ESP is an approach to language teaching where all content and methodology are based on the learner's reason for learning. There are three main reasons for ESP: 1) English is key to technology and commerce globally, 2) linguistics revolutionized by showing language varies by situation so courses can focus on specific situations, and 3) focus shifted to developing courses highly relevant to individual learners' needs and interests.
4. Three Reasons :
1. The demands of a Brave New World
2. A revolution in linguistic
3. Focus on the learner
5. Demands of a Brave New World
English was the key to the international currencies of
technology and commerce.
6. A revolution in linguistics
If language varies from on e situation of use to
another, it should be possible to determine the
features of specific situations and then make these
features the basis of the learners course.
7. Focus on the learner
The development of courses in which relevance to
the learners needs and interests was paramount.