The buta motif originated in Persia and is an important symbol in Azerbaijani culture. It is a stylized floral pattern seen throughout history in carpets, textiles, architecture and other art forms. Specifically, the buta motif is prominently featured in the city of Sheki, where it can be seen on buildings, metalwork, pottery and other handicrafts. The motif represents fire and is part of the cultural identity of Azerbaijan as "The Land of Fire."
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The Paisley Shapes of Azerbaijan
1. that the peoplethat the people
of Azerbaijanof Azerbaijan
2. This is a sign above aThis is a sign above a
store specializing instore specializing in
Muslim clothing in Sheki.Muslim clothing in Sheki.
3. This store with the twoThis store with the two
examples of the buta motif isexamples of the buta motif is
attached to the Muslim storeattached to the Muslim store
called Butacalled Buta
4. Buta, Buteh, PaisleyButa, Buteh, Paisley
ButaButa is the Hindi word foris the Hindi word for
flower. It has been anglicized asflower. It has been anglicized as
butehbuteh, and the design has become, and the design has become
know in the West as paisley,know in the West as paisley,
because Paisley, Scotland, was thebecause Paisley, Scotland, was the
first European city to copy thefirst European city to copy the
Kashmir pattern.Kashmir pattern.
6. A design used in Paisley, ScotlandA design used in Paisley, Scotland
7. Buta HistoryButa History
Buta originated during theButa originated during the
Safavid Dynasty of PersiaSafavid Dynasty of Persia
(1501-1736). Later, the design(1501-1736). Later, the design
was quite popular with Iranianwas quite popular with Iranian
weavers during the Qajarweavers during the Qajar
Dynasty (1795-1925).Dynasty (1795-1925).
8. The most famous representation of the butaThe most famous representation of the buta
in Azerbaijan is the Giz Galasi, orin Azerbaijan is the Giz Galasi, or
Maidens Tower, in BakuMaidens Tower, in Baku
12. The resemblance of the buta to half of the yinThe resemblance of the buta to half of the yin
yang symbol is often mentioned, since cultures alongyang symbol is often mentioned, since cultures along
the Silk Road from the Orient to Europe not onlythe Silk Road from the Orient to Europe not only
exchanged goods but also shared art, science andexchanged goods but also shared art, science and
27. Is this just a nice gate design or is itIs this just a nice gate design or is it
representative of the ancient buta motif?representative of the ancient buta motif?
36. This paisley design is on corduroyThis paisley design is on corduroy
found at quiltersmuse.comfound at
37. Some sources say thatSome sources say that
the buta in Azerbaijanthe buta in Azerbaijan
is representative of fireis representative of fire
or flames. Azerbaijanor flames. Azerbaijan
is The Land ofis The Land of
The buta is a plantThe buta is a plant
that is used for cookingthat is used for cooking
and heating houses. Theand heating houses. The
flame from it may look
39. This traditional geometrical buta designThis traditional geometrical buta design
was used for planters or fountains inwas used for planters or fountains in
Shekis Axundov Park.Shekis Axundov Park.
40. Rug Design and Close Up in InsetRug Design and Close Up in Inset
41. Another one of those containersAnother one of those containers
filled with plants.filled with plants.
42. And in another in Fuzuli ParkAnd in another in Fuzuli Park
44. Close-up of the Buta pattern worked into the stucco
on the side of the building in the previous slide.
45. SomeSome
sources saysources say
the designthe design
was takenwas taken
from thefrom the
Arabic 6,Arabic 6,
since theysince they
used a baseused a base
6 numerical6 numerical
instead of ainstead of a
base ten.base ten.
48. Two Butas used atTwo Butas used at
Xan SarayXan Saray
Butas inside butas
may represent
mother with child or
Connected butas
may represent
49. Buta design in metal below the gable.Buta design in metal below the gable.
61. Butas are foundButas are found
everywhere in Azerbaijaneverywhere in Azerbaijan
culture. Now that youculture. Now that you
know what to look for, seeknow what to look for, see
how many different uses ofhow many different uses of
the buta motif you canthe buta motif you can
discover in the country, indiscover in the country, in
Sheki or in your home.Sheki or in your home.
63. The EndThe End
Joel RobbinsJoel Robbins
Peace Corps VolunteerPeace Corps Volunteer
Sheki Pedagogical TechnicumSheki Pedagogical Technicum
Sheki, AzerbaijanSheki, Azerbaijan
Editor's Notes
#7: From designs of Paisley, Scotland
From Kashmiri designs