Week 4 of The Racial State course focused on whiteness as a structure that originated from colonial and slave societies. Whiteness became a form of inherited property and identity. Students discussed in groups one thing they learned about whiteness and one thing they were still puzzled by, such as how whiteness is performed through innocence, ignorance, and fragility or how dismantling whiteness requires action from white people.
2. Week 1: Main themes
Racism is not
Racism is modern
Racism is not
3. Week 2: Main themes
Race works like a
Racialistion is a
The lived-
experience of
4. Week 3: Main themes
Whiteness is a structure that originates in colonial
and slave societies
Whiteness is a form of property or resource that is
Whiteness becomes a form of identity
White supremacism is rising in intensity
Whiteness is performed through innocence,
ignorance and fragility
Dismantling whiteness and the inequalities
produced in its name requires white people take