Packing 2D objects in a limited space is an ubiquitous problem with many academic and industrial variants. In any case, solving this problem requires the ability to determine where a 鍖rst object can be placed so that it does not intersect a second, previously placed, object. This subproblem is called the non-overlapping constraint. The complexity of this non-overlapping constraint depends on the type of objects considered. It is simple in the case of rectangles. It has also been studied in the case of polygons. This paper proposes a numerical approach for the wide class of objects described by non-linear inequalities. Our goal here is to calculate the non-overlapping constraint, that is, to describe the set of all positions and orientations that can be assigned to the 鍖rst object so that intersection with the second one is empty. This is done using a dedicated branch & prune approach. We 鍖rst show that the non- overlapping constraint can be cast into a Minkowski sum, even if we take into account orientation. We derive from this an inner contractor, that is, an operator that removes from the current domain a subset of positions and orientations that necessarily violate the non-overlapping constraint. This inner contractor is then embedded in a sweeping loop, a pruning technique that was only used with discrete domains so far. We 鍖nally come up with a branch & prune algorithm that outperforms Rsolver, a generic state-of-the-art solver for continuous quanti鍖ed constraints.
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The non-overlapping constraint between objects described by non-linear inequalities
3. Motivation
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 1 / 23
Which are the positions and orientations of
an object such that it does not overlap a
second (fixed) one?
A key question in the
packing problem
4. Introduction: The Object Definition
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The object can
be translated...
and also
An object can be
described by a constraint
5. Introduction: The Object Definition
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We consider objects that can be represented
by a non-linear inequality
And our results carry over the more general
case of first order formulas
Disjunctions of conjunctions of inequalities
6. Introduction: The Object Definition
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1 inequality Conjunction of
Disjunction of
conjunctions of
Allows to consider the
packing space (e.g. a
bin) as a regular object
7. Introduction: The Non-Overlapping
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(the fixed one)
(the variables)
The non-overlapping constraint is the negation of the
overlapping constraint
8. Introduction: The Non-Overlapping
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Overlapping Constraint
The position of the moving object is the variable of the
Considering the rotation
9. Introduction: The Non-Overlapping
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The overlapping region considering only translation,
takes the following form
and considering also rotation
11. Overlapping as a Minkowski Sum
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What is the Minkowski Sum?
If the sets are described by constraints
12. Overlapping as a Minkowski Sum
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leads to
13. Overlapping as a Minkowski Sum
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This is equal to the
overlapping constraint
14. Overlapping as a Minkowski Sum
In the case of rotation, we consider
augmented objects
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15. Overlapping as a Minkowski Sum
The overlapping constraint S is still obtained as
a Minkowski sum:
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16. The Algorithm
Inner contraction
Outer rejection test
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The process stops when the surface of the unknown region B
is less than % of the initial box [x]
Our objective is to calculate a paving of the overlapping
our algorithm is based on a classical branch & prune
algorithm and makes use of the Minkowski sum
The central
operation can
be broken into
3 steps:
17. The Algorithm: Inner Contractor
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Given that
Let us consider
How can we find a subbox of [x] that is inside S?
Before describing how to contract a box [x] ...
18. The Algorithm: Inner Contractor
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The resulting box is
used in a sweep loop
must respect
19. The Algorithm: Inner Contractor
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The Sweep loop
At each step the
point is
inflated to the box
These boxes are
pilled up until some
face is covered
20. The Algorithm: Outer rejection test
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If this assertion holds, the whole
box is marked as outer
Moving Object
Reference Object
21. Experimental Results: Setup
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Variable ocurrences
Lack of convexity
Degrees of freedom
3 objects of
Each object can
take 1 of the 2
Reference Object
Moving Object
22. Experimental Results: Setup
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 20 / 23
Translation &
We consider the 6
combinations of
Reference-Moving objects
We consider 2 combinations
(2 ellipsis and 2 peanuts)
2 types of experiments
Compared to what? RSolver
23. Experimental Results: Translation
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 21 / 23
Time vs
case 1
Time vs
case 6
RSolver Our Algorithm RSolver Our Algorithm
Obtained in (s.) 4.07 0.37 771.00 26.82
= 3.25%
24. Experimental Results: Translation &
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 22 / 23
Timeout after 80
Calculated in 9
25. Conclusions
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 23 / 23
We give an efficient way to calculate a guaranteed
approximation of the non-overlapping constraint.
The efficiency is measured with respect to the time required for
solving the quantified constraints directly.
In future works, we will try to solve the full packing problem
using our results on the non-overlapping constraints.
30. Conclusions: Future work
I. Salas & G. Chabert & A. Goldsztejn 23
We will try to solve the full packing problem using
our results on the non-overlapping constraints.
Also, we want to know whether it is possible find a
quick inner test.
31. The Object Definition
System U System U System U System1 2 3 4
The resulting shape is
not necessarily convex
And this allows to represent the
avalaible space for packing as a
regular shape (called enclosing
32. The Non-Overlapping Constraint
The overlapping with the enclosing shape is handled as with any other
shape, since the description of the objects allows a transparent process.
no no
Between Regular Shapes
Between an Enclosing Shape and
a regular Shape
33. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Searching a point P
To find the point P, we use a branch & bound algorithm
Our objective is find a point that belongs to the
moving object and to the compulsory part of the
reference object
34. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Searching a point P
Contract some box C w.r.t. the moving shape
Contract the box C w.r.t. the reference
shape, centered in the lower left/upper right
In the beginning, it is an
unbounded box
Removes points that
are not in the
compulsory part
Outer approximation
of the moving object
35. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Searching a point P
Pick randomly a point in the resulting box and
check if it belongs to both objects
Else, Bisect
The contracted box
Using interval
36. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Inflate P
The point P is inflated using the box
translated and the compulsory part
The inflators of Ibex can inflate inside
It is possible to inflate inside the
same box all the inequalities that are
part of the shape
37. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Inflate P
For this we have
defined an
intersection of
inner inflators ...
And a union of
inner inflators
Choose the box with the
greatest perimeter
38. The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
Hence, it is possible to construct
a box B inside the compulsory
part of the reference object, i.e.
39. The Contractor:
overlapping shape
The overlapping shape is the region where
the reference shape will always collide with
the moving shape.
Can be calculated exactly with polytopes,
but we are using curved objects.
We calculate something different
40. The Contractor:
our forbidden box
Is an inner box of the
reference shape
The intersection point
The forbidden box that we obtain belongs to this
41. Inner Contractor
Moving Shape
Domain of the origin of
the moving shape (to
be contracted)
Target: Remove all the parts that violate the
non-overlapping constraint
The contraction operates over 2 shapes
The reference shape
The moving shape
42. The Contractor
O1 ES O2 O3 O4
O2 ES O1 O3 O4
O3 ES O1 O2 O4
O4 ES O1 O2 O3
List of
moving shapes
List of
reference shapes
The origin box of each
moving shape is
contracted with Sweep.
Enclosing Shape
43. Considering that the forbidden box must
extend an initial forbidden point M
be included inside a working area (WA)
The Contractor:
obtaining the forbidden box
How to do it?
Sweep requires the ability of calculating a forbidden box with respect to each
No algorithm exists so far for the non-overlapping constraint
The current domain in the
context of the sweep loop
44. Satisfiability Check
To find this point, was used a branch & bound algorithm
Contract some box with the moving shape
Contract the reference shape centered in the some point
Evaluate the intersection in a random point of the resulting box
Else, Bisect
The satisfiability check works
similar to the point selector, but
only evaluate if the point exists
45. Sweep
The target of the sweep algorithm is to prune
all the parts of some domain that violate
some constraint
To perform this, we must saturate one of
the dimensions with forbidden boxes
This forbidden boxes must consider some
forbidden point and the working area