The document discusses our solar system, including that the universe contains countless stars, dust and gas grouped into galaxies. It notes that the sun is the largest star in our solar system, made of hot gases around 4.5 billion years old. It also provides a table showing the diameters, distances from the sun, and number of moons for each of the eight planets in our solar system - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
4. Sun
 The biggest star in solar system.
Made of boiling hot gasses
Sun is about 4.5 billion years old.
5. Planets Diameters (km)
Distance from
the sun (km)
Number of moons
or natural satellites
Mercury 4,879 57,909,000 none
Venus 12,104 108,209,000 none
Earth 12,756 149,598,000 1
Mars 6,794 227,937,000 2
Jupiter 142,984 778,412,000 No less than 63
Saturn 120,536 1,426,725,000 No less than 60
Uranus 51,118 2,870,927,000 No less than 27
Neptune 49,528 4,498,253,000 No less than 13