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The Real Mother
Solomon was a king of israel. He lived about 3.00 years ago. Everyonecometo king
Solomon with problems because he has very wise. One day two women
approached king Solomon.
One carried a baby. the first women said:
we live in the same house and had our babies three days apart. her baby died in
the night, and she changed it for mine. this baby is really mine. king solomon
turned to the other woman. she said "No that woman is lying . that's my baby."
The two woman started shooting.
king solomon said: Stop fighting "Heturned to his guard and said," Get your sword
and chop the baby in two Give one part to this woman and the other to that one.
"The guard pulled out his sword. as he about to divide the baby, the first. woman
screamed "stop,Give her the baby.
But please don't kill it" king solomon then then said. now i know the true mother.
Give the baby to the woman who has just spoken.
(New Words)
Wise  丶仆 , 仄亞仆 , 舒舒仍舒亞
Approach  亶仂 ,亟唏唏
Apart  丐舒舒 ,舒仍舒仆亞舒亟
Shoot  亟舒
Stop fighting  舒亞舒仍亟舒舒舒 亰仂亞仂
Sword  弌仍仄
Pull out  弌亞舒仍舒
Scream  丱舒亞亳舒舒仆
Pivide  丱于舒舒
亳仆仆 亢 (仂仍亞舒)
弌仂仍仂仄仂仆 弍仂仍 亰舒亳仍亳亶仆 舒舒仆 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 丐 仂亶仂仍仂仂亞仂仂 3000 亢亳仍亳亶仆
唏仄仆唏 舒仄亟舒 弍舒亶亢. 丐勵勵仆亳亶亞 亳 仄亞仆 仆 弍舒亶舒仆 舒舒 勵仆 弍勵 仍 勵勵仆
亟 亳亟亞 弍舒亶仆舒. 亞 唏亟唏 仂 仄亞亶 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆舒舒仆 舒仆亟亢.
亞 仆 勵勵亟 于仆 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 亅仆亳亶 仄亞亶 仍仆 仆:
亳亟 舒仄 舒仄亟舒亟舒亞 弍唏亞唏唏亟 仂仍舒舒 3 唏亟唏亳亶亞 亰舒舒亶唏唏仆. 丱舒亳仆 勵勵仆亳亶
勵勵亟 唏仆唏 仆舒 弍舒舒舒亟  唏唏亳亶仆唏唏 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仄亳仆亳亶勵勵亟 仂仍亳仂仆
ミ. 亅仆 仄亳仆亳亶 勵勵亟.
弌仂仍仂仄仂仆舒舒仆 仆唏亞唏唏 仄亞亶勵勵 舒舒仍:
勳亞勵亶 仆舒舒亟舒 亳仆 亟仍舒舒 亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 仄亳仆亳亶 勵勵亟.
丐亞亟 2 仄亞亶 仍亟于. 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆勵勵仍亰仂亞仂仂 亞亢 仍亟 舒仍舒舒
亟亟舒仆仍仄 舒于舒舒亟 亳. 丐亞亟 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仂 亞 于舒舒. 亞 亞亳亶亞 仆
勵勵仆亟 舒亳仆 仆唏亞唏唏 亞亳亶亞 仆 勵勵仆亟 唏亞 仄仆 亰舒仍亳亞亟舒于. 丱舒舒仆 舒仍
勵勵亟勵勵 仍仄亟舒仍舒亶仆磪 于舒舒 亞仍 仆亳亶 仄亞亶 舒仆亞舒 亶仍舒于. 丐勵勵仆亟
仆舒舒亟 勵勵亟亰勵亞 仍 唏亞亳舒亳仆 弍亳亞亳亶 舒仍舒舒 亞亢 舒亞亳舒于.
丐亞亟 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆亳仆亞亢 仍于: 亟仂仂 仍 弍亳 仆 亢亳仆仆 亢 弍 亞亟亞亳亶亞 仄亟仍.
唏仆亞唏亢 舒 舒亞亳舒仆仄亞亶亟 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仆 弍舒舒亢 唏亞. 丱舒亳仆 仆唏亞唏唏 仄亞亶亞
仂仂仆亟 仂 亞亢 仍于.

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The real mother 1015

  • 1. The Real Mother Solomon was a king of israel. He lived about 3.00 years ago. Everyonecometo king Solomon with problems because he has very wise. One day two women approached king Solomon. One carried a baby. the first women said: we live in the same house and had our babies three days apart. her baby died in the night, and she changed it for mine. this baby is really mine. king solomon turned to the other woman. she said "No that woman is lying . that's my baby." The two woman started shooting. king solomon said: Stop fighting "Heturned to his guard and said," Get your sword and chop the baby in two Give one part to this woman and the other to that one. "The guard pulled out his sword. as he about to divide the baby, the first. woman screamed "stop,Give her the baby. But please don't kill it" king solomon then then said. now i know the true mother. Give the baby to the woman who has just spoken. (New Words) Wise 丶仆 , 仄亞仆 , 舒舒仍舒亞 Approach 亶仂 ,亟唏唏 Apart 丐舒舒 ,舒仍舒仆亞舒亟 Shoot 亟舒 Stop fighting 舒亞舒仍亟舒舒舒 亰仂亞仂 Sword 弌仍仄 Pull out 弌亞舒仍舒 Scream 丱舒亞亳舒舒仆 Pivide 丱于舒舒
  • 2. 亳仆仆 亢 (仂仍亞舒) 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆 弍仂仍 亰舒亳仍亳亶仆 舒舒仆 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 丐 仂亶仂仍仂仂亞仂仂 3000 亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 舒仄亟舒 弍舒亶亢. 丐勵勵仆亳亶亞 亳 仄亞仆 仆 弍舒亶舒仆 舒舒 勵仆 弍勵 仍 勵勵仆 亟 亳亟亞 弍舒亶仆舒. 亞 唏亟唏 仂 仄亞亶 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆舒舒仆 舒仆亟亢. 亞 仆 勵勵亟 于仆 弍舒亶仍舒舒. 亅仆亳亶 仄亞亶 仍仆 仆: 亳亟 舒仄 舒仄亟舒亟舒亞 弍唏亞唏唏亟 仂仍舒舒 3 唏亟唏亳亶亞 亰舒舒亶唏唏仆. 丱舒亳仆 勵勵仆亳亶 勵勵亟 唏仆唏 仆舒 弍舒舒舒亟 唏唏亳亶仆唏唏 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仄亳仆亳亶勵勵亟 仂仍亳仂仆 ミ. 亅仆 仄亳仆亳亶 勵勵亟. 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆舒舒仆 仆唏亞唏唏 仄亞亶勵勵 舒舒仍: 勳亞勵亶 仆舒舒亟舒 亳仆 亟仍舒舒 亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅仆 仄亳仆亳亶 勵勵亟. 丐亞亟 2 仄亞亶 仍亟于. 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆勵勵仍亰仂亞仂仂 亞亢 仍亟 舒仍舒舒 亟亟舒仆仍仄 舒于舒舒亟 亳. 丐亞亟 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仂 亞 于舒舒. 亞 亞亳亶亞 仆 勵勵仆亟 舒亳仆 仆唏亞唏唏 亞亳亶亞 仆 勵勵仆亟 唏亞 仄仆 亰舒仍亳亞亟舒于. 丱舒舒仆 舒仍 勵勵亟勵勵 仍仄亟舒仍舒亶仆磪 于舒舒 亞仍 仆亳亶 仄亞亶 舒仆亞舒 亶仍舒于. 丐勵勵仆亟 仆舒舒亟 勵勵亟亰勵亞 仍 唏亞亳舒亳仆 弍亳亞亳亶 舒仍舒舒 亞亢 舒亞亳舒于. 丐亞亟 弌仂仍仂仄仂仆亳仆亞亢 仍于: 亟仂仂 仍 弍亳 仆 亢亳仆仆 亢 弍 亞亟亞亳亶亞 仄亟仍. 唏仆亞唏亢 舒 舒亞亳舒仆仄亞亶亟 勵勵亟亳亶亞 仆 弍舒舒亢 唏亞. 丱舒亳仆 仆唏亞唏唏 仄亞亶亞 仂仂仆亟 仂 亞亢 仍于.