Three Buddhist groups in Sri Lanka emerged to protest against cattle slaughter and beef eating, engaging in peaceful marches and sit-ins that later turned violent. Their campaigns raised awareness of the suffering of animals during slaughter and reduced beef consumption. However, banning cattle slaughter entirely could have negative implications, as the cattle population would grow unsustainably without a way to control numbers. More humane cattle management and slaughter methods are needed.
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The problem of beef eating
2. In the recent past
Three Buddhist Groups
Bodu Bala Sena
Sihala Ravaya
Ravana Balaya
Protest against Cattle
Slaughter and Beef
10. The Self Immolation of
Ven Bowatte Indrarathna Thera
Protest against cattle slaughter and beef eating
11. These campaigns leads to
Awareness of cattle slaughter
How they are slaughtered
The suffering the animals( during slaughter)
Animosity with the groups in beef trade
Refraining from eating beef
12. Historical Evidence Against Cattle
Slaughter/Beef Eating
King Elara Killed his son for killing a calf
King Mahinda IV indicated in Wewelketiya
Gratiffi punishments for cattle slaughter
King Bhathikabhaya demoted people who ate
beef in to Janitors
Ibn Battuta explained in his records about
punishments for cattle slaughter
Ma Huan also explained about attitudes of
sihhala society towards cattle slaughter
13. Social Background of Cattle Slaughter
/Beef Eating
Used in agriculture
Raise as their own
Gives milk, transport and
natural fertilizer
slaughtering /
eating beef despised
Beef eaters
low caste people
14. Religious Background of Cattle
Slaughter/Beef Eating
Buddha taught Ahimsa
Taking life of another considered to be a sin
But never prohibit monks from eating meat
Refuse Devadattas request
In Hinduism cattle is a holy animal (lord Sivas
15. Jivaka Sutta
three instances meat should not be partaken,
(1) seen,
(2) heard, or when
(3) there is suspicion. (That the living being
has been purposely slaughtered for the eater)
16. prohibited the eating of flesh of 10 animals
human beings, elephants, horses, dogs,
snakes, lions, tigers, leopards, bears and
cattle were not included in this list.
Mahagopalaka Sutta explains the qualities
of good cattle farmer
17. Europeans came in 1505
They ate beef
Sinhala peoples
attitude towards beef
eating changes with
They supplied the
Europeans with cattle
and themselves start
eating beef
18. The Legal Aspects of Cattle
Animal Act (No. 29 of 1958)
slaughter of heifers and cows are
prohibited.(neat cattle and Buffalo)
The cows slaughtered with government
vet surgeons certificate ( 10 years old
/ not productive/poor health.)
The neat cattle bulls can be
Buffalo bulls cannot be slaughtered
unless GVS certify (10 years old / not
productive/poor health.)
19. Ethical Aspects of Cattle
Slaughter/Beef Eating
The way we treat non-human
animals (be it a dog, a cow, a
/ill treating/using in
No religious belief, faith or
fear of punishment involved.
Based on deep thinking and
( Animal Liberation: Towards an End to Mans
Inhumanity To Animals Peter singer )
20. With ones conviction
One can become.
A vegan or a Vegetarian Ovo-vegetarian or Lacto --
This is purely a personal act
22. Neat Cattle and Buffalo Populations in
Sri Lanka in 1000s
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Neat Cattle
Buffalo Population
23. The Milk Production in 1000liters
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
neat Cattle
27. If Cattle slaughter is banned
With in few years the
cattle population will
rise to millions
Will be an
uncontrollable pest
Will graze all the grass
lands available
Make the country a
dessert by
28. Small holders, will give up dairying
They cannot feed all the cattle-no land
No profits from selling additional cows and
Unprofitable business
Large herds keepers will go out of business
because their main business is beef trade
29. Suggestions
Using sexed semen
That produce female calves at 95% accuracy
Establish Cattle sanctuaries
That can maintain unproductive animals and
Export all the bulls and unproductive cows
30. Conclusion
The sex semen expensive
Still no answer to unproductive cows
Cattle sanctuaries-there is no adequate land,
lack of grass, and non profitable venture
Exporting Bulls and unproductive animals, for
slaughter Again for slaughter
31. No dairy industry without a beef
Milk powder / milk products import
from factory farms.-worse than ours
Humane methods of cattle
management/ slaughter methods is the
Editor's Notes
#26: These cows can produce one calf a year
If we take 50% of that, every year they would produce 369,740 calves
Of which 50% would be male calves, so we will have at least 184,870 male calves per year
These cows can produce one calf a year
If we take 50% of that, every year they would produce 369,740 calves
Of which 50% would be male calves, so we will have at least 184,870 male calves per year