Excercise done for the on-line Crash Course on Creativity (Stanford Venture lab by Professor Tina Seelig) - assignment #2.
The QT8 market is located in Milan, Italy, in a neighboroud that was the revolutionary result of a very creative team of architect leaded by Bottoni within the VIII Triennale exibition.
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The qt8 market from desolation to innovation
1. In my neighborhood there was
When I was a boy Lost M Where
I was used to buy Ill go to
here: bread , milk, shop?
eggs, cheese,
(paper) notebook Pleasant
(walking distance!) near park
Art or
Public owned
service Typical elder
resident, no car
2. A few months ago: The last days
Poor One of
lightening, the last
smell of old shops
Closed empty
doors shelves,
It was the Economic
Downturn & Competition
from Larger Malls
3. Amarcord = memory of the past
Smell of
fresh bread:
Milk tetrapack Hill of the green
like LEGO park near the
QT8 market
Core values:
1) You could walk there to shop and meet other people
2) Shopkeepers talked to you, some where friends, too
4. Whats happened a few monts ago
A public competition
by the City Council for: The first short supply chain market
a SMART Market
the Outcome
5. An entrepreneur is betting on it
and a local neighborhood
committee was involved, too!
Translation: We can
plan togheter the
new local Market
6. Slow Food & Coldiretti Farmers markets
1. Farmers not sellers: meet
who made it, learn how
2. You can see, smell, TASTE it
3. Lost flavors, traditional food
re-discovery, healthy
4. You ARE what you EAT
7. A TERRIFIC vision for an organic,
sustainable, QT8 MARKET that it is
also a cultural & human friendly space
Think about:
Also Grom and eatitaly started small !
8. But meanwhile? A temporary Food &
Craft Market in the parking lot !
QT8 temporary Farmer Market
Ciclofficina: Get
your Byke repaired
10. Whats about Organic Food
@ your home + eco-delivery by bike ?
The Farmers box
home delivery
11. What also? Sustainable E-commerce and
social networking to re-design shopping
Share passion for
Green Procurement
Build a network
Find where to buy
Think Global
Act Local
12. You know: the on-line marketplace is