The proposed drama titled "The Debrief" focuses on the harsh treatment of government secret agents. It follows Agent Knox as she has a bitter conversation with her senior head Agent Starlight about accepting a new mission. The drama aims to show how agents who work hard to protect their country are sometimes betrayed by those they work with and fight alongside. The 2-3 minute drama would have a drama theme and genre, revealing the untold struggles and vulnerabilities of agents rather than portraying them as stereotypical cold-hearted killers. It would be filmed from a third-person point of view on the protagonist. The proposal indicates they have the necessary resources like cameras and sound effects to feasibly produce the drama.
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The proposal
1. By: Charmaine,Alexia,YaraandJeffrey
The Debrief:Proposal
A WorkingTitle:
The Debrief isa drama aboutthe harsh treatmentof governmentsecretagents.ItfocusesonAgent
Knox and herreactiontowardsacceptinga new missionbyherseniorhead,AgentStarlight.The two
agentsshare a bitterconversationfilledwiththreatsandinsults.The Debrief aimstoshow how
agentswhowork hardto protect theirQueenandCountryare sometimesbetrayedbythose they
standand fightwith.
Format and RunningTime:
2-3 minutes
The Theme and Subject Matter:
Attraction for audience:
The Debrief reveals insightintothe untoldstrugglesof the supposedlyheroicagents,exposingtheir
vulnerabilityratherthanthe stereotypical cold-heartedkillers.
Target Audience:
Third- PointonProtagonist
100% able to produce as the majorrequirementssuchasCameraand soundeffectshave already
Requirements Resource Others Details
VideoCamera WKC PanasonicH.C
3x Actresses MediaGroup Members + Friend Ronnie,Charmaine andYara
3x Actor MediaGroup Member+Friend Gavin/Jeff/Kyran
Gunshotsoundeffects YouTube
Office room Science Institute inArchway
Mug Shots of suspect Friendof MediaGroup Member
PrintedInformationof suspect Writers