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 Presented by: Prinjal Shiyal
 Coerce : M. A. Sem. 3
 Roll no.: 26
 Paper no.: 11
 Topic : Orientalism
 Enrolment no.: 2069108420190041
 Email id.: prinjal00123@gmail.com
 Submitted to: S.B. Gardi department of English
 “ ORIENTALISM” is the book by Edward Said
and this concept is popularised by Said in his
1978 work. He dedicated this book into
chapters parts;
 1. The Scope of Orientalism,
 2. Orientalises structure and restructure, and
 3. Orientalism now.
 Orientalism refers to
the two words; “
Orient” + “Occident”.
 “ORIENT” means “
The East”.
 “ OCCIDENT” means
“The West”
The Post –Colonial Literature 11 Prinjal
 Three chapters has own importance in this book
and each part gives us different ideas about East
and West, Cultural conflicts, different languages,
life style and so on.
 Orientalism defined as the west’s patronizing
presentations of “ The East” and the societies and
peoples who inhabit the places of Asia, North
Africa, and the Middle East.
 In this book ‘Orientalism’ through Said wants to
convince to readers the ideas of compared with
east and west is like, western peoples think that
they are superior than eastern countries.
 Said emphasized the
relationship between
 The historian Barnard
Lewis, criticized this
theory and his argues
that Orient as a negative
image of the Western
 Here, I find
between eastern
and western
 Difference
between peoples
countries, so
that types of
western peoples
are follow
according to
The Post –Colonial Literature 11 Prinjal
 1. The scope of Orientalism:-
 This part is chapter Said treys to say how the
science of orientalism developed and how the
oriental started considering to Orientals as non –
human beings.
 2. Orientalist structure and restructure:-
 In this part he explains about two most renowned
orientalist of 19th century.
 A. Silvestre de Sacy and B. Earnest Renan
 3. Orientalism Now:-
 This part is related to the 20th century it means
present time and western influence or in short
Orientalism now.
 Here is image of
traditional woman.
Than present time
we see that the
difference between
past and present
time and influence
of western life style
on Eastern
 Edward said finishes his essay describing his
and the orient’s crisis. ‘’The present crisis
dramatizes the disparity between text and
 Edward said concludes his book by saying that
he is not saying that the orientalists should not
make generalisation, they should include the
orient perspective too, but creating a boundary
at the first place is something which should not
be done.
The Post –Colonial Literature 11 Prinjal

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The Post –Colonial Literature 11 Prinjal

  • 1.  Presented by: Prinjal Shiyal  Coerce : M. A. Sem. 3  Roll no.: 26  Paper no.: 11  Topic : Orientalism  Enrolment no.: 2069108420190041  Email id.: prinjal00123@gmail.com  Submitted to: S.B. Gardi department of English MKBU.
  • 2.  “ ORIENTALISM” is the book by Edward Said and this concept is popularised by Said in his 1978 work. He dedicated this book into chapters parts;  1. The Scope of Orientalism,  2. Orientalises structure and restructure, and  3. Orientalism now.
  • 3.  Orientalism refers to the two words; “ Orient” + “Occident”.  “ORIENT” means “ The East”.  “ OCCIDENT” means “The West”
  • 5.  Three chapters has own importance in this book and each part gives us different ideas about East and West, Cultural conflicts, different languages, life style and so on.  Orientalism defined as the west’s patronizing presentations of “ The East” and the societies and peoples who inhabit the places of Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East.  In this book ‘Orientalism’ through Said wants to convince to readers the ideas of compared with east and west is like, western peoples think that they are superior than eastern countries.
  • 6.  Said emphasized the relationship between POWER and KNOWLEDGE.  The historian Barnard Lewis, criticized this theory and his argues that Orient as a negative image of the Western people.
  • 7.  Here, I find difference between eastern and western countries.  Difference between peoples mentality, behaviour, countries, so that types of boundaries western peoples are follow according to them.
  • 9.  1. The scope of Orientalism:-  This part is chapter Said treys to say how the science of orientalism developed and how the oriental started considering to Orientals as non – human beings.  2. Orientalist structure and restructure:-  In this part he explains about two most renowned orientalist of 19th century.  A. Silvestre de Sacy and B. Earnest Renan  3. Orientalism Now:-  This part is related to the 20th century it means present time and western influence or in short Orientalism now.
  • 10.  Here is image of traditional woman. Than present time we see that the difference between past and present time and influence of western life style on Eastern countries.
  • 11.  Edward said finishes his essay describing his and the orient’s crisis. ‘’The present crisis dramatizes the disparity between text and reality.  Edward said concludes his book by saying that he is not saying that the orientalists should not make generalisation, they should include the orient perspective too, but creating a boundary at the first place is something which should not be done.