15:18
  • 15. Why do we get angry?
  • 29. Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
  • 34. Take care to remember your husband
  • 35. Plan
  • 40. 1 Corinthians 13:5 It (Love) is not rude, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
  • 42. Pray with and for your children. Let them hear you talk to God about your emotions.
  • 43. STOP! Act Wisely STOP and think A dmit what made them angry C onsider choices. What can they do about what happened? T ake action - act on the wise choice they have made Mikey Oldham
  • 44. Model a good attitude for your children stop Pouting! Move on!
  • 45. kemmeyer To hang on to your past means you've let go of your future (via @jason鍖scher)
  • 46. Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
  • 51. Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:1-6, 23, 24)
  • 54. More information: http://positivemom.com/books.htm Karol Ladd is known as the Positive Lady. Her encouraging and joyful personality shines brightly through both her speaking and her writing. Karol is not only positive; she is authentic. She is open, honest and real with her audience. Her message is Biblically based, as she desires to point people to Christ and a closer walk with Him. (Handout). http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/article_main_page/0%2C1703%2CA%25253D157693%252526M %25253D200824%2C00.html 7 Ways to Minimize Anger Damage in Families Written by Richard E. Dodge http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/article_main_page/0%2C1703%2CA%25253D154429%252526M %25253D200851%2C00.html Culture Smith Consulting http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=73266537838&h=Szicn&u=z-2Jm&ref=mf My Daddy is Mean We can teach important lessons to our children- directly and indirectly - by how we handle anger and move from negative to positive emotional stability. We can teach coping skills by teaching children to express anger in appropriate ways and move beyond the angry moment or experience. http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/article_main_page/0%2C1703%2CA%25253D154429%252526M %25253D200851%2C00.html http://www.marykassian.com/index.php?s=anger
  • 55. Lisa Bryant lisab@trbc.org www.justforwomen.org

Editor's Notes

  • #10: Just like joy or disappointment - anger is a normal human emotion (Mary Kaissan) Even Jesus got angry when the people were selling their goods in the temple (Mk. 3:5)
  • #12: Bitterness, Wrath, Judgement, Punishment, Slander, Malice are sins that we sometimes allow to come along with our anger.
  • #13: PS 37:8 “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!... It tends only to evil.”
  • #14: Have you ever gotten on Roman Rapids when you had lots of time left in the park -- and you wore jeans????? Rubs you raw! That is what anger -- seething anger --- can do It will hurt you and those around you. And, one bad does of it can ruin the day.
  • #15: I learned the hard way that I was fully capable of exploding in fury and anger. It was the expense of my children’s early years that I finally came to a place of self-examination and hit upon the concept of my anger resembling a volcanic eruption... Mount Momma.” Julie Ann Barnhill aurthor of “She’s Gonna Blow!”
  • #17: Am I overloaded?
  • #18: Do I need to rest?
  • #19: Am I sick?
  • #20: Am I stressed? We are all thinking about jobs, money,etc. that can cause stress?
  • #21: Am I busy? Do I run from one attraction to the next in my life - only to hurry up and wait? Rushing -- pushing that stroller 90 to nothing in the park.... when the boys got old enough we ran..... when they got older we split up and got fast passes....
  • #22: Do I have unrealistic expectations? For me? my husband? my children?
  • #24: Anger is a secondary emotion that is usually used to express guilt, inadequacy, fear, or trauma (GIFT)
  • #26: Anger is a secondary emotion that is usually used to express guilt, inadequacy, fear, or trauma (GIFT)
  • #27: My friend told me a story yesterday about her anger issues... She said that when the kids would be ADD at the table - she would loose it! Then she realized that as a child her parents would fight at the table... things would intensify around the table. And she hated it. Somehow in her adult life - whenever things got flustered at her own table -- she felt like a little girl again -- helpless and out of control. All she knew to do was what she knew to do “Blow UP” My friend, got good counsel and she said that last week she responded calmly to a situation that would have set her off at one time. (Post Traumatic Syndrom).
  • #28: Some women show anger because that is what they saw as a child or it is what they are experiencing now. Ladies - if you or your children are in any kind of physical danger. Please seek help today. The YWCA - has an excellent program and they can be called anonymously to answer questions.
  • #31: When you blow it - admit it Ask the Lord for forgiveness and whoever you “blew it” with and move on
  • #32: Relax It is o.k. if on occasion - children have ice cream or cereal for supper
  • #33: Commit to keeping your cool with children Crying Time - No one was happy -- Focus on the Family at 7:00 p.m.
  • #34: Exercise Go with friends stroller hikes
  • #35: Remember your husband... Respect your husband... honor him... even when you are angry
  • #36: Plan your day - Get a schedule - Don’t be so involved in good things that you are rushing you children all through the day
  • #37: take advantage of some breaks
  • #38: How do i help my children control their anger? very similar for you moms...
  • #39: Life
  • #40: Teach them to identify their emotions ask them what they are feeling ____READ from prayer book
  • #42: with children - set limits
  • #43: Mercy If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
  • #47: brag on children when they are doing it right... they begin to have self control
  • #48: Take a Soul Spa Jesus wants to be your Living Water... You will never regret lingering in his Word. Make the time and God will fill you up
  • #49: “It is tough being a woman in a MEAN world. But we are called to fight the GOOD fight.” Beth Moore I Timothy 1:18-19 “ I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight holding onto faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so hae shipwrecked their faith”
  • #50: Don’t try to do it alone. That is why you have MOPS, your friends, and your mentor moms. Ask God to give you a close friend who will share your values and build ou upll
  • #51: Gentleness is an attractive fruit of the spirit. Gentleness is Harnessed Power. (Elisa Morgan)
  • #53: Back in the day... Time Goes Fast