The PYP Exhibition is a culminating project for students in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) where they collaboratively explore an issue of personal interest related to their local community. Over 8 weeks, students conduct independent research, using skills like communication, social interaction, thinking, and self-management. Their inquiries culminate in a public presentation, which is assessed based more on the learning process than the final product. The Exhibition allows students to take action on what they've learned and demonstrates their growth as learners.
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The pyp exhibition parent presentation
1. The PYP Exhibition Parent Presentation - Presentation
1.The PYP Exhibition at the Parent Information Presentation
International School of D端sseldorf
2.What is the Exhibition?
A culminating project for the PYP
A collaborative inquiry that students have a
personal interest in exploring
An inquiry that requires students to apply their
learning from previous years
An experience that uses the essential elements
of the PYP
A demonstration of how students can take action
as a result of their learning
A celebration of who our students are as learners
3.What is the Exhibition?
It is:
2. Self-directed
Process driven
Action provoking
It is not:
A science fair
A poster contest
A competition
Product driven
Adult directed
A burden
4.Students must use the PYP Transdisciplinary skills
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Research skills
Self-management skills
Thinking skills
5.Students should show
3. Positive Attitudes: appreciation, commitment,
confidence, cooperation, creativity, confidence, curiosity,
empathy, enthusiasm, independence, integrity, respect,
Learner Profiles: thinker, open-minded, caring,
principled, reflective, inquirer, knowledgeable, risk-taker,
communicator, well-balanced
6.Central Idea
An inquiry into resources and issues in our local
7.Local Issues Matter to Me
8.What will the topics be?
The topic and action should be something which
effects the students life (school, family or local
Ideally, students should have a high interest in the
The topic should inspire students to take positive
9.Possible areas of focus
Scarcity or availability
Change or adaptation
4. Economy or jobs
Health and safety
Human welfare
Community systems
10. Set Goals Record Reflect Students decide on what issue they
would like to explore and what they can explore based on
their own interests and passion.
In their groups students create:
a big question
a timeline
a planner
Research progresses:
Reflect and ask questions
Take the inquiry deeper
Choose and plan presentation.
5. 11. Students present their research through: poster, video, graph,
PowerPoint, music, drama 1 Task definition 2 Information
seeking strategies 3 Location and access 4 Use of
information 5 Synthesis 6 Evaluation
12. How much time do students spend working on the
The students started brainstorming ideas and
thinking about concepts in January
The students will then spend about 8 weeks
working on their inquiries from February to April
The students will still have math and literacy
lessons during the Exhibition time, but the majority of
each day will be used working on inquiries
13. What about Exhibition homework?
The children should use their time at home to
research and prepare for the work in class
The actual work should be done in class so the
teacher can keep track of progress.
14. The Role of Parents Guide Evaluate Advise Guide Evaluate
Advise Support Facilitate Mentor Teacher Parents Student Or
15. How can parents help?
6. Parents can:
Ask your child about the Exhibition
Support and encourage your child
Provide background knowledge
Help to locate resources people, places, media
and information
Check WIKI website regularly with your child
http:// /
Celebrate with the students by attending the final
16. Develop Critical Thinking
Ask your child open-ended questions about their
Let them solve their own problems
Let them be responsible for their own learning
Encourage independent inquiry and respect
student ownership of the process
Monitor, challenge, question, clarify.
17. How do we assess students work?
Exhibitions are the best way to measure learning
7. because they put the kids right in the midst of their
learning. Dennis Litky
We assess the process more than the product
The students will keep a journal throughout the
Exhibition process that shows how their thinking and
goals are evolving
Student self-assessment using rubrics
Teacher assessment using rubrics.
18. Rubrics
The rubrics assess the
PYP Transdisciplinary skills, processes and
Though the end product is assessed, the
emphasis is on the process.
19. Something for us all to remember
The process is more important than the product
The Exhibition is a celebration of who your child is
as a learner.