The document provides guidance on writing reading answers with evidence from the text. It explains a 6 level process: 1) find evidence from the text, 2) make a point using the evidence, 3) explain how the evidence proves the point, 4) restate the point, 5) provide the context of the evidence, and 6) discuss the purpose and impact of the evidence on the reader. The document also includes short examples from a passage to illustrate applying the process.
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The other side of truth
1. The Other Side of Truth
It says,
I say,
This is how I know
The writer is ...
2. Key Word - PEA(L)
'Can I help you?' he asked loudly. He didn't sound
as if he want to be helpful.
3. Tiny bubbles of froth appeared at the edge of Video
Man's lips. 'The others sent 'em in to distract me
and three of 'em was black as these two.'
4. Writing a reading answer
Level 3 find evidence (It says )
' tiny bubbles of froth appeared'
Level 4 make a point using the evidence (I say ..)
Video Man was obviously ...
Level 5 explaining how the evidence proves your point
(People often have froth on the sides of their mouths
when they are )
Level 6 - By using this image of the man 'frothing' at the
mouth, Naidoo makes Video Man sound like This is
because and makes the reader ...