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The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The principles of networked missions
The Social Networks
                                                                   (NOT an Exhaustive List)

Name                Functions best            Be prepared to                     Notes
Delicious/Stumble   Bookmarking/ Site of      Bookmark often, build networks      Will connect
Upon                Interest                  around affinities and make          with FB and
                                              connections.                        TW
Facebook            Social network where      Daily: Make a substantial post,     Connects
                    heavy media and larger    comment on 3-5 posts                with most
                    posts are common (400     throughout the day and like 5-10    every SN and
                    characters or less).      posts throughout the day.           will share
                                                                                  your work
Formspring          Socratic Social           Daily: Ask 2 to 3 questions per     Will connect
                    Network built on a        day                                 with FB and
                    network of people who     Answer at least 3 generated         TW  Good
                    ask and answer            question, or as many as come in     add on
                    questions                 from others. Substance is the key
Foursquare          Social Network built on   Daily: Check in as you make your    Best when
                    your location.            way through the day and give a      used in
                                              short connecting statement about    conjunction
                                              what you are doing.                 with FB and
The Social Networks
                                                             (NOT an Exhaustive List)
Name          Functions best            Be prepared to                     Notes
Good Reader   Social Network build      Daily: Check in and let folks       Connects
              around books and          know what you think about the       with FB and
              reading                   book. Write reviews. Comment        TW
                                        on books that others are reading
Google+       A robust social network   Merge your internet world to        Connects
              in the Google Space.      Chrome and connect to Google        with FB and
              This SN includes video    Plus. Setup a complete profile.     TW but its
              hangouts, circles of      Daily engage in conversation and    really
              friends and many          posts and regularly host and        separate.
              nuances that are          attend hangouts. This has a large
              particular to this SN.    faction of international users.
LinkedIn      A professional social     Connect with those in your          Connects
              network                   industry and others, join groups    with FB and
                                        around your industry knowledge.     TW
                                        Daily post and add to the
                                        conversation in your industry.
                                        Use this as you would any other
                                        career networking tool.
The Social Networks
                                                                        (NOT an Exhaustive List)

Name                   Functions best            Be prepared to                      Notes
Pinterest              A social network built    Connect to those in your affinity,   Connects to
                       around affinities.        post ideas and other knowledge       FB and TW
                                                 pieces often. Comment and like
                                                 others posts, and tryout what
                                                 others have done and post your
                                                 individual experiences.
Talk Shoe/ Blog Talk   A social network built    No less tan one 30 minute            Free version
Radio (Podcasting)     around live and           weekly show and a fair amount of     exists but to
                       archived internet radio   time spent listening, commenting     really build a
                       broadcasts                and being a part of other            network will
                                                 broadcasts (3-5 a week               cost $39.00 a
                                                 minimum)                             month.
                                                                                      Connects to
                                                                                      FB and TW
The Social Networks
                                                               (NOT an Exhaustive List)

Name             Functions best          Be prepared to                     Notes
Tumblr/Blogger   Social Blogging         Post daily. Comment on 5-10         Connects to
                 platforms designed to   blogs a day. Like 5-10 blogs a      FB and TW
                 connect to the Social   day. Build a network quickly so
                 networks outside of a   that your voice is heard. Guest
                 mainstream website      blog in other places.
Twitter          Agile social network    Tweet 15-20 times a day.            DO NOT
                 based on high           Including Retweets (RT) and         CONNECT
                 conversation volume,    Mentions (@). Hashtags (#) and      TO FB. FB
                 but low characters      understanding how they work         can go to TW
                 (140).                  and can be used for research is a   but NOT the
                                         key to success on Twitter.          other



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The principles of networked missions

  • 12. The Social Networks (NOT an Exhaustive List) Name Functions best Be prepared to Notes as Delicious/Stumble Bookmarking/ Site of Bookmark often, build networks Will connect Upon Interest around affinities and make with FB and connections. TW Facebook Social network where Daily: Make a substantial post, Connects heavy media and larger comment on 3-5 posts with most posts are common (400 throughout the day and like 5-10 every SN and characters or less). posts throughout the day. will share your work seamlessly Formspring Socratic Social Daily: Ask 2 to 3 questions per Will connect Network built on a day with FB and network of people who Answer at least 3 generated TW Good ask and answer question, or as many as come in add on questions from others. Substance is the key here. Foursquare Social Network built on Daily: Check in as you make your Best when your location. way through the day and give a used in short connecting statement about conjunction what you are doing. with FB and TW
  • 13. The Social Networks (NOT an Exhaustive List) Name Functions best Be prepared to Notes as Good Reader Social Network build Daily: Check in and let folks Connects around books and know what you think about the with FB and reading book. Write reviews. Comment TW on books that others are reading Google+ A robust social network Merge your internet world to Connects in the Google Space. Chrome and connect to Google with FB and This SN includes video Plus. Setup a complete profile. TW but its hangouts, circles of Daily engage in conversation and really friends and many posts and regularly host and separate. nuances that are attend hangouts. This has a large particular to this SN. faction of international users. LinkedIn A professional social Connect with those in your Connects network industry and others, join groups with FB and around your industry knowledge. TW Daily post and add to the conversation in your industry. Use this as you would any other career networking tool.
  • 14. The Social Networks (NOT an Exhaustive List) Name Functions best Be prepared to Notes as Pinterest A social network built Connect to those in your affinity, Connects to around affinities. post ideas and other knowledge FB and TW pieces often. Comment and like others posts, and tryout what others have done and post your individual experiences. Talk Shoe/ Blog Talk A social network built No less tan one 30 minute Free version Radio (Podcasting) around live and weekly show and a fair amount of exists but to archived internet radio time spent listening, commenting really build a broadcasts and being a part of other network will broadcasts (3-5 a week cost $39.00 a minimum) month. Connects to FB and TW
  • 15. The Social Networks (NOT an Exhaustive List) Name Functions best Be prepared to Notes as Tumblr/Blogger Social Blogging Post daily. Comment on 5-10 Connects to platforms designed to blogs a day. Like 5-10 blogs a FB and TW connect to the Social day. Build a network quickly so networks outside of a that your voice is heard. Guest mainstream website blog in other places. Twitter Agile social network Tweet 15-20 times a day. DO NOT based on high Including Retweets (RT) and CONNECT conversation volume, Mentions (@). Hashtags (#) and TO FB. FB but low characters understanding how they work can go to TW (140). and can be used for research is a but NOT the key to success on Twitter. other direction.
  • 16. Connecting SN Main SN Connecting SN