The document discusses the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs. It provides instructions for students to label the parts of right triangles, explore interactive resources on the theorem, and practice solving for missing sides using the relationship between the legs and hypotenuse.
2. For each group , create one of the following A B C A 3x3 square A 4x4 square A 5x5 square
3. Words to Know Use a math dictionary in the tools section of math on to find these words: Hypotenuse Pythagorean Theorem or Pythagoras Right Triangle Square Square Root
4. Groups A and B Label the parts of a right triangle Leg A Leg B Hypotenuse C
5. Group C Go to and explore the links in the Pythagorean Theorem folder in the Geometry Section of Math Find 3 important ideas and write them on your square (you must reach a group consensus)
6. Groups A and B Take a sheet of notebook paper and fold down the corners so that they form 4 right triangles with touching vertices Copy and complete the following chart 4 3 2 1 C^2 A^2 + b^2 Hypotenuse C Leg B Leg A Triangle
7. Group A and B Read p.155 in your Student Reference Book Go to and explore the links in the Pythagorean Theorem folder in the Geometry Section of Math Find 3 important ideas and write them on your square (you must reach a group consensus)
8. All Groups Go to . and practice solving for the missing sides of a right triangle Homework: p.380, explain the relationship between the legs and the hypotenuse of a right triangle