This is a little note from me about what I believe the point of life is. It's helped me navigate some deep existential questions and I hope it helps you too.
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever was a song by Barbra Streisand in the late 1960s. With a clear mind not attached to negativities and a heart as open as it can, especially with a partner, the world will be seen with the best human insights.
This document contains advice on finding inner peace and happiness. It suggests that one should not rely on others for their happiness or peace of mind, as we are responsible for our own thoughts and emotions. It advises focusing inward and being grateful for what we have, rather than searching elsewhere or criticizing. True happiness comes from bettering oneself through work and effort, having a positive outlook, and embracing life's challenges with a smile.
This document contains advice from Aristotle on finding happiness and peace from within. It recommends focusing inward instead of seeking happiness from external things outside of one's control. The key messages are: don't depend on others for your happiness; your inner peace and purpose in life come from within yourself, not from possessions or what others think; and smile and stay positive to attract positivity from the world.
This document contains short passages and sayings about life, love, relationships, and finding happiness. The passages discuss appreciating what you have, being grateful for difficult experiences that lead to good people, embracing love unconditionally, and finding contentment in life's simple blessings.
The document is a collection of short passages and sayings about life, love, relationships, and finding happiness. Some key themes that emerge are appreciating what you have, being grateful for both good and bad experiences, loving unconditionally, communicating openly with friends, and finding contentment in life's simple pleasures. The passages encourage embracing life's tender moments and not taking loved ones for granted.
The document discusses letting go of deception and living authentically. It encourages the reader to stop using "smoke and mirrors" and tricks to pretend to be something they're not. It advises speaking truthfully and connecting with their "highest consciousness" to guide themselves in a positive direction. It also suggests clearing away the "smoke and fires of the past" to access an inner clarity and transform into a new, authentic reality.
We as human being, has a potential to decide our quality of life. if we live a tasteless life, it does not mean that life is really dry but we have yet not found of our purpose of being born as a human being?
Hey SCVO, What is Digital Participation?Fraser Reid
We asked our friends at the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) what Digital Participation meant to them.
SCVO are the guardians of the Scottish Government Digital Participation Charter and Challenge Fund.
This presentation includes video, which may need downloaded before playing if your browser is unsupported.
The Swiss Air Force holds its annual Axalp Air Power Demonstration at the Ebenfluh firing range located at an elevation of 7614 feet in the Swiss Alps. Aircraft perform maneuvers like inverted flying and simulated carrier landings, and F/A-18 Hornets shoot live ammunition at targets just 250 meters from spectators using their 20mm cannons, allowing attendees to see and hear close-up attack runs. The high elevation air show provides excellent photography opportunities to see aircraft formations and condensation cloud formations around jets.
Boletim da Bilioteca Escolar EB Monte BeloClara Mata
Rece巽達o aos novos alunos do 1o ano na Escola EB Monte Belo, com apresenta巽達o da equipa educativa e atividades de integra巽達o
Visita guiada escola e atividades como impress達o, desenho e leitura de hist坦rias para os novos alunos se familiarizarem com o espa巽o e atividades escolares
Lanche de boas-vindas e primeiras brincadeiras no recreio para celebrar a chegada dos novos alunos
El documento contrasta la curiosidad por aprender cosas nuevas antes del auge de Internet con la dependencia de la tecnolog鱈a actual, se単alando que si bien Internet provee f叩cil acceso a informaci坦n, tambi辿n puede reducir el pensamiento profundo y la memoria a largo plazo.
El documento resume tres fechas importantes en la historia argentina: el 2 de abril en conmemoraci坦n de la Guerra de Malvinas, el 25 de mayo que marca el inicio del proceso revolucionario que llev坦 a la independencia con la creaci坦n de la Primera Junta, y el 9 de julio cuando se declar坦 formalmente la independencia de Argentina en el Congreso de Tucum叩n.
Los visuales ayudan a las personas a comprender, los sonoros ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar competencias verbales y ling端鱈sticas, y los audivisuales sirven para potenciar los procesos educativos.
Este documento presenta las noticias m叩s relevantes de la edici坦n 61 del peri坦dico Zona Norte del departamento de Cundinamarca. Incluye informaci坦n sobre un congreso de salud p炭blica en Ubat辿, mejoras en v鱈as en Cucunub叩, la firma de un convenio para vivienda en Carupa, y campa単as de prevenci坦n de c叩ncer en Carmen de Carupa. Tambi辿n presenta reportajes sobre cultivos como el tomate cherry en Guachet叩 y la carupa.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varios temas de la provincia del Valle de Ubat辿 en Cundinamarca. Se inauguraron obras de adecuaci坦n hidr叩ulica en el Embalse El Hato para minimizar riesgos para las comunidades durante 辿pocas de lluvia. Los municipios de la provincia se actualizaron sobre lineamientos t辿cnicos de planes de saneamiento y vertimientos. Tambi辿n se conmemoraron el D鱈a Mundial del Agua y el D鱈a de las V鱈ctimas del Conflicto Armado. Finalmente, la UDEC Secc
Atenci坦n a la Diversidad en estudiantes de secundaria: Identificaci坦n de par叩...Educaci坦n Innovaci坦n
Este documento presenta una propuesta de innovaci坦n para fortalecer la inclusi坦n en un centro educativo en Madrid. Se realiz坦 un estudio de caso mediante encuestas y observaciones para analizar las barreras y fortalezas actuales. Se identificaron barreras como falta de colaboraci坦n docente y respuestas insuficientes a la diversidad del alumnado. Las fortalezas incluyen valores inclusivos en documentos clave. La propuesta recomienda contratar apoyo permanente en el aula, coordinaci坦n especializada e implementar planes de formaci坦n y acci坦n tutorial para mejor
The document is a curriculum vitae that provides details about Antro Sahaya Mathan's work experience in oil and gas production and gas processing fields over 11 years in India and abroad. It summarizes his roles and responsibilities in wellhead operations, production plant operations, commissioning activities, and experience with equipment like separators, compressors, and dehydration units. It also lists his educational qualifications and passport information.
This document provides a summary of a presentation comparing successful and failed entrepreneurs. It discusses N.R. Narayana Murthy, the successful founder and former CEO of Infosys, highlighting his education and role in founding the major Indian IT company. It then outlines common attributes of successful entrepreneurs and strategies used by Infosys. In contrast, it examines B. Ramalinga Raju, the founder of Satyam Computers, discussing how he built the company but then orchestrated a major accounting scandal, inflating financial reports for personal gain until the fraud was discovered. The document analyzes reasons for Raju's failed entrepreneurship compared to Murthy's success.
Visit the full page at: https:
How can you meditate and experience a great feeling, a wonderful vibration, experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven. Where can you focus on. Train your awareness, observe your thoughts and feelings and observe the observer. Be as present as possible, the real NOW. Daily meditation has the same effect on the mind that daily exercise has on the body. Meditating is a great way to keep your mind in good shape. Mediation is becoming more popular as a tool to help us relax both mentally and physically. Meditation has also been shown to help people become more aware of themselves and their environment, deal with life's stress, and build positive habits and feelings. Meditation practitioners understand that peace and joy in life come from within our own minds and bodies, not from the outside. As a result, the majority of meditation goals need looking inside to the mind in order to find solutions to life's issues through meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a wonderful meditation technique for helping individuals live in the present moment rather than stressing about the past or future. When someone commits to practicing meditation on a daily basis, they reap a wide variety of benefits. One of the most beneficial aspects of meditation is that it allows us to maintain thoughts in our minds for longer periods of time than we could otherwise.
When you meditate, it can feel as if time has stopped. When people meditate, they often feel energy flowing through their bodies and minds. Other people may often notice the results of your meditation, even if you don't always experience the improvements it brings to your life. Deep meditation produces a variety of distinct mental and physical sensations. When you practice meditation, it's natural to lose track of how long you've been doing it. You are not deep in your meditation if you are thinking about it. When meditation takes you so far into your mind, you may discover that you can't help but get lost in your thoughts.
Another common occurrence in profound meditation is the loss of time, as meditation causes your mind to become less focused on daily life. You may also notice that when you concentrate, your entire body relaxes, as this is one of the main goals of meditation. The ability to meditate correctly is demonstrated by a relaxed mind and body.
The document provides quotes and snippets from the book "The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You" by Mike Dooley. It shares insights and messages that the dead would want to convey to the living, including that: 1) life is meant to be lived to the fullest without regret; 2) everything that happens serves a purpose and love overcomes all; 3) we are divine beings capable of directing our lives through our thoughts and intentions. The document emphasizes living joyfully and not being limited by past experiences or societal expectations.
This text contains the principles to renew our medical system toward the consciousness of love.
I hope to have many feedbacks and comments from you
This document contains a newsletter from Rosalie Muir sharing spiritual insights and announcements. Some key points include:
- Rosalie is stepping down from moderating to focus on writing books and meditation tracks.
- The Crystal Gateway website is growing and now includes a classroom and live chat for communication.
- Courses and workshops are available in topics like spiritual iridology, Reiki, gematria, meditation, readings and healings.
- A message from Isis encourages centering oneself through breathing to find balance and connection to guardian angels.
- Isis shares that centering oneself through breathwork can help one maintain balance and harmony amid life's changes and difficulties. This allows one to deal with challenges in a balanced way and avoid feeling scattered.
- Connecting to one's guardian angels through centering gives them permission to come closer and support one in all moments, not just times of need.
- As the Earth removes layers of toxicity, sightings of spirits, visitors from other worlds, fairies and elves may become more visible to those with fewer layers themselves. One should not fear the changes but see them as opportunities.
This document contains a newsletter from Rosalie Muir sharing spiritual insights and announcements. Some key points include:
- Rosalie is stepping down from moderating to focus on writing books and meditation tracks.
- The Crystal Gateway website is growing and now includes a classroom and live chat for communication.
- Courses and workshops are available in topics like spiritual iridology, Reiki, gematria, meditation, readings and healings.
- A message from Isis encourages centering oneself through breathing to find balance and connection to guardian angels.
This newsletter document provides information about the author and their business details. It discusses how time seems to pass quickly and how it can be easy to get caught up in busyness without taking time for oneself. It suggests some questions for reflection on time management and priorities. It then shares a meditation exercise focused on releasing things that take up time and setting intentions for the life one wants. Finally, it discusses stories of reconnecting with old friends and making new connections, suggesting these may be happening more often.
Hey SCVO, What is Digital Participation?Fraser Reid
We asked our friends at the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) what Digital Participation meant to them.
SCVO are the guardians of the Scottish Government Digital Participation Charter and Challenge Fund.
This presentation includes video, which may need downloaded before playing if your browser is unsupported.
The Swiss Air Force holds its annual Axalp Air Power Demonstration at the Ebenfluh firing range located at an elevation of 7614 feet in the Swiss Alps. Aircraft perform maneuvers like inverted flying and simulated carrier landings, and F/A-18 Hornets shoot live ammunition at targets just 250 meters from spectators using their 20mm cannons, allowing attendees to see and hear close-up attack runs. The high elevation air show provides excellent photography opportunities to see aircraft formations and condensation cloud formations around jets.
Boletim da Bilioteca Escolar EB Monte BeloClara Mata
Rece巽達o aos novos alunos do 1o ano na Escola EB Monte Belo, com apresenta巽達o da equipa educativa e atividades de integra巽達o
Visita guiada escola e atividades como impress達o, desenho e leitura de hist坦rias para os novos alunos se familiarizarem com o espa巽o e atividades escolares
Lanche de boas-vindas e primeiras brincadeiras no recreio para celebrar a chegada dos novos alunos
El documento contrasta la curiosidad por aprender cosas nuevas antes del auge de Internet con la dependencia de la tecnolog鱈a actual, se単alando que si bien Internet provee f叩cil acceso a informaci坦n, tambi辿n puede reducir el pensamiento profundo y la memoria a largo plazo.
El documento resume tres fechas importantes en la historia argentina: el 2 de abril en conmemoraci坦n de la Guerra de Malvinas, el 25 de mayo que marca el inicio del proceso revolucionario que llev坦 a la independencia con la creaci坦n de la Primera Junta, y el 9 de julio cuando se declar坦 formalmente la independencia de Argentina en el Congreso de Tucum叩n.
Los visuales ayudan a las personas a comprender, los sonoros ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar competencias verbales y ling端鱈sticas, y los audivisuales sirven para potenciar los procesos educativos.
Este documento presenta las noticias m叩s relevantes de la edici坦n 61 del peri坦dico Zona Norte del departamento de Cundinamarca. Incluye informaci坦n sobre un congreso de salud p炭blica en Ubat辿, mejoras en v鱈as en Cucunub叩, la firma de un convenio para vivienda en Carupa, y campa単as de prevenci坦n de c叩ncer en Carmen de Carupa. Tambi辿n presenta reportajes sobre cultivos como el tomate cherry en Guachet叩 y la carupa.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varios temas de la provincia del Valle de Ubat辿 en Cundinamarca. Se inauguraron obras de adecuaci坦n hidr叩ulica en el Embalse El Hato para minimizar riesgos para las comunidades durante 辿pocas de lluvia. Los municipios de la provincia se actualizaron sobre lineamientos t辿cnicos de planes de saneamiento y vertimientos. Tambi辿n se conmemoraron el D鱈a Mundial del Agua y el D鱈a de las V鱈ctimas del Conflicto Armado. Finalmente, la UDEC Secc
Atenci坦n a la Diversidad en estudiantes de secundaria: Identificaci坦n de par叩...Educaci坦n Innovaci坦n
Este documento presenta una propuesta de innovaci坦n para fortalecer la inclusi坦n en un centro educativo en Madrid. Se realiz坦 un estudio de caso mediante encuestas y observaciones para analizar las barreras y fortalezas actuales. Se identificaron barreras como falta de colaboraci坦n docente y respuestas insuficientes a la diversidad del alumnado. Las fortalezas incluyen valores inclusivos en documentos clave. La propuesta recomienda contratar apoyo permanente en el aula, coordinaci坦n especializada e implementar planes de formaci坦n y acci坦n tutorial para mejor
The document is a curriculum vitae that provides details about Antro Sahaya Mathan's work experience in oil and gas production and gas processing fields over 11 years in India and abroad. It summarizes his roles and responsibilities in wellhead operations, production plant operations, commissioning activities, and experience with equipment like separators, compressors, and dehydration units. It also lists his educational qualifications and passport information.
This document provides a summary of a presentation comparing successful and failed entrepreneurs. It discusses N.R. Narayana Murthy, the successful founder and former CEO of Infosys, highlighting his education and role in founding the major Indian IT company. It then outlines common attributes of successful entrepreneurs and strategies used by Infosys. In contrast, it examines B. Ramalinga Raju, the founder of Satyam Computers, discussing how he built the company but then orchestrated a major accounting scandal, inflating financial reports for personal gain until the fraud was discovered. The document analyzes reasons for Raju's failed entrepreneurship compared to Murthy's success.
Visit the full page at: https:
How can you meditate and experience a great feeling, a wonderful vibration, experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven. Where can you focus on. Train your awareness, observe your thoughts and feelings and observe the observer. Be as present as possible, the real NOW. Daily meditation has the same effect on the mind that daily exercise has on the body. Meditating is a great way to keep your mind in good shape. Mediation is becoming more popular as a tool to help us relax both mentally and physically. Meditation has also been shown to help people become more aware of themselves and their environment, deal with life's stress, and build positive habits and feelings. Meditation practitioners understand that peace and joy in life come from within our own minds and bodies, not from the outside. As a result, the majority of meditation goals need looking inside to the mind in order to find solutions to life's issues through meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a wonderful meditation technique for helping individuals live in the present moment rather than stressing about the past or future. When someone commits to practicing meditation on a daily basis, they reap a wide variety of benefits. One of the most beneficial aspects of meditation is that it allows us to maintain thoughts in our minds for longer periods of time than we could otherwise.
When you meditate, it can feel as if time has stopped. When people meditate, they often feel energy flowing through their bodies and minds. Other people may often notice the results of your meditation, even if you don't always experience the improvements it brings to your life. Deep meditation produces a variety of distinct mental and physical sensations. When you practice meditation, it's natural to lose track of how long you've been doing it. You are not deep in your meditation if you are thinking about it. When meditation takes you so far into your mind, you may discover that you can't help but get lost in your thoughts.
Another common occurrence in profound meditation is the loss of time, as meditation causes your mind to become less focused on daily life. You may also notice that when you concentrate, your entire body relaxes, as this is one of the main goals of meditation. The ability to meditate correctly is demonstrated by a relaxed mind and body.
The document provides quotes and snippets from the book "The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You" by Mike Dooley. It shares insights and messages that the dead would want to convey to the living, including that: 1) life is meant to be lived to the fullest without regret; 2) everything that happens serves a purpose and love overcomes all; 3) we are divine beings capable of directing our lives through our thoughts and intentions. The document emphasizes living joyfully and not being limited by past experiences or societal expectations.
This text contains the principles to renew our medical system toward the consciousness of love.
I hope to have many feedbacks and comments from you
This document contains a newsletter from Rosalie Muir sharing spiritual insights and announcements. Some key points include:
- Rosalie is stepping down from moderating to focus on writing books and meditation tracks.
- The Crystal Gateway website is growing and now includes a classroom and live chat for communication.
- Courses and workshops are available in topics like spiritual iridology, Reiki, gematria, meditation, readings and healings.
- A message from Isis encourages centering oneself through breathing to find balance and connection to guardian angels.
- Isis shares that centering oneself through breathwork can help one maintain balance and harmony amid life's changes and difficulties. This allows one to deal with challenges in a balanced way and avoid feeling scattered.
- Connecting to one's guardian angels through centering gives them permission to come closer and support one in all moments, not just times of need.
- As the Earth removes layers of toxicity, sightings of spirits, visitors from other worlds, fairies and elves may become more visible to those with fewer layers themselves. One should not fear the changes but see them as opportunities.
This document contains a newsletter from Rosalie Muir sharing spiritual insights and announcements. Some key points include:
- Rosalie is stepping down from moderating to focus on writing books and meditation tracks.
- The Crystal Gateway website is growing and now includes a classroom and live chat for communication.
- Courses and workshops are available in topics like spiritual iridology, Reiki, gematria, meditation, readings and healings.
- A message from Isis encourages centering oneself through breathing to find balance and connection to guardian angels.
This newsletter document provides information about the author and their business details. It discusses how time seems to pass quickly and how it can be easy to get caught up in busyness without taking time for oneself. It suggests some questions for reflection on time management and priorities. It then shares a meditation exercise focused on releasing things that take up time and setting intentions for the life one wants. Finally, it discusses stories of reconnecting with old friends and making new connections, suggesting these may be happening more often.
This document provides an overview of "The Last Testament of Jesus Christ" by Bruce {Brewster} Peterson. It includes a dedication to the author's parents and brother, followed by three parts: God, Spirit, and You. The first part discusses messages from God about who God is. The second part discusses the spirit. The third part discusses helping the reader understand themselves as a spiritual being connected to God. It encourages feeling good by being good and feeling love through being love.
This document provides an overview of "The Last Testament of Jesus Christ" by Bruce {Brewster} Peterson. It includes a dedication to the author's parents and brother, followed by three parts: God, Spirit, and You. The first part discusses messages from God about who God is. The second part discusses the spirit. The third part discusses helping the reader understand themselves as a spiritual being connected to God. It encourages feeling good by being good and feeling love through being love.
As we enter the new potentiality of a year (2015), we step forward into possibility, probability, facing some of the same challenges of 2014, yet with a new-found self-belief, a newly discovered wisdom, and an evolving bravery. As the 2014 ebbs, it's a good time for reflection, to ask questions of the self, for instance:
This is a Psychic Reading I wrote out for a very special woman.油
Is this about you ?
A Personal Invitation 油油 Discover the Woman Within:油
Im excited to share a unique reading that delves deep into the essence of what it means to be a woman navigating lifes beautiful complexities. This reading explores themes of health, purpose, relationships, and the quiet strength that resides within us all.
I dare you to take a moment and reflect: To what extent does this resonate with you?
Are you this woman who cherishes deep connections, seeks authenticity, and yearns for a life filled with passion and joy?
Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Lets explore together how these insights might mirror your own thoughts and feelings. You might just find that this reading speaks to the very core of who you are.
Are you ready to embrace your true self?
#WomenEmpowerment油 #SelfDiscovery油 #EmbraceYourself油 #Reading油 #PersonalGrowth油 #psychicreading #mentalist #coldreading
Ten experiences that you need to face during your early twentiesAntilog Vacations
Life is a strange ride and most of us take it so seriously that we forget to live it fully. Most of time, when things go out of place we start ignoring the fact everything that happens in life has something precious to teach us. Some time we stuck so much to the things that we eventually blind our visions to explore life beyond its horizons. There are certain experiences that everyone needs to feel during his early twenty to evolve as a being.
Nancy Kramer's commencement speech to Wellington's Class of 2009Resource/Ammirati
The speaker shares a commencement speech given to graduating students at Wellington School. She reflects on her own experiences of feeling unsure of herself and lacking confidence growing up. However, she learned to follow her heart and instincts rather than overthinking things. She encourages the students to try new things, observe inspiring people, choose environments where they can be themselves, and make time for reflection as they embark on the next phase of their lives. The speaker wishes the students courage and comfort to continue listening to their hearts.
Everyone wants to learn the secrets of how to be truly happy in life. For sure, right now, most people in this world are still in pursuit of happiness, a journey that many of them have probably started right from that very moment when they learned about the concept of happiness.
Did you ever wonder what it really takes to be truly happy? Many people tried pursuing relationships, money, and success, and most of them have reached that point when they have realized that happiness does not really come from the outside, or from the world where you live in.
In all essence, happiness is something that comes from deep within you, lying in that secret place within yourself, waiting for you to finally tap it and release it from its prison. Happiness is something that has long been present inside you.
This document discusses the importance of self-discovery and personal development. It outlines three main reasons for starting the journey of self-discovery: 1) to know where you're going in your only life, 2) to prevent hurting yourself by knowing and mastering yourself, and 3) you can't actualize yourself without knowing your true self. The document also discusses tools for self-reflection like journaling and meditation that can help with self-discovery, as well as hindrances like self-deception. The overall message is that knowing yourself through continued self-improvement is key to living a happy, meaningful life.
Wisdom From The Inside Out by Barbara Robitaillerebeccaporter
The document discusses the author's experience with soul coaching and how it helped her gain freedom and truth. Some key points:
1) After the deaths of her parents, the author felt free for the first time to define her own life instead of living to please others.
2) As a soul coach, the author helps clients uncover their true selves and let go of past influences through exercises like composing vows to themselves.
3) The author realized she was meant to conduct soul coaching sessions at her kitchen table, finding her true calling after trying an office setting. Reflecting helps clients and the author find their inner wisdom and live more authentic lives.
Wisdom From The Inside Out by Barbara Robitaillerebeccaporter
The document describes the author's journey of self-discovery after the deaths of her parents freed her from trying to please them. As a soul coach, she helps clients uncover their true selves by examining their lives honestly and letting go of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve them. The author found her calling when a client session at her home reminded her of her roots and the comfort clients felt around her kitchen table, so she returned her soul coaching practice to being based in her home.
Traktor is a popular DJ software developed by Native Instruments, designed for professional DJs, music producers, and anyone looking to mix and manipulate audio tracks. It offers powerful tools for live performances, studio mixing, and creating custom soundscapes. Traktor is known for its robust feature set, intuitive interface, and excellent integration with hardware controllers and audio equipment.
Please Copy This Direct Download Link Below
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Key Features of Traktor:
1. Advanced Mixing and Cueing
Multiple Decks: Traktor supports up to 4 decks, allowing you to mix and manipulate multiple tracks simultaneously. Each deck can be customized with its own settings and effects.
Cue Points: DJs can set multiple cue points within tracks to quickly jump to specific parts of the
Learning objectives: Examine practical strategies to enhance your ability to persuade and motivate others
In modern workplaces, the ability to lead and drive change is not solely dependent on formal authority. This session explores essential techniques for enhancing your influence and persuading others, regardless of your official position.
In todays dynamic workplace, effective leadership extends beyond formal authority. The ability to influence and persuade others is essential for achieving success and driving positive outcomes. Today's session is designed to equip participants with practical strategies for enhancing their persuasive power and motivational skills, regardless of their organizational position.
By applying these strategies, you will enhance your ability to lead, motivate, and achieve goals even without formal authority, making a significant impact in your workplace.
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
1.油油 油Explore techniques for effectively persuading colleagues and stakeholders, even when you do not hold formal authority.油
2.油油 油Examine methods for understanding and aligning with others' goals and motivations.油
3.油油 油Learn strategies for establishing and maintaining credibility and trust within your organization. Understand how consistent performance and reliability can enhance your influence and support your leadership efforts.
4.油油 油Gain insights into effective communication techniques that blend logical reasoning with emotional appeal.油
5.油油 油Discover the importance of building strong professional networks and how to utilize these relationships to bolster your influence and advocate for your ideas.
Strategic Management in Public Administration .pptxErnestojrSayson1
In public administration, strategic management refers to the application of strategic principles to public organizations, aiming to improve government efficiency, policy implementation, and service delivery. The goal is to align the mission and vision of public agencies with the changing needs and demands of society while navigating the complexities of governance, policy, and public expectations
Tran Quoc Bao Leading Chief Executive Officer CEO in Vietnam Healthcare -the ...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: The Visionary Transforming Vietnams Healthcare Landscape
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands as one of Vietnams most influential healthcare leaders, making a profound mark on the countrys healthcare sector and beyond. As the first Vietnamese member of the Advisory Panel for the Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management, Bao shapes global healthcare trends. Under his leadership, Prima Saigon has become the benchmark for excellence in international daycare and ambulatory services.
With nearly two decades of experience at the crossroads of healthcare and finance, Bao is not only a clinical innovator but also a master strategist. He has held leadership roles at prominent institutions like City International Hospital, FV Hospital, and TMMC Healthcare (Tam Tri Hospital Group), as well as international experience at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. His crowning achievement was leading Cao Tang Hospital through its transformation into Vietnams first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited hospitalan achievement that propelled Vietnams healthcare system onto the global stage.
Baos influence reaches far beyond his clinical expertise. Armed with elite financial credentialsCFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has directed over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, fundamentally reshaping the countrys healthcare investment landscape. His rare ability to merge healthcare innovation with financial insight has earned him widespread recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific writer, Bao has contributed over 20 articles to leading publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and US News, offering valuable perspectives on healthcare investment and innovation. His insights have made him a sought-after authority globally. He has also received numerous accolades, including "Healthcare Executive of the Year Vietnam 2021" and Medical Tourism Leader of the Year 2021 from Medical Excellence Japan.
Beyond his leadership at Prima Saigon, Bao advises global consulting giants like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey on strategic healthcare investments and partnerships. His unparalleled expertise continues to shape the future of healthcare in Asia and around the world, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential healthcare leaders in Vietnam.
Exploring DesignOps as a Business Strategic FunctionPatrizia Bertini
Is Design Operations a Business Strategic Function?
To answer this question, we explored the job market across the UK, US, and EU (minus the UK) to understand how DesignOps is positioned today. The data speaks for itself: DesignOps remains an underdefined discipline, with unclear career paths and expectations, leading to a confusing market and sometimes unrealistic demands.
Whats the solution? Awareness and Intentionality.
Learning objective: Provide leaders with the tools and insights needed to harness the power of EQ油
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a vital set of skills that enables individuals to understand, manage, and utilize emotions effectively, both personally and interpersonally. For leaders, high EQ translates into superior interpersonal skills and stronger relationships, which are crucial for personal and career success. Leaders with elevated EQ are better equipped to enhance employee engagement by connecting with their team on an emotional level, understanding their needs, and motivating them effectively. They are also adept at recognizing how their own emotions influence their team, allowing them to manage their responses and interactions in ways that promote a positive workplace.油
Conflict resolution is another area where high EQ proves invaluable; emotionally intelligent leaders can navigate disputes with empathy and tact, fostering constructive resolutions and maintaining team cohesion.油
Improved communication is another significant benefit of high EQ, as it helps leaders convey their messages more clearly, listen actively, and build trust with their team members. This clarity and understanding contribute to increased productivity and creativity, as employees feel more valued and supported.油
Importantly, emotional intelligence is not a static trait, but a skill set that can be developed and refined over time. With dedication, commitment, and practice, leaders can enhance their EQ, thereby strengthening their leadership capabilities and creating a more engaged, productive, and innovative workplace.
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
1.油油 油Discover techniques to connect with your team on an emotional level, understanding their needs, and motivating them effectively.
2.油油 油Develop skills to manage your responses and interactions in ways that foster a positive and supportive workplace.油
3.油油 油Learn how to approach disputes with empathy and tact, foster constructive resolutions and maintain team cohesion.
4.油油 油Explore ways to improve clarity and understanding within your team.
5.油油 油Discover how an emotionally intelligent leadership approach contributes to increased productivity and creativity by making employees feel valued and supported.
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GetData Graph Digitizer is a software tool designed to extract data points from scanned or digital images of graphs and plots. It's especially useful for situations where you have a graph (usually in an image or PDF format) but don't have access to the underlying raw data. The tool allows you to digitize the graph, turning visual data into usable numerical values for analysis or further processing.
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Key Features of GetData Graph Digitizer:
Graph Digitization: The primary function of GetData Graph Digitizer is to convert scanned images of graphs (e.g., scatter plots, line charts, bar graphs, etc.) into numerical data points. Users can click on various points on the graph to extract coordinates (X and Y values).
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Reliability and Validity
Quantitative Methodology
Reliability and validity are important aspects of selecting a survey instrument. Reliability refers to the extent that the instrument yields the same results over multiple trials. Validity refers to how well the instrument measures what you intend it to measure. In research, there are three ways to approach validity and they include content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.
Content validity evaluates how well the items on the scale represent or measure the information you intend to assess. Do the questions you ask represent all the possible questions you could ask?
Construct validity measures what the calculated scores represent and whether you can generalize them. Construct validity uses statistical analyses, such as correlations, to verify the relevance of the questions. You can correlate questions from an existing, reliable instrument with questions from the instrument under examination to determine if construct validity is present. High correlation between the scores indicates convergent validity. If you establish convergent validity, you support construct validity.
Criterion-related validity refers to how well the instruments scores predict a known outcome that you expect them to predict. You use statistical analyses, such as correlations, to determine if criterion-related validity exists. You should correlate scores from the instrument with an item they knew to predict. If a correlation of > .60 exists, criterion related validity exists as well.
You can assess reliability using the test-retest method, alternative form method, internal consistency method, split-halves method, and inter-rater reliability.
Test-retest is a method that administers the same instrument to the same sample at two different points in time, perhaps one year intervals. If you find that the scores at both time periods correlate highly (> .60), you can consider them reliable. The alternative form method requires two different instruments consisting of similar content. You must have the same sample take both instruments, and then you correlate the scores from both instruments. If you find high correlations, you can consider the instrument reliable. Internal consistency uses one instrument administered only once.
You use the coefficient alpha (or Cronbachs alpha) to assess the internal consistency of the items. If the alpha value is .70 or higher, you can consider the instrument reliable. The split-halves method also requires one test administered once. The number of items in the scale are divided into halves and a correlation is taken to estimate the reliability of each half of the test. To estimate the reliability of the entire survey, the Spearman-Brown correction must be applied. Inter-rater reliability involves comparing the observations of two or more individuals and assessing the agreement of the observations. Kappa values can be calculated in this instance. Question
2. The cycle of Life
Birth: At birth, the world is new and
you are curious about everything, you
touch it, you feel it, you want to taste
it. So every waking day, you
EXPLORE just a little bit more
3. The cycle of Life
Growth: when you grow up, your body changes, your
view of the world expands, you rediscover your
environment, you see things you didnt see as a child,
you notice and become more cogniscent of your feelings.
You notice your impact on others and grow a curiosity to
understand this more and so just as you had done as a
baby, you EXPLORE, just a little bit deeper.
4. The cycle of Life
Evolution; In your teens and twenties, you learn a lot of
lessons, you mature, you find love, you loose it, you think
you understand relationships & people and discover you
dont even understand yourself. Then your journey turns
internal and you search for your identity, for
understanding, meaning & purpose. The more you
discover the more you realise how little you know &
understand of yourself and the world around you and so
once again, EXPLORATION begins.
5. The cycle of Life
Expansion; when you eventually get a grip of yourself and the world
around you, you grow a need to fulfil a greater, deeper purpose. You
grow a need to create & experience life through another , so you find
a life partner, and you have children. Just when things get settled and
you think you have a grip on it all, you slip on the proverbial rug, fall
flat on your back and yet again, you realise how little you know &
understand your partner, your children and the world you now know,
and so the EXPLORATION begins again, afresh.
6. The cycle of Life
Reformation; Finally, the curtain call comes and if you are lucky, you have
lived your life well; and you get to look back at it with a smile. You say your
last goodbyes and you close your eyes and you feel yourself drift off.
SUDDENLY! You are awake, you are headed toward a light, you are very
conscious of yourself and you are at peace, and then it hits you! Hang on!!!
Is that? Is thatHea.? Oh, Is this what death feels like? But Im not
dead, Im here, Im talking, to myself, but..and then you realise, a new
adventure awaits and so you get yourself ready, because once again,
exploration awaits
Its been right there in front of you, all
along, so go on, get out there &
Life awaits!!!
Do you see?